Isaiah 33:22 For the Lord is our Judge, The Lord is our Lawgiver, The Lord is our King; He will save us;
Jesus, King of kings, and Lord of lords. Yes, this is our Jesus, who laid down His life to pay the price for our sins. He is the only Way to the Father. Judgment has been given to Him, and Him alone. Yes, that means that He is the only One who has the right to judge any of us. Now, that doesn't mean that we can't judge a situation, and make a determination as to whether or not our brother or sister is sinning. The difference is, and this is where we get it wrong, that we are supposed to approach our brother or sister for the purpose of not just pointing out their sinful way(s), but to offer our help in getting them back on track; and doing it with love (not being mean-spirited, as is the approach of too many). Judgement, as to punishment or loss of reward is in Jesus' hands, not ours. Not only is He Judge, but also Lawgiver, and the best, and only place, to find those laws is God's Word, where we should be spending much time, and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us, and guide us, as we apply His law to our life. Finally, He is our King, which also makes Him our Lord. That means that we should be dedicated, first, and foremost, to serving Him, and doing so obediently. He is our Provider, and Protector. When we are in the heat of battle (conflict, and tribulation), He goes before us. He sustains us. He upholds us. Yes, this is our Jesus, Judge, Lawgiver, King, and our Savior.
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