Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Generosity In All Things

Psalm 112:5 A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs with discretion.
Every day should be an opportunity for us to do good to others. As God's children, we represent Jesus, and therefore must do so in a way that honors Him. The Lord did not come and just tell the people about eternal life; He also fed them, healed them, and met their physical needs when necessary. We should be no different. The Bible tells us that if we know of a need, but do nothing, having the means to do so, we lack faith. We must do for others, taking care of their needs, knowing that God is taking care of us. We are to be the vessels that carry God's blessings to others. In many of those instances, we will have opportunities to tell others about Jesus, eternal life, and the Lord's goodness. We, as Christians, should stand out for the way we give, and manage both our personal, and business affairs. Our good works are to shine before men, so that our Father in Heaven will be glorified; keeping in mind that God sees the heart, and there are times He wants our giving to be done privately so that only He sees it. Nonetheless, there will be times when it cannot be avoided. When that is so, remember that what we do for others is about bringing glory to God, and not ourselves. For all that we have to give, came from Him, and belongs to Him. He is good enough to allow us to be stewards of what He blesses us with. Praise be to the Lord for His goodness.

Is Suffering Necessary?

Verse of the day: II Corinthians 11:30 If I must boast, I will boast in the things which concern my infirmity.

Is suffering really necessary? Most of us would prefer to answer, "No." The truth of the matter is that, in Christianity, it is necessary. The Apostle Paul, here, for a moment, is forced to boast, in this chapter, to make a point. However, he chooses to boast in respect to all that he has suffered in his service to our Lord. He could have bragged about his credentials as an apostle. His background as a pharisee, and being of the Tribe of Benjamin gave him some bragging rights among the Jews. Instead, he chose to talk about his trials, and sufferings, as a slave of Jesus Christ. Why? Well, I have to say that the strongest servants of Christ that I have ever met are ones whom God has allowed to suffer much. The Apostle was not a great speaker (by his own admission). He was not pleasant to look upon, as he had an ailment that affected his eyes, and appearance. He was not of great stature. Yet, in all his weakness, and suffering, God used him to accomplish great things for the cause of Christ, for the spreading of the Gospel. It put him in a position where he could not boast or take credit for his accomplishments, but rather placed him where he had no alternative but to give God all the glory. In his weaknesses, God showed His strength. It is no different today. See a person who has never really suffered, and often you will see someone who is spoiled, and unsympathetic to the needs, and hurts, of others. They cannot relate to the suffering of others. When we suffer pain, trials, tribulation, and difficulties, it teaches us how to endure. It teaches us how to trust God more and more. It teaches us compassion, and helps us relate to those that are hurting around us, and drives us to share with them our Comfort, our Peace, Jesus Christ. Even our Savior was tempted as we are, in all points (and never sinned), and suffered as we do (loss of family, betrayal, physical pain, mental anguish, etc.), and is our Greatest Advocate. He set the example of how to endure, and respond to suffering. Ultimately, it teaches us how to be thankful, and how to praise God for being God (at all times), and not reserve thanksgiving and praise for times when circumstances are favorable, and going our way. Suffering is necessary to enrich our faith. It will help us point the glory of accomplishments where it belongs...on God, and Him alone. We must endure whatever the Lord allows, as soldiers in God's army. In the end our badges of honor will not be how many degrees we hold, how many titles we have or what our status is in society or among other Christians. Our badges will be the scars we have gained. The people we have suffered for, cried with, cried for, and sacrificed for, even to the danger of losing our own lives; all done for God's glory, in His service, and for the sake of the Gospel. So, I ask again, "Is suffering necessary for us, as God's children?" Yes. Yes, it most certainly is. All for the glory of the One who suffered, bled, and died for us.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What Are You Waiting For?

Psalm 119:60 I made haste, and did not delay To keep Your commandments.
Not sure about you, but here's one that challenges me. The immediate obedience in doing what I know I should do, as the Lord commands in His Word. The Bible is clear that God prefers obedience over sacrifice. However, we often try to find a substitute to obeying God. My favorite (sarcasm), and one I hear quite often, is, "Let me pray about it." Now, don't get me wrong. Praying is a good thing. As a matter of fact, as Christians, it's one of the things we ought to do faithfully, without ceasing. However, when God tells us, "Thou shalt not" or "Thou shalt" or we read, "This is the will of God"; then what is there to pray about? When a command is clear in Scripture, the only response we should have is immediate obedience. Many of us respond quickly to our boss' command to do something, yet hesitate, and make excuses, in order to get around God's commands. The level of intimacy we share with the Lord is severely hindered when we choose disobedience. Funny thing about us is that we immediately want to obey, in many instances, only after we have chosen our own way, and now experience a negative consequence as a result of trying to avoid God's direction. Oh, and lest we forget, or neglect to mention this one thing; failure to obey God's commands clearly says that we do not trust Him. If we say we have faith in God, and His ways, yet fail to obey His commands, we are fooling ourselves, and are clearly telling Him that we do not trust Him, or His Word. So, today, let us not put off what He commands us to do. If we have been avoiding something we know we should be doing, because He has already told us what we need to do, the only answer is, "Just do it." The reward for obedience is greater than any of us realize, both here, and when we get there and stand before Him. It's never too late to start obeying Him (as long as we are still here, alive and breathing).

Forgive...and Forget?

Verse of the day: Genesis 50:19-20 Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but  God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it  is this day, to save many people alive.

What does it mean to "forgive and forget"? Does it mean that we never remember what has happened or what others have done to us? No. It simply means that we live as if we have forgotten. What does that look like? Joseph was a great example. He had been betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, suffering false accusation, and imprisonment, and after being reunited with them, after many years, he is now mourning the death of his father, Israel. His brothers are fearful that he will now take revenge. We learn a lot from Joseph's response, in respect to what true forgiveness looks like; and it resembles nothing like what I have heard or seen from some of God's children today. I often hear all kinds of excuses for not forgiving. "I can't forgive or love them, so I'll pray that God does it for me." Well, God already does, and did long before the person did what they did to you; and what they did didn't change God's love or forgiveness for them (as it doesn't change for you). "I'll forgive them, but I'll never talk to them again." Sorry, that's not true forgiveness either. If our "forgiveness" still causes division in the body of Christ, it's not real forgiveness. So, what does true forgiveness look like. Joseph was promoted to second in charge of Egypt. He had the power to imprison his brothers or have them killed for what they did. Instead, he refused to put himself in the place of God. God says in His Word that vengeance belongs to Him. Joseph spoke peacefully to them, and refused to recount what they did. Instead, he reminded them that God had a greater plan for him, than the evil they intended toward him. Joseph even took it a step further and continued to comfort them, and spoke to the needs of their hearts. Now that is true forgiveness. All the while he comforted them, it was Joseph who had the greater peace, while his brothers, who were the offenders, had the greater turmoil within. You see, forgiveness is not just about obedience to God, it's also about our peace of mind, and heart. When King David had the opportunity to kill King Saul, he didn't. When King Saul died, King David mourned his death, and even put to death the man who helped him commit suicide on the battlefield; even though King Saul had pursued him for year to kill him. Jesus washed the feet of Judas, knowing he would betray him. The bottom line is that no matter what others have done to us, we have no excuse not to forgive. God commands us (not suggests to us) to forgive others as He has forgiven us, for Jesus' sake. If there is any unforgiveness in our hearts toward anyone, we must seek peace with them, as much as is within our power to do so. That is what God has commanded us to do. To refuse to forgive is to outright disobey the Lord. The peace of mind we seek will only come when we truly forgive, and live as if we have forgotten.

