Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.
Pride. Among born again believers, this word should be a cuss word. It has been, and continues to be, the downfall of many. Satan, the first to fall to his pride, then man, in the garden, who sought to be as God. In life, pride is often at the root of a destroyed life. It is often at the root of a person that is despised by others, because of their tactics, and the way they treat others. It is often what causes people to cheat their way to the top. We use excuses like, "I want the best for my family", when, in fact, all we want is the accolades of people when they see how much "we" sacrifice. In the end, the only thing sacrificed is the family. Pride causes us to refuse to treat others as being better than ourselves, as commanded by God's Word. We become the type of person who is holding our head so high that we cannot see what is about to make us fall; and the higher we hold our head, the harder we finally fall. Pride is usually the source of disputes, and attitudes of unforgiveness. "How dare that person say, or do, that to me? Don't they know who they are talking to? I'll show him/her!" My brothers, and sisters, that absolutely stinks of pride, and God resists the proud. Let us, today, follow the greatest example of humility we have ever known, Jesus, who treated, and treats, all men/women alike; for He is not a Respecter of persons. We must ask Him to show us what areas of our life are infected with pride, and we must surrender them to Him. The only One who has the right to be filled with pride, for His greatness, is God. Yet, when He, Jesus, walked among us, He was the greatest example of humility we could ever ask for.
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