Romans 15:7 Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God.
Unity among believers is of utmost importance to our God. The Word tells us that "God so loved the world..." That means that Jesus died for all mankind, not just one particular group of people. Salvation is available for all who will receive it by faith. Where we, as believers, go sideways, is when we begin to decide who we think will accept the Gospel, and who won't. To add to this warped way of thinking, we then decide who is good enough, and who isn't good enough, to fellowship with us. However, God tells us that we are to receive one another as He receives us. That means that we are to welcome other believers into our circles, regardless of who they are, where they come from or how different they might be in comparison to who we are. Each of us is unique in our make up, and way of thinking, and we may even disagree on certain points, but there are often points of view that we can agree to disagree on, and enjoy fellowship with each (because, afterall, we don't always have to be right or get our way). The bottom line is that we are all created in God's image, and another born again believer is also part of God's family. Yes, there are some of us who are quirky, and even a little weird at times, but those differences are usually what God will use to brings us together, and use us to minister together. What use would it be if we were all the same? How boring life would be. Let us appreciate one another for how uniquely God created each of us, and accept one another, as Jesus has accepted us. Extend a hand of friendship, and brotherhood to those who are a part of God's family. You never know; you just might be a handshake away from finding a friend that will stick closer to you than a brother.
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