Monday, November 28, 2016

We Have More Than A Glimpse

1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
Oh the things God has in store for His children, that most cannot begin to imagine. All we have to do is talk to most people, some Christians included, and we'll find that most are clueless as to what God has in store for us. It is a mystery. However, the next verse in this chapter clearly tells us that God, thru His Spirit, which He has given, to indwell each believer (follower of Jesus), has revealed to each of us what these things are. So why do some of us not know these things? Because the Bible has become an afterthought for too many. It has become the Book we carry to church, and only read during the service as we follow along while the preacher reads the verses he is preaching from. The Word of God gives us many glimpses into what it will be like when we are with Him. God has recorded for us what is coming, both here on earth, and in Heaven. He has revealed what will happen to unbelievers, for they will be punished, and will perish (Hell, and the Lake of Fire are as real as Heaven). For believers, He has revealed what we have to look forward to, rewards, and eternity with Him, serving Him, praising Him. With the eyes of faith, we who have believed on the only begotten Son of God, have had much revealed to us, and really should not be surprised when we see what is happening in the world, and our own country today. However, because we have His Word, His Spirit, and eternal life, our hope lies in our Living Hope (Jesus), and by faith we see all that has been promised to us for the future. So, do not see the future as some great mystery that cannot be seen, and therefore live a life of panic, and worry. Instead, put your faith in Christ, believe in Him for eternal life, and then search His Word, allowing the Holy Spirit to show you all that has been revealed to those of us who believe. Brother, sister, no matter what happens in this lifetime, we have so much to look forward to in the next.

Rich Beyond Measure

Verse of the day: I Corinthians 1:5 that you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge,

Have you trusted, and called upon, Jesus for eternal life? If so, you are a child of God. Do you have a Bible that you can read, and study? If so, you have a valuable treasure. Does the Holy Spirit guide your studies, and give you understanding of the truths, and doctrines, provided for you in God's Word? If so, you have knowledge that, when applied, puts the wisdom of this world to shame. Do you experience peace, and joy, even in the midst of life's worst circumstances? If so, you are blessed beyond measure. Do you have talents, and abilities, that God has given you for His service, and the edification, and encouragement, of others? If so, what a privilege to be trusted with those talents, and abilities, that you can use to serve Almighty God, and gain reward in Heaven! Are you taking advantage of all your blessings, and using them for God's glory or are you too busy trying to gain this world's riches, complaining about what you don't have, and wished you had? Finally, are you taking for granted all that the Lord has blessed you with, and missing out on opportunities to bless God, and others, with the riches you already have? Yes, I said it, riches. We are a people who are rich beyond measure because of all that God has blessed us with, as born again children of the Most High God. Before dealing with the problems going on in the church at Corinth, the Apostle Paul reminded them of how rich they were, and how blessed they were, because they had heavenly knowledge, and gifts, that they were putting to use spreading the Gospel, learning, and teaching God's truths, and doctrines. We too, today, have the same ability. Therefore, we are just as blessed, and rich, beyond measure; and unlike earthly riches, our heavenly riches cannot be taken from us, because it is God who safeguards them. So, how are we using the riches we have been provided by our God, in Christ? Let us not waste another moment. Let us take the riches we have been provided, and begin (or continue) making an impact here on earth for the cause of Christ. Even the poorest of us is rich, if we have Jesus, and all the blessing bestowed upon us as God's children.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Pressing Forward

Phlippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
The Scriptures refer to life as a race; one that should be run well. What does that mean? For starters, in order to run it well, or effectively, we must train. Our training consists of reading and studying the Word of God, and prayer. It involves having faith, trusting God, and being a doer of the Word, and not just a hearer. In every race, there is always a challenge, and always exists the opportunity to cheat. First, we must run the course that God chose for us, in accordance to how He deems we should run it. Next, we must realize that there will be obstacles, and maybe some mountain climbing, along the way. Lastly, do not be fooled in thinking that the devils will not interfere. The Apostle Paul tells us that he ran his race looking toward a goal. That goal was ahead of him, and was set by God. Therefore, he always lived as one that never arrived at full maturity, and refused to look back at his past life (which involved some seriously bad choices...murder being one of them). As we run our race, like any good runner, we must leave the past where it belongs, in the past. Once a runner passes a mile marker, he/she does not look back to it, but instead looks toward the next one. The devils love to distract us with our past choices, mistakes, and rebellions, in order to keep us from running our race effectively. They want to cripple us with guilt over things, and situations, God has already forgiven, and are now under the Blood of Jesus. Yes, we may live with consequences from past choices, but the goal is to learn, and move forward, eyes front, and on Jesus. Our calling is from Heaven, and our goal is Heaven. Our reward is a crown, and other rewards we cannot even imagine. So today, leave the past in the past, live for today, and know that tomorrow is securely under God's control. So keep running, focus forward, but don't forget to drink from the Living Water, and draw strength from our only true Source, Jesus.

Victory in Jesus

I Corinthians 15:57-58 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Victory...I enjoy winning. I like being on the winning team. Today, if we are born again believing Christians, we are on the winning team. Jesus told us in John 16 that He has overcome the world. Here in Corinthians, the Apostle Paul reminds us that in Christ, death is also defeated. We are on the winning team! What does that mean for us? It means that no matter what happens to us or what we experience here on earth, in the end, we have victory. That victory, however, is not to our credit. The credit for that victory goes to Jesus who sacrificed Himself to pay for our sins. In this chapter we are reminded to be vigilant about the company we keep. Why? Because even though we are in Christ, and have ultimate victory over sin, bad company can corrupt, and hinder, our walk with Jesus. Not sinning is a choice. However, in Christ, we have the strength to choose not to sin, and if we stumble, He is always ready to hear our confession, when we repent, and turn back to Him, all the while securing our salvation, because we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. You see, because of Jesus we do not have to be imprisoned by sin, guilt, or anything else that tries to oppress us. Our ultimate victory, in Jesus, is victory over death, and the grave. Hell no longer has a hold on us. We can move forward, and stand strong, in our service for God, because no matter what happens, as God's children, our final destination is to be present with the Lord. In Jesus, we have the ultimate victory, for even if we die, we live! We must continue to march forward, eyes on Him, serving Him, and enduring whatever comes, as soldiers of the Cross! Praise be to the One who defeated death, and gives us the ability to live a life of victory! Praise be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Praise be to Jesus, our Lord and Savior!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

His Light

Matthew 5:14, 16 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Did you know that the moon does not shine it's own light? The light you see, when you see the moon, is the light being reflected from the sun. I found that amazing when I first read it, but it immediately reminded me of how we, when we truly shine, shine the light of Christ. We, in and of ourselves, are dark. We were born with a sin nature, with a bend toward doing that which is unrighteous. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, His light then begins to shine in us, and thru us. Can we dim that light in our life? Sadly, yes. When we choose, as Christians, to sin and disobey God's Word, we keep that light from shining in our life. However, when we choose righteousness, and behave as Jesus did, by loving one another, being kind, patient, forgiving, and doing for others, in humility, then the light of Christ will shine brightly before the world. When we lift Jesus up in our life so that He shines brightly thru us, then will our Heavenly Father be glorified here on earth. Remember, there is a big difference between doing good works for a pat on the back vs. doing good works because we are imitating, and representing, Jesus here on earth. So today, let your light shine brightly for all to see, and God's glory.

Eyes on Our Greatest Example

Verse of the day: Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Many have gone on before us whom God used greatly. Their example was outlined for us in the previous chapter of Hebrews, chapter 11. These were ordinary people who were used by a supernatural, and extraordinary, God. Today, we have the same opportunity to be used by God, if we would just surrender to Him, and put aside those earthly things, and our pet sins, that hold us down, and hinder our relationship with, and service to, God. We are reminded in these verses to keep our focus on our Greatest Example, Jesus. He did not focus on the pain He would have to endure, but rather on the end result, the joy of providing us eternal life. So we too are to focus on Jesus, and the rewards we will receive at home, in Heaven; rather than be distracted by the earthly gains, trials, and tribulations, that so easily derail us in our faith. We must move forward, not looking at the past or at what we can gain now, that has no eternal value. Many of us may suffer loss, and have suffered loss, but have not suffered as Jesus did. He endured pain, and shame. Yet, today, He sits at the right hand of the Father. So we, as we endure whatever God allows, are on our way to our heavenly home. Nothing we have to endure here compares to what He has in store for us there. So let us be steadfast, and immoveable, in our service, and dedication, to our Greatest Example, our Living Hope, Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

Friday, November 25, 2016

God Made, Not Man Made

John 1:12-13 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
Let's stop and think, for a moment, and realize who we are. How often do we do something that God would consider offensive, based on His Word? How often, in one day, do we break one of God's commands, and fall short of God's perfection? Now imagine if it were solely up to us to figure out a way to be accepted, and allowed, into Heaven? I do not know about you, but I would be doomed, and definitely on my way to Hell, and eternal condemnation. With that said, how grateful should we be, right this moment, for those of us who have already put our faith in Jesus, for the fact that our salvation, eternal life, was given to us, not by anything we have done, but because God loved us, chose us, and did everything that would ultimately make a way for us to be accepted before the Father? I would say that we should be so grateful that words would not be able to describe it. To be called a child of God, not because any ordinary man made a way, but because the Son of God, the God Man Himself, came and willingly laid down His life to pay a sin debt, for us, that was way too big for any of us to repay. If He did all the work, and offers it freely? If we did nothing to deserve it? Then why would we think that there is something we could do to lose it, once He has given it? Why would we think that He would stop loving us so quickly, or think that He would abandon us, when He knew who we were, and what we would do, even before He saved us? The joy, and peace, He desires for us is grounded in the fact that our salvation is God made, and not man made. Therefore, it is secured because it came as a result of God's will, not ours, and we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. Thank you Father for adopting us, thru Christ Jesus, securing us with the Holy Spirit, and allowing us to be your children. Amen.

