Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’
What I find interesting about this verse is that Jeremiah is in prison (unjustly I might add). It is at a point in His life when circumstances are at their worse, that He is visited by God, and a promise delivered. That, my brothers & sisters, is hope. Any one of us can find ourselves in prison (not necessarily a physical one). When we fear, worry, are anxious, or are experiencing troubled times that make us feel like everything is closing in on us, we are in prison. It is during those time, if we are still, we will realize that we are not alone, just as Jeremiah was not alone; and just like God allowed him to be unjustly imprisoned, He will allow us to be in circumstances that make us feel imprisoned. Why, you ask? Because sometimes He wants to get our attention so that He can show us exactly what He can do. The promise He made to Jeremiah is one that we too can hold onto. The Christian life is what we make of it. It is an exciting life, if we choose for it to be. It comes with its challenges, trials, and hardships, but it is during these times that we can find the most excitement, and intimacy with God. Prayer, and watching for God's activity in answering prayer is one of the most exciting, and satisfying, experiences we can have as born again believers. When we call out to Him, and pray, in accordance to His Word, we will see, and experience, activity that we can never imagine, in ways we never would have thought of. It will build our faith, and trust, in God, and will help us to deal with life, with less stress, and more confidence. Others will see in us what joy, and the peace that passes all understanding, looks like. Ultimately, not only will we grow in our relationship with our God, but it will open doors for us to share Christ with others. So, pray, watch, and be amazed; for our God always keeps His promises, and always answers our prayers (in His way, and in His time).
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