Verse of the day: 1 John 2:15-16 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.
Not loving the world does not mean we can't enjoy our time here on earth. It means not loving the things on earth more than loving God, and our service to Him. It means that we are to live life with God at the center, and "working" life around God, not arranging time with, and service to, God, around life. He is to get our best first, and not our "leftovers". When we prioritze the things of this world over our Lord, it will show in our selfishness, and lack of love demonstrated towards others (our unwillingness to die to self, and pick up our cross daily). The Word of God is very specific about what types of priorities are not of God. Please note that this does not mean that God will not choose to bless us in these areas. What I am saying is that the pursuit of these things over serving God, and committing to Him, is not of Him. Lust of the flesh: gratifying oneself with womanizing, being drunk, and other deviant behavior. Lust of the eyes: covetousness, desire for things that are not needs, such as expensive cars, jewelry, houses, clothes, furniture, to the point of becoming poor stewards of what God blesses us with. Pride of life: pursuit of honors, titles, position or promotion. Again, the Lord can choose to give us all or any of these things, and for that we can be grateful. However, when we take it upon ourselves to pursue after these things, and make them the priority of our life, they will get a hold on our hearts, and desires, and will pull us away from God. Too many brothers, and sisters, have started out well, but then shipwrecked their walk with the Lord because they took their eyes off of Him, and set their eyes on the empty "prizes" and "rewards" the world offered. Let us stay our eyes on Christ, and remember that God promised that if we put the Kingdom first, He will provide all our earthly needs.
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