Rooted in Him

Verse of the day: Colossians 2:6-7 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.

How long have you been a born again believer, a Christian? How much has your knowledge of Jesus, and maturity in the faith, grown? Are you still living in accordance to the grace of God or are you now trapped in the traditions of men, and useless, empty, philosophies that have no eternal value? It is very easy to begin in faith, and transition to a walk of works. Do not get me wrong, good works are not a bad thing, for we have been created to do good works. However, those works should result from our faith, and not replace our faith. In these verses, the Apostle Paul was encouraging true believers to continue walking in faith, and not allow themselves to be derailed by traditions, religious rituals, and empty philosophies. When we walk, we move forward, making progress toward whatever destination we have in mind. We must be careful not to walk in circles when it come to our Christian walk (lifestyle). We must move forward, leaving our past where it belongs, in the past. We must stay rooted in Him. Think of a tree. A strong tree cannot be knocked down if it is well rooted. The deeper the roots, the stronger it stands. The deep roots also gain the greatest nourishment. This is also true of the believer whose life is deeply rooted in Jesus, and His Word. We will stand strong in the worst of storms. We will grow stronger in our faith, as we feed on His Word. We may be tossed from side to side when troubling times come, but we will stand our ground, and grow in our faith, and trust, in God. Jesus is the foundation that we must be rooted in so that our peace, and joy, are not shaken or taken from us. Are you solidly grounded in Jesus and His Word?

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Our True Measure

1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Sadly, oftentimes, this is the cause of too many people having issues with self-esteem. We are too busy, even as Christians, trying to look better on the outside, and comparing our bodies, and looks, to others, that we neglect what is most important to God; what He sees in our heart. We complain about one physical characteristic or another, or we complain about our inability to do this or that, and we envy another's talents or abilities. We even let the world convince us that our importance lies in what career we have or status we hold in society, and what people think about us. For starters, God created each of us, individually, with whatever physique, talents, and abilities, we have. The way we look physically is what God chose for us to look like, and our personality is what it is. Bottom line is that God says that we are fearfully, and wonderfully, made. With that said, there is nothing wrong with exercise, and keeping what God has given us, healthy. However, what is most important to God is whether or not we have a real relationship with Him, thru Christ. If we do, what then is most important to Him is that we become more like Jesus each day; that we spend time with Him in prayer, and read (and study) His Word. He is more concerned with us applying His Word to our life, and trusting Him with our life, even as He guides us thru life's difficulties, and challenges. What God is interested in is not our outward appearance, which, by the way, will grow old, and deteriorate. Instead, He is interested in our heart, our character, who we are, beginning on the inside. The world wants us to think that what is important is whether you are short or tall, good looking (by the world's standard) or not, whether you are thin, or muscular, popular or not. Well, all that is vanity, and of no consequence to God, if your heart is not right with Him, and if you are not reflecting His light in your life before this world that needs a Savior. Remember, God created us, and as His children we have a mission. We are here tell others about Him, and to represent Him in a way that honors Him. We may not measure up to the world's standard of outward beauty, but that does not matter one bit, if we are trying to live up to our true Measure, Jesus Christ.

Thanksgiving & Praise

Verse of the day: Psalm 100:4-5 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations.

This Psalm is all about giving thanks to our Lord. Today, here in the US, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. However, no matter what day it is or where we live, if we are born again children of God, every day should be Thanksgiving. As Christians we are told to rejoice always. In order to maintain that mindset, we must thank and praise God every day, regardless of our circumstances. Each day that we are alive, we are one day closer to being with our Lord. On our journey home He takes care of our needs. He gives us strength when we are at our weakest. He loves us when we are unlovable, and forgives us (and is patient with us) when everyone else gives up on us, and forsakes us. This Psalm reminds us that we have much to be thankful for today, and always. Why? Because we have a God who is good; not sometimes, not occasionally, but at all times. Always! So let us lift up our hands in praise and thanksgiving, knowing that we serve a GOD who deserves every word, and act, of praise because He is good, gracious, loving, and faithful, now and always. Praise, honor, and glory, be to our God, who is above all else, and everyone else!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Imitators of God

Ephesians 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.
Stop, and ask yourself, "How does God treat me?" "How does God deal with me each day?" Now, the same way God has treated, and is treating you, do that for others. This is what we are instructed to do in this verse, and others found in God's Word. How can we imitate God? Well, we can do that by being kind to others. We can do that by being patient, forgiving, and showing TRUE love toward others, even when they don't deserve it. Why? Because that is exactly what God does toward us, every second of every day. I understand that this can be very difficult, as people can really test our Christianity. However, we certainly do not live a perfect life. There is not one of us alive right now that doesn't find himself/herself constantly asking, and looking, for God's forgiveness. When we honestly seek it, He is always there, ready to forgive. How do we then, as His children, justify not doing the same toward others, when this is God's command for us? In imitating God we are called to behave in a manner that is opposite of what the world says is "okay". That means we are to stand apart in our attitude, actions, and words. We are to be known for our kindness, patience, ability to forgive, and our action which demonstrate the love of Jesus. Ultimately, imitating our God is a choice. We either choose to follow Jesus' example, or we do not. What will you choose today? I say we choose Him, and His ways.

No Room for Racism

Colossians 3:10-11 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all.

In II Corinthians 5:16-17 we are told that in Christ we are new creatures, and that we no longer view anyone, including God, from a human viewpoint. That means that our opinions about who God is, and who people are, must be renewed (Romans 12), and must now view everyone from a heavenly point of view, as that is our new home as born again believers. I say all that to say this, as Christians in the local church or as the universal church (in Christ) there is absolutely no room for racism. Once we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior, we have been adopted into God's family, and we are now brothers, and sisters, in Christ. This does not mean that we no longer have an identity based on our ethnic background. On the contrary, it is an opportunity for us to truly enjoy our differences, and praise God for His diversity, and how uniquely He created each of us. However, whatever prejudices we have been taught about others, based on their background, education, where they come from or skin color, must go away, and we are to put on the "new man" who is compassionate, kind, humble, patient, and above all...loving toward others. At the Cross of Jesus, the only thing that exists to God, and should to us, is a family of born again believers called Christians. Let us enjoy, and learn from, each other's differences in personalities, and cultures. Let us learn how to put our differences aside, be of one mind, and praise and worship God as one people. Our differences, working together, can help us reach people that we otherwise would have no idea how to reach, as we learn about customs, and ways, that we can use to our advantage in building a bond with those who God created differently than us. The bottom line is that no matter how different we may appear to each other, we were ALL created in the image of God in our ability to think, reason, and feel. The Word tells us that we cannot hate our brother, and then claim that we love God, in whose image we are all made.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Judge, Lawgiver, & King

Isaiah 33:22 For the Lord is our Judge, The Lord is our Lawgiver, The Lord is our King; He will save us;
Jesus, King of kings, and Lord of lords. Yes, this is our Jesus, who laid down His life to pay the price for our sins. He is the only Way to the Father. Judgment has been given to Him, and Him alone. Yes, that means that He is the only One who has the right to judge any of us. Now, that doesn't mean that we can't judge a situation, and make a determination as to whether or not our brother or sister is sinning. The difference is, and this is where we get it wrong, that we are supposed to approach our brother or sister for the purpose of not just pointing out their sinful way(s), but to offer our help in getting them back on track; and doing it with love (not being mean-spirited, as is the approach of too many). Judgement, as to punishment or loss of reward is in Jesus' hands, not ours. Not only is He Judge, but also Lawgiver, and the best, and only place, to find those laws is God's Word, where we should be spending much time, and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us, and guide us, as we apply His law to our life. Finally, He is our King, which also makes Him our Lord. That means that we should be dedicated, first, and foremost, to serving Him, and doing so obediently. He is our Provider, and Protector. When we are in the heat of battle (conflict, and tribulation), He goes before us. He sustains us. He upholds us. Yes, this is our Jesus, Judge, Lawgiver, King, and our Savior.

