Verse of the day: Colossians 2:6-7 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.
How long have you been a born again believer, a Christian? How much has your knowledge of Jesus, and maturity in the faith, grown? Are you still living in accordance to the grace of God or are you now trapped in the traditions of men, and useless, empty, philosophies that have no eternal value? It is very easy to begin in faith, and transition to a walk of works. Do not get me wrong, good works are not a bad thing, for we have been created to do good works. However, those works should result from our faith, and not replace our faith. In these verses, the Apostle Paul was encouraging true believers to continue walking in faith, and not allow themselves to be derailed by traditions, religious rituals, and empty philosophies. When we walk, we move forward, making progress toward whatever destination we have in mind. We must be careful not to walk in circles when it come to our Christian walk (lifestyle). We must move forward, leaving our past where it belongs, in the past. We must stay rooted in Him. Think of a tree. A strong tree cannot be knocked down if it is well rooted. The deeper the roots, the stronger it stands. The deep roots also gain the greatest nourishment. This is also true of the believer whose life is deeply rooted in Jesus, and His Word. We will stand strong in the worst of storms. We will grow stronger in our faith, as we feed on His Word. We may be tossed from side to side when troubling times come, but we will stand our ground, and grow in our faith, and trust, in God. Jesus is the foundation that we must be rooted in so that our peace, and joy, are not shaken or taken from us. Are you solidly grounded in Jesus and His Word?
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