Follow in Unity

Verse of the day: I Corinthians 1:10 Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

If we love one another, as Jesus loves us, then the world will know that we belong to Him. Sadly, what the world often sees is a group of Christians proclaiming the message of the Gospel, but who cannot seem to get along with each other. In this chapter, one of the issues the Apostle Paul pleads with the Church at Corinth about is the issue of division that existed among them. Some pledged their allegiance to Paul, some to Peter, some to Apollos, and some to Jesus; when, as born again believers, they all belonged to the Messiah, Jesus. There is great danger in following a man simply because he speaks well or is a good pastor, preacher or teacher. While God gives us these godly people to lead us, and teach us, their purpose in doing so should always be to point us to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We may have differing opinions, and perspectives. We may see things differently, and even approach the truth from different directions (as long as we are not trying to corrupt the truth or attempt to use it to justify our immorality); the bottom line is that we all belong to God, who is One. The Father who loves all of us. Jesus who died for all of us. The Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that indwells all of us. There is no division in God; therefore, there must be unity among His people. We must learn how to "agree to disagree" on certain points, and realize that the other person may be right in what they are trying to communicate. We have to learn how to speak the truth, in love, and though we may debate, in the end, be able to walk away from that debate in godly peace, still embracing one another, and appreciating the fact that God has created us with differing personalities, perspectives, and opinions, and that the only thing that matters is that the truth of God should unite us, not divide us. In the end, the only Man we should faithfully follow (in unity), is the Son of God, our Savior, our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Monday, November 21, 2016

He Takes Pleasure In Us

Psalm 149:4 For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation.
What an awesome truth! God, who is perfect, takes pleasure in us, His people. Think about that for a moment. Think about how often we fall short, and fail. Yet, God takes pleasure in us. He takes pleasure in taking care of us, providing for us, protecting us, and putting us thru the process of becoming more like His Son, our Savior, Jesus. All that God does, and allows, in our life, is a pleasure for Him. A pleasure because He uses every opportunity, and every circumstance, to show us He is God, and to show us that He loves us, and is trying to help us grow in our faith, and our walk with Him. He delights in watching us respond properly in those instances when we thank Him, and praise Him, when everyone thinks we should be falling apart. Ultimately, He finds pleasure in giving us the one thing we can never get anywhere else or from anyone else, salvation. However, salvation only comes to the humble. Why? Because it takes humility to admit that we are sinners, and that we need a Savior. It takes humility to bow before God, and not only ask for eternal life, but to also submit, and allow God to not just be Savior, but also Lord. Bottom line is that God took pleasure in providing salvation for us, and takes pleasure in taking care of us, on a daily basis. Will you, today, put your pride aside, and recognize that God is trying to do something in your life that only He can do? Are you ready to give to Him whatever it is you have been struggling with, and recognize that victory will only come from humbly submitting to God in all areas of life? For His delight is that we would trust Him enough to give it all over to Him.

What Is Our Salvation Worth?

Verse of the day: II Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

Any of us that has accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord is on our way to Heaven (we have been given eternal life). Along with that we have been given grace, mercy, forgiveness, and so much more. Now let that sink in... Let me ask you this, "Is there anything more valuable?" "Is there anything at all we can give back to match or repay what we have been given?" NO. Yet, I have seen Christians get angry when told that part of their worship, and part of their faith is demonstrated by our giving. In this chapter, the Apostle Paul has commended the Christians at Achaia for their commitment, and related their generosity to the Christians in Macedonia. He is encouraging them to follow through on their commitment, and promise, to give, because it would be a blessing to those that their offering was going to, and would encourage others to give. He stressed that their gift would demonstrate their love, and would bring praise, thanksgiving, and glory, to God. This verse is the Apostle reminding us that what we received in Christ, in comparison to what we give, is so much greater. Yet, some of us hold on to our earthly treasures as if God is broke, and cannot supply for our every need. The key to giving, as the Apostle points out in this chapter, is that we give cheerfully. We are to give as the Lord leads us to give. Even though the Apostle is speaking of monetary giving, this principle applies to anything the Lord asks of us; whether it is time, treasure, or self. Sadly, too many today are not willing to give sacrificially. We are so busy with our own lives that we forget that our lives are not our own, because we have been bought with a price, the Blood of Jesus. The bottom line is that there is nothing that God will ask us to give that did not come from Him to begin with. So regardless of what He asks us to give, money, time, or self, we are only giving a small portion of what already belongs to Him. Let us give to Him, as we give to others, with a cheerful heart, knowing that He takes care of our needs, and wants to use us to bless Him, by being a blessing to others. In the end, it is all about giving to the glory of God.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Called to Serve

II Timothy 1:9 who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began,
What an amazing God we have. Jesus Christ, who died for us. He took on our sin, and now offers us salvation freely. Why? Because we deserve it? Because we did something worthy to receive it? No. Simply because of God's goodness, and love for us. He has not only saved us, but He has also called us, or set us apart, for His purposes. Are we serving God as we should? Too many do not serve God, thinking themselves not worthy. Well, that is true, we are not. However, just as salvation, and our calling, did not come as a result of anything we have done; so serving Him also is a result of His goodness, and grace, toward us. We are now called to serve Him by sharing the Gospel message with others, and serving Him in any other fashion He calls us to. It is the least we could do, as we could never truly repay Him for all He has done for us. What is even more amazing is that, in spite of who He already knew we would be, and long before we were born, this was already His plan; for us to receive eternal life thru Christ, and that we would serve Him, even with all our shortcomings, and sinful ways. Thanks be to God that He not only saved us, and called us, but thru Christ, and the work of the Spirit in us, He also changes us. Knowing all of this, is there any excuse not to serve Him?

Why Do We Worship Him?

Verse of the day: Psalm 95:3 For the Lord  is the great God, And the great King above all gods.

This Psalm is a call to worship, and a call to obedience. To worship Him because He is great. He is exalted above all, and Creator of all. He is Ruler of the universe, and greater than any idol god in existence. He is greater than angels, and there is no one like Him, and there has never been anyone like Him. So, my question today is, "Why do we worship Him?" Is it because of what He has done for us? Is it because of what we want Him to do for us? Has He not already done more than we desrve by giving us eternal life (for those who have put their faith in Him for salvation)? Has He not already died for us, and poured His Spirit upon us, indwelling us? If that is all any of us have, will that be enough to worship Him? If, like Job, He chose to allow us to lose all our material gain, all our family, all we possess, would we still worship Him? In John 2, God's Word tells us that many believed on His (Jesus') Name, but He did not commit Himself to them. Why? Because the only reason they "believed" was because they saw the miracles He performed. Their reason for following was selfish. God wants us to worship Him, not so much for what He does for us, but simply because of who He is...period. Yet, as great as He is, and even though He has already done so much, He still provides for us, takes care of us, protects us, is always with us, and has made sure that we will spend eternity with Him, thru the sacrifice of His Son. Today, let us worship Him! Let us lift our voices, and our hands in praise and thanksgiving, simply because He is God, and He is awesome! Let us worship our King, who is much better to us than we deserve! Why is He so good to us? Simply because He is God, King of kings, and Lord of lords!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

No One Loves Us More

Luke 12:6-7 “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Who cares for us more than God? No one. Too often, we judge whether or not God loves us based on what happens to us or how others treat us. Can I say this one thing? It does not matter what the circumstances are, or who we encounter (and their attitude toward us), or even what we think of ourselves, God cares for us, and loves us. His love for us is unwavering, even at our worst. This doesn't mean that He's always pleased with our actions, attitude, or words, but His caring for us, and love for us is unchanging. After all, He died for us while we were yet His enemies. How much more does He love us as His children? Think about it. He provides for the birds. They have no place to live, nor do they work to earn money, yet He provides them shelter, and food. Not one falls from the sky without His knowledge or outside of His watchful eye. How much more will He take care of us who were created in His image? That's right. When everyone else fails us, even those we love most, our God remains faithful (even when we are unfaithful to Him). God does not think as man thinks, and does not hold a grudge as man does. He proves time, and time again, that He is merciful toward us, that He is forgiving, and loving. We are His most important creation. So much so, that He laid down His life for us. What else must He do to prove His love? I'd say that He has done more than enough, and more than we deserve to prove it. Let us thank Him for who He is in our life, and for His love for us. Then, let us find someone to share that love with; someone who needs it, today. I'm sure we won't have to look very far to find someone who is lonely, and hurting, with whom to share the love of Christ.

God's Truth is the Only Truth

Verse of the day: John 17:17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.

What is truth? In today's society, everyone has their own "truth". Whatever is "truth" in their own eyes is "truth". The measure of it is whatever they feel or whatever their motivation. The truth of the world is gray. Therefore, in any given situation whatever your "truth" may be will not necessarily be my truth, and if someone disagrees with that, then they are usually labeled as being narrow minded. Well, the true measure of truth is God, and God alone. The world will push back, and say that this is extremely narrow minded. Nonetheless, it is God's truth that makes us aware of sin. It is His truth that convicts us, and makes us aware that we need Jesus, our Savior. It is truth, God's truth, that purifies us, and sets us apart for God's service. Where do we find this truth? It is God's Word. Every principle, and every command, is God's truth. When we live according to that truth we will live in opposition to the world. The temptation will be, for many, to bend the truth or twist it a bit in order to fit in or avoid offending others (family, friends, co-workers). However, this truth is what sets us aparts, separates us, prepares, and qualifies us, to serve God. Let us not forget that it is Satan who bends the truth of the Word of God for his own purposes. We are to allow God to use His truth to make us more like Jesus, in a world influenced by devils. The bottom line is that we are not to compromise the truth, regardless of what it may cost us, because the truth is what sets us free, makes us more like Jesus, equips us to serve Him, and in the end will be what prevails.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Whose Body Is It Anyway?

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
How would you feel if someone took something that you owned (one of your favorite things), and either threw it away, gave it away, or sold it, without your permission? I can't imagination any one of us would be very happy? Why? Because it was not theirs to do whatever they wanted to with it. Well, let me ask you a question. Why do we then do whatever we want with our body, when, as a born again believer, it belongs to God? We are often careless about what we do with, or where we take, our bodies, and what activities we involve them in. Some over eat (gluttony), drink too much (get drunk), smoke, get involved in inappropriate sexual relationships, and all the while are ready to criticize anyone who violates God's Word in some other fashion. How are we any different if we do some of the harmful things we do to our bodies? If we truly believe that we belong to Jesus, why would we not take care, and be good stewards of the body God blessed us with. I understand that sometimes, our bodies breakdown as we age, but how do we excuse them breaking down because of our lack of care? As Christians, it is important that we maintain a good quality of life, by taking care of our bodies, to the best of our ability, so that we can serve the Lord, for as long as He allows us to remain here on earth. The bottom line is that we can glorify Him, not just with our word, attitudes, and actions; but we can also glorify Him by the way we care for the Holy Spirit's dwelling place, His temple, our body. By the way, if you are married, that's a double hit. The Word of God tells us that not only does our body belong to Him, but also belongs to our spouse. So the next time we are going to do something with our body, we need to stop, and ask, "Will this dishonor, or affect my relationship with God or my spouse negatively?" If so, then you have your answer. Whether we drink or eat, or whatever we do, we must do it to the glory of God.

Light for My Path

Verse of the day: Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

There are many different lamps, made for different uses, and situations; flashlights, car headlights, tabletop lamps, etc. Our Bible is a lamp for all occasions, and purposes. Unlike man-made lamps, its light never dims, its batteries never weaken, and its light always shines. However, like any good functioning lamp, it is of no use to us if we fail to activate its light. The light of God's Word is available to all. It is available to light our path so that we can see which way to go, and warn us of what is ahead. It iluminates where we are, so that we can know how to maneuver. It lights each step, so that our feet do not stumble. When others try to cause us to trip, we can see the trap, and step over or go around. When we find ourselves in the midst of a dark circumstance, the light of God's Word comforts us, and give us confidence, and reassurance. The bottom line is that our Bible lights the way for God's children, as we move closer to our final destination...Heaven. Let us not neglect the light God has provided for us. The Holy Spirit in us helps us know how to effectively use the lamp God has given us, and helps us to stay on the path that its light iluminates for us. The born again child of God will never lose his/her way if he/she keeps the lamp & light of God's Word lit, and uses it with every step they take.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Created for Good Works

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Did we do anything to earn or deserve eternal life? As born again Christians, did we perform some act that gave us the power to become a child of God? The simple, straightforward, answer is, "No." We are Christians because Jesus did the work of paying for our sins on the Cross, at Calvary. When we called upon Him, and accepted His gift of salvation, we went from being God's creation to being a new creature in Christ. You see, all that we are right now is by the grace of God. Any good that is in us is because of what Christ has done for us, on our behalf. The result of the Father's plan, and the Spirit's work in us. We are His masterpiece. All this He did with a "preapproved" plan for how we would live. Our life, as His masterpiece, is to be one of continually doing good works, as outlined for us in His Word. We are not to just perform a good work here or there, but we are to be mindful of every single opportunity to do good to, and for, others, on His behalf; not for our glory or to gain more favor (for all the favor we have, we have thru Jesus, and His righteousness), but to live a life of obedience to God, and glorify Him. You see, when we are kind, forgiving, loving, and helpful to others; when we share the Gospel, and minister to others, we are doing what was already planned for us, long before we were even conceived. So, if we have not already started, today would be a good day to begin putting our good works into action. We are to continue to do them until He takes us home or comes back to get us. Either way, we are to be steadfast in serving our God, our Savior, our Lord.

Universal Cure

Verse of the day: Psalm 119:18 Open my eyes, that I may see Wondrous things from Your law.

Have you ever watched someone who is born physically bind? It is absolutely amazing how they are able to maneuver, and get around, without continually crashing into walls or furniture. That is because other organs, and senses, are heightened in order to compensate for the loss of sight. Spiritual blindness, on the other hand, is far different, and far more dangerous. We are all born spiritually blind. This blindness is the result of sin, and we all have been affected by our sin nature. We are often blind to our own sin, blind to God's truth, and sadly, oftentimes, the result of our choosing to close our eyes to truth. The only cure for spiritual blindness is Jesus. The Light of the world is the only One who can truly open our eyes. It is the work of the Holy Spirit, in us, that opens the eyes of our hearts and minds. He iluminates the Word of God so that we can see, and have greater understanding of God's Word. Only God, through Christ, can cure the universal blindness that mankind suffers. True joy, peace, happiness, and excitement, can only come from having our eyes opened by the Spirit of God. As His children, once our eyes have been opened, we must never choose to turn a blind eye to the darkness that exists all around us. We must now carry the light of Jesus to a world whose eyes have been darkened by sin, the world, and the devils. May God open our eyes, and help us to see the beauty, and freedom, we have in obediently applying, and living according to, God's Word.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Reward from the Lord

Colossians 3:23-24 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.
Why do we do what we do? What motivates us to serve or behave in a manner that sets us apart? If our motivation is for earthly gain or man's recognition, then our motivation is wrong. If we are to be known for being a good spouse, parent, friend, employee, etc., then the motivation behind our actions, behavior, and character, must be that we are being obedient to the Lord, and seek to please only Him. Too often, we do what we do for the pat on the back or expecting a thank you, accompanied with accolades. When that fails to happen, we get upset with people for their ungratefulness, when in fact our reason for being upset is selfishly motivated. When we do what we do (whatever that is), we must do it expecting nothing in return, knowing that the one Person who counts, our God, sees everything we do, our motivation, and will ultimately be the One who rewards us. As born again believers, we must not sell ourselves short by forfeiting everlasting heavenly reward for earthly gain (which easily perishes). All that we do must be motivated by our relationship with Jesus, for some day we will stand before Him, and receive our true rewards.

Believer Beware!

Verse of the day: Jude 1:20-21 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

Believer beware! The Word of God warns us that there will be false teachers who will infiltrate the church. This is why it is important that we not just read God's Word, but we must also properly study it. When the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, he used (actually misused) Scripture. Jesus pushed back by quoting it in its correct, and proper, context. Jude speaks of false teachers, and how they are out to use God's Word for selfish gain. They teach falsely in order to gain glory for themselves, and their messages are empty, powerless, and fruitless. They preach to gain that which pleases the flesh, and gains them worldly treasure, rather than heavenly reward. They are compared to clouds that have no rain to offer, but instead are driven by the wind; like a tree whose fruit withers (useless fruit). We are to avoid them, and their evil influence. We are to prayerfully learn the truths found in God's Word. Even if we hear a solid, well interpreted message, we should be searching the Scriptures ourselves, even as the Bereans did when the Apostle Paul preached to them. Through the seeking of truth, led by the Spirit who indwells us and give us understanding of the Word, we are to grow closer to God, seeking the return of Jesus, and in love, correcting those who have strayed from truth because of these false teachers. The bottom line is that each of us will be accountable for our own faith. Therefore, we must be careful to properly, and diligently, dissect, and study, the Word of God, so that we are not led astray, and so we lead not others astray. The Word of God is never to be used for our own personal gain or glory. It is God's, and we have been entrusted with it, to lead others to Jesus, and glorify God, as we live it out obediently, and honestly.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Either Way, We Win!

Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Have you ever heard of a "win, win" situation? Well, as born again Christians, we are in that situation. Whether we live or whether we die, we win. To live for Christ brings the greatest joy. It's not always easy, but it's certainly simple. We have eternity, spent with God, to look forward to. We have the Word of God to help us learn about who our God is, and instruction on how to live a life that is worth something in Heaven. We have the Holy Spirit to teach us, give us understanding, and guide us. The struggle happens when it comes time for us to choose whether or not we will live that life. We choose our attitude. We choose our words. We choose our actions. Ultimately, no matter how great the struggle, if we choose God's way, then we choose joy, and peace. When we choose a life of obedience to the Lord, we choose to die to self, and the ways of this wicked world. Again, it is a choice to find, and experience, joy and peace (God's joy and peace, not the world's). Finally, if we physically die, if the Lord decides to take us home, we will immediately be in His presence. We will see loved ones who were also born again believers. We will see saints of old; but the greatest sight will be to see Jesus! So, you see, whether we live for Christ, or die in Christ, we win.

What Have We To Fear?

Verse of the day: 1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit,

What is the worst possible thing that can happen to us in our service to God? That we be put to death. Are we afraid of death? Why? As born again believers, in Christ, we have victory over death, and the grave. Jesus, our Lord and Savior, suffered in our place, taking on our sin, even though He never sinned, and accepted being tortured, and dying a horrible death; all to redeem us, to bring us to God. He did exactly what He said He would do in the Book of John, chapter 10. He told them that He had the power to lay down His life, and take it again. The power of His holiness, His divinity made Him alive, after being in the tomb three days. Peter reminds us of this because he was encouraging us to endure suffering for doing right. As Jesus suffered for His righteousness, so we are also to endure, and know that even if our good works lead to death, in Christ we will live. In the end, those who persecute us for serving our Lord will be put to shame by our holy lifestyle. The reality is that when we choose to live for God, we will face opposition from family, friends, co-workers, bosses, people who do not know us personally, and even other Christians who are not walking closely to God. Nonetheless, we are called to stand our ground, keep our eyes on the One who gave His life for us, and serve Him, even unto death. What have we to fear? The worst that can happen is that they send us to be with Jesus. That my brothers, and sisters, is NOT the worst that can happen. It IS the best that can happen. Keep preaching, and living, the Gospel!

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Price for Pride

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.
Pride. Among born again believers, this word should be a cuss word. It has been, and continues to be, the downfall of many. Satan, the first to fall to his pride, then man, in the garden, who sought to be as God. In life, pride is often at the root of a destroyed life. It is often at the root of a person that is despised by others, because of their tactics, and the way they treat others. It is often what causes people to cheat their way to the top. We use excuses like, "I want the best for my family", when, in fact, all we want is the accolades of people when they see how much "we" sacrifice. In the end, the only thing sacrificed is the family. Pride causes us to refuse to treat others as being better than ourselves, as commanded by God's Word. We become the type of person who is holding our head so high that we cannot see what is about to make us fall; and the higher we hold our head, the harder we finally fall. Pride is usually the source of disputes, and attitudes of unforgiveness. "How dare that person say, or do, that to me? Don't they know who they are talking to? I'll show him/her!" My brothers, and sisters, that absolutely stinks of pride, and God resists the proud. Let us, today, follow the greatest example of humility we have ever known, Jesus, who treated, and treats, all men/women alike; for He is not a Respecter of persons. We must ask Him to show us what areas of our life are infected with pride, and we must surrender them to Him. The only One who has the right to be filled with pride, for His greatness, is God. Yet, when He, Jesus, walked among us, He was the greatest example of humility we could ever ask for.

Where Is Your God?

Psalm 42:3 My tears have been my food day and night, While they continually say to me, “Where is your God?”
This is a question that we expect other people to ask us. However, more often than not, it is our emotions that cause us, at times, to ask ourselves this question. Well, if you are human, then this is normal. Sadly, we often treat our emotions as if they are a bad thing. They were not meant to be. We were created in the image of our God, who happens to be a emotional God. He too feels joy, sorrow, anger, etc. He gave us emotions for a reason. The problem arises when we let our emotions override what we know to be true. This can happen easily in the midst of trials, conflict, and troubling times. If we don't spend time in prayer, and reading (and studying), God's Word, our emotions will most likely take over, based on what we are seeing of our circumstances rather than what we know to be true. Jesus wept, got angry, and felt as we feel. Yet, not once did He sin or stop trusting that His Father was with Him. If we have called upon Jesus to save us, then we have His promise, as God's children, that He will never leave us, nor forsake us. So, the next time we are overcome with sorrow because of something that is going on in our life, and we find ourselves being asked by our emotions, "Where is your God?" We can answer, "My God is right here. I may not feel His presence right now, but He is here, because He is the only One who is always faithful to me, no matter what is happening. He will give me the grace, and the strength, I need to get through this."

Put Them to Silence

Verse of the day: 1 Peter 2:15-16 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men— as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God.

For those who want to know the will of God, here is one instance where God clearly states what is His will. In a nutshell, He tells us that He wants us to do good toward others, and lay aside the things of the flesh (v.1). We are to desire His Word (v.2), and offer up spiritual sacrifices (praise & thanksgiving; v.5). Our lifestyle is to be exemplary before the world, that one day they would glorify God, because of what they see in us (v.12). We are to submit to those God has placed in offices of authority (v.13, 14), and give honor, and respect, to those to whom it is do, love one another as children of God, fear God, and honor those whom He placed as rulers (v.17). We may not always agree with those who are in power, but we must (as God commanded) honor their office. We are called to suffer wrongfully, if need be, for doing what is right before God (v.19). As those set free in Chist, we must not use our freedom for an occasion to sin or hurt others. We are ultimately accounatable to God for how we lived out our freedom in Christ. Why must we be careful to do all of this? To close the mouths of those who would accuse us, and persecute us foolishly, and ignorantly. It may take some time for God to show them their own ignorance, but this is God's desire, that we be the instruments He uses, through our godly way of living, to bring others to Himself. Yes, even the most annoying, and trying, individual in our life. In the end, a lost sinner could be saved, and we will have grown by becoming more like Jesus in the way we respond, and treat others (especially those that are hard to love). Remember, we are not always easy to love either, but God still loved, and loves us, and proved it on Calvary. Let us represent the Lord in such a way that people would have to lie in order to make an accusation against us; and if that happens, don't worry, God sees it, and in due time will lift us up, and make things right. All to the glory of God!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

All Things Freely Given

Romans 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
What one thing is most impossible for any of us to achieve? Give up? Going to Heaven. There is not one single thing we can do to get into Heaven. Yet, God made a way for us by pouring His wrath, for our sins, on our Savior, Jesus Christ. He gave us His only Son so that He could then give us the one thing that was impossible for us to obtain on our own...salvation. Stop and think about that for a moment. If that is so, if God gave us His Son, and gave us eternal life, never to lose it, then how is it that we often behave as if it is impossible for God to get us thru the every day trials, challenges, and circumstances, we experience? He promised in this chapter of Romans that all thing would work together for good, and that nothing can separate us from His love. Those are promises we need to hold on to, tightly, during the tough times of life. God, who gave us His Son, will freely give us grace, mercy, strength, forgiveness, His patience, and whatever else we need, when it is needed. We simply need to trust, and believe, that this is true. Remember, He also says that if He is for us, who can be against us. The Word of God tells us that He who is in us (the Holy Spirit) is greater the he that is in the world (the devil). Nothing is impossible for our God, and He will never fail us in our times of need.

How Much Do You Love It?

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble.
I am going to ask a question that I want you to answer, to yourself, and to God, honestly. How much time, if any, do you spend reading/studying God's Word (the Bible)? How much time you spend in it should tell you how much you love it. The more time you take to read/study it, the more you'll love it. Why? Because it is the one place we, as born again believers, will find the heart of God. It is where we will learn who God is, not according to man, but according to God Himself. It is where we find the answers to life, and what sustains us when we are facing trying times. It reminds us to pray without ceasing, and give thanks always. It reminds us that we need to draw near to God so that our enemy, the devil, will flee. It reminds us that God is always with us, no matter the circumstances. It reminds us that we, as human beings, can be angry, sad, hurt, bit still not sin in our anger, or allow our sorrow, and hurt, take over our emotions to the point of causing us to doubt God. It is where we are reminded that we are to bring all our cares, and concerns, to God, who cares for us, and is the source of that joy, that only He can give, and the peace that passes all understanding. So you see, we cannot neglect the Word of God and survive for too long before the world, Satan, and the circumstances of life, get to us. It does not matter how much of the Bible we think we know, we should never put aside the Living Word of God, that the Holy Spirit uses, in our life, to guide us, and help us keep our eyes where they belong, on Jesus.

Not God's Fault

Verse of the day: James 1:13-14 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.

Nothing new under the sun. From the beginning of time man has pointed the finger at God, ultimately, for those moment when man has failed. Adam did it in the Garden when he, and Eve, ate the fruit of the tree that God told him not to eat from. He blamed Eve, but he pointed the finger at God. James is reminding us that when we stumble and sin, it is of our own doing, not God's. The word temptation that James uses earlier in this chapter is not the same as it is in these verses. God will allow temptations (tests) in order to try, and strengthen, our faith. In other words, He will allow certain trials, and tribulations, to come, in order to bring us to a place where we learn to trust Him, and learn how to respond to situations, circumstances, and life, as Jesus would; to make us more like Him. However, there are also those times, such as when something happens that causes us to sin, that originates within us, and not with God. If we would stop, and take a hard look at why we sin, we will discover that we were tempted because of our own lust, and desire, for something we should not have put our eyes, and attention, on. We have often made a decision to sin, all the while struggling within to resist, and knowing that the Spirit was nudging us, and trying to convict us, so that we would walk away or like Joseph, run away. When a person sits in front of a computer to watch porn, that desire was most likely ignited in that person's own thinking, and may have started with something as simple as having seen a commercial or television program containing partial nudity. Rather than change the channel, that person then begins entertaining lustful, and sinful ideas, which could not only lead to viewing porn, but also having affairs or committing fornication. This is just one example. You can pretty much apply that process to any situation in which a person falls to sin. This is why we must be very careful about what we choose to put before our eyes, what environment we put ourself in. If I know that I have a tendency to drink too much, I shouldn't go hang out with friends who like going to bars or going to places where there will be access to liquor. When we put our eyes on the forbidden, and place ourself in situations where our lusts are going to be aroused, we cannot blame God. Famous last words before falling, "I'm okay. I can resist." Wrong. It is better to say, "I wasn't there", than to say, "I was there, but I didn't do it". The fact of the matter is that we have days when we are strong, and others when we are weak. So, the best remedy is to take the same precautions on a strong day, as we would on a weak day. The best defense is to always stay in the Word, pray, and fellowship with others who will encourage us to live holy lives. If we have to, allow a brother/sister to be our accountability partner. Be sure to pick someone who will actually hold us accountable. The bottom line is that God is always with us, and we have access to the strength that will enable us to walk away from sinful temptations, but we have to be willing to make the choice not to feed the beast within by being careless about our environment without. Keep you eyes off of the sinful things of this world, and fix your eyes on Jesus. If we fail, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Why? Because we have none other than the Holy Spirit in us who can give us the supernatural strength to resist, walk away, and continue walking with God.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Equality at the Foot of the Cross

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Here's a verse of Scripture that some will not like. Those who would try to justify being prejudice against any certain group of people are clearly wrong in their thinking, especially as born again believers. Yes, at the foot of the Cross, we are all equal. There is not one person, regardless of color, background, or level of wealth, who will get to Heaven differently than anyone else. We all have to fulfill the same requirement, repent, confess, and call upon the Name of Jesus. We may have different backgrounds, talents, abilities, and levels of wealth, but those things, before the Lord, when it come to salvation, do not matter. God is not a Respecter of person. As we grow in our faith, and relationship with the Lord, we too are to become someone who is also no respecter of person. We are to be kind, and show love to all, regardless of who they are, where they came from, or what they have to offer (or not). This is one reason I personally do not like cliques amongst Christians. There is nothing that is more divisive amongst God people than when groups are allowed to be formed that are exclusive to certain "types" of people (whatever that type is). The 12 Disciples that Jesus chose are a perfect example. They were a "mixed bag" of personalities, and backgrounds; yet, Jesus chose each one. The only thing that mattered was that they follow Him, and even Jesus took it a step further by not only calling each one to follow Him, but wash each ones feet, at His last supper, to include the one who betrayed Him. Let us join together in unity, and show the world that our God truly did (and does) love the world, and died for ALL just the same, to the glory of God.

Peace Time Prayer

Verse of the day: Colossians 1:9-10 For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him,  being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;

What a wonderful prayer ro pray for those we know, and are praying for. The Christians at Colossi were doing well in their faith, and loving one another, yet the Apostle Paul continued praying for them in this very area of their lives. It is not enough to pray for others only when they are in need or in turmoil. We must also continue praying for them, even when conditions have improved. His prayer for them was that they would continue to know, and follow, God's will, which is plainly spelled out for us in God's Word. Whatever it is that God commands us to do, is His will. We are to share the Gospel, love one another, read the Word, pray, and live holy lives. As we do that, He will guide us through whatever plan He has for our life. The Apostle prayed that they would have wisdom, and understanding, which, for all of us who are born again, is available through the Holy Spirit's work in us. This would result in a walk with the Lord that is pleasing to God, as we walk by faith, trusting Him, and allowing the Spirit to produce fruit in our life that is eternal (lives saved by their coming to Jesus for salvation). Most importantly He prayed that they would increase in their knowledge of God; not just what has been plainly revealed for us about His nature, and perfection (seen in His creation), but also His mind, will, and His wonderful grace. This is how we must pray for one another. Too often our prayers for each other are shallow at best. It is important that we pray that each of us would not be hindered in our quest to know our God better, personally. Our enemy wants to keep us from praying, reading God's Word, and discourage us from applying it outwardly. He will try to use circumstances, trials, and tribulations, to hinder our progress of growing in our faith. For this reason we must stay close to the Lord, love and encourage one another, and pray for each other, not just when there is a need or times of trouble, but during time of peace and tranquility as well.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Pursue Peace

Hebrews 12:14 Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord:
This verse may not be as easy to apply as we think. What I'm saying is that, we may do our best to be at peace with others, but they may not return the favor; and the reason they might not has to do with those times we choose to live a holy, and proper life, before God. When we refuse to lie to get ahead or choose not to "go along in order to get along", that can lead to persecution. It may very well lead to being mocked for our faith (for doing the right thing). Hence, the pursuit of peace with all men now becomes difficult, as we must choose to be kind to those that are mocking, and persecuting, us. To pursue peace with all people means to pursue peace with those who would act as our enemy, especially when we are trying our best to live for the Lord. We must remember that people are not our enemies, but the devils use them as our enemies so that we forget who is really persecuting us; for we do not fight against flesh and blood, but our enemy is spiritual. If we are not careful we will allow ourself to become bitter over the fact that we are being persecuted, and do more harm for the cause of Christ (spreading the Gospel) than good. In the end, it also causes there to be a strain in our relationship with Jesus. He was the greatest example of what it looks like to pursue peace with all men. When He was reviled, he did not revile. When dealing with enemies, He loved them, and when they crucified Him, He prayed for their forgiveness (and He Himself forgave). It is easy to be at peace with those who are at peace with us. However, it's a different story when dealing with those who mock us for doing our best to live for God. Nonetheless, the same God who forgives, and gives grace to those who are against Him, is the same God who will enable us to be at peace with all people. The choice as to whether or not we give away or keep our personal peace or whether or not we'll be at peace with others is ultimately ours. For we already have the power, as born again believers, in us to accomplish this supernatural undertaking, the Holy Spirit.

God First

Verse of the day: 1 John 2:15-16 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.

Not loving the world does not mean we can't enjoy our time here on earth. It means not loving the things on earth more than loving God, and our service to Him. It means that we are to live life with God at the center, and "working" life around God, not arranging time with, and service to, God, around life. He is to get our best first, and not our "leftovers". When we prioritze the things of this world over our Lord, it will show in our selfishness, and lack of love demonstrated towards others (our unwillingness to die to self, and pick up our cross daily). The Word of God is very specific about what types of priorities are not of God. Please note that this does not mean that God will not choose to bless us in these areas. What I am saying is that the pursuit of these things over serving God, and committing to Him, is not of Him. Lust of the flesh: gratifying oneself with womanizing, being drunk, and other deviant behavior. Lust of the eyes: covetousness, desire for things that are not needs, such as expensive cars, jewelry, houses, clothes, furniture, to the point of becoming poor stewards of what God blesses us with. Pride of life: pursuit of honors, titles, position or promotion. Again, the Lord can choose to give us all or any of these things, and for that we can be grateful. However, when we take it upon ourselves to pursue after these things, and make them the priority of our life, they will get a hold on our hearts, and desires, and will pull us away from God. Too many brothers, and sisters, have started out well, but then shipwrecked their walk with the Lord because they took their eyes off of Him, and set their eyes on the empty "prizes" and "rewards" the world offered. Let us stay our eyes on Christ, and remember that God promised that if we put the Kingdom first, He will provide all our earthly needs.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Come...Let Us Worship

Psalm 95:6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
Worship. What is it? Who do we worship? Who or what is the priority in our life? Whoever or whatever takes up most of our thoughts, and dedication, is the center of our worship. Let me ask you this, "Who in our life has ever done more for us than God?" I'll answer that for us. No one! Therefore it is the Lord, who is our Creator, and who gave His life to redeem (save) us, that deserves all our worship. In this verse the psalmist is calling us to bow down, and kneel, before our God in worship. The terms he uses indicate that we should be in a prone position, laying ourselves down before our God, paying Him the honor, and respect, that He deserves. When was the last time any of us just stopped, and bowed before God? When was the last time we gave Him the respect, and honor, He deserves by praising Him, and thanking Him for all He does, in spite of who we are, and how unfaithful we can be? Our God is always better to us than we deserve. May I also remind us that worship is also a lifestyle? Yes, it is a lifestyle. Worship is about how we live our life, how we treat others (based on God's Word, not on how we feel). Worship is about thanking God, and praising Him every day, under all circumstances, because regardless of how bad we may think life is treating us, as God's children we can always find something to thank Him for. It's called the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and praise. A sacrifice, because it is not always easy to give. However, He is ALWAYS deserving of it. So today, let us worship Him, not only in bowing down before Him, but in living for Him as well.

The Power of God

Verse of the day: Job 37:5-6 God thunders marvelously with His voice; He does great things which we cannot comprehend. For He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth’; Likewise to the gentle rain and the heavy rain of His strength.

Job's friends may have been miserable counselors, but there are moments, such as this one, when they hit the nail on the head, when it came to speaking of God's power. Elihu was 100% right about how powerful God is, and how much He controls. Our God created simply by speaking. His voice can make the earth, and the mountains, tremble. There was a time when thunderstorms frightened me. Today, they remind me that it is just a glimpse of the power our God possesses, and instead of being afraid, it causes me to praise Him, and remember that He has the power to do anything He pleases, in my life, and get the outcome He desires, for my good, and His glory. Interestingly, Elihu speaks of the control God has over the snow, and the rain. Both of these are essential to the earth. Although, both can be burdensome to us, if they fall in great amounts (blizzards & floods), they are necessary for the earth to be fruitful. Hence we are reminded of how the Holy Spirit rains down on the born again believer, and produces His fruit in our lives. The snow, which we see as white, in actuality, in not white. It is made of vapor, and crystalizes in the air, and conatins many holes. Yet, it does not absorb sunlight, nor allows it to pass through. Instead, it reflects the light of the sun, thereby appearing white to our eyes. What a beautiful picture of how we are to reflect the light of the Son, who makes us white as snow. Just as the white of the snowflake is not its own, so the righteousness that we reflect is not our own, but our Savior's. What a wonderful reminder that we have favor with the Father, not because of us, but the Son; and what a blessing to know that the most powerful Being in existence, our God, uses His power to take care of us, provide for us, and is in control of so many things that are out of our control. How then can we not have the peace, and joy, that comes from being His child, and trusting Him completely?

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

We Must Decrease

2 Corinthians 10:17-18 But “he who glories, let him glory in the Lord .” For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends.
Nothing we have accomplished, no matter how great or small, can be truly credited to us, especially as God's children. Many of us may have achieved some impressive things in our lifetime (by the world's standard) thus far; however, all of the credit goes to God. This is one reason humility, in our walk with Jesus, is so important. As born again believers we must practice being humble about who we are, and what we have accomplished; recognizing that the credit for all the good in our life belongs to God. He is the One who gives us our talents, abilities, health, strength, and ability to think, learn, and use wisdom. Sadly, too many of us forget that when we climb the ladder at work, when we are recognized for our talents, and abilities, when we gain more of what is considered "good" in this world, the credit for all of it should go to God. Too many today, even Christians, walk around as if all they have, and all they've achieved, happened because of who they are, and what they have had the ability to accomplish, forgetting that NONE of it would have been possible had it not been for God's goodness, and grace. Sadly, this is why so many become proud and arrogant, and end up looking down on others, and treating them as inferior. My brothers & sisters, let us always recognize Who deserves the credit for all that is good in our life. It is God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, working in us, and through us, that deserve the credit. This is the reason we must live a life of thanksgiving, and praise, to God. It reminds us that without Him we are nothing, and can accomplish nothing of any real worth; for God measures worth differently than the world. Those who elevate themselves before man, and look down upon others, often fall hard. Those who are lifted up by God, before men, will bring Him the greatest honor. Our mission on earth is to glorify our God so that we can share Jesus with others. So today, let us boast in Him, for none of us are anything to brag about without Him.

From Where Does Our Help Come?

Psalm 121:1-2 I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
The Creator, the One who spoke our world into existence. Is there anyone else with such power? No. Then why would any one of us who know the Lord turn anywhere else in our time of need? We who are born again believers, why would we not trust the God, who has the power to give us eternal life, for our every day situations, challenges, and circumstances? Sadly, we sometimes let the enemy convince us that God is either not able, or just doesn't care. We also get angry at Him for the evil that happens in this world, and often wonder why He allows such things to happen. What we forget is that He was not the One who sinned, and caused evil to enter this world. It was man's decision to disobey God that caused all that happens in our world today. God allows us free will to choose whether to do right or wrong. He has the power to stop all evil, and completely destroy it. However, if He chooses not to, even if we do not like it, who are we to question Him? When did He become accountable to man? We know not always what is His purpose in allowing troubles to come, but He did promise that He would work all things together for our good (and always for His glory). For those of us who know Him, we know that there is coming a day when He will finally make right all that is wrong. Until then, we must live a life that honors Him, and do our best to make the right choices, based on His Word, and trust Him to be our Helper in our time of need, whatever that need might be (please note I said need, not want). We have a God who has told us to cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us (each of us). Who better to have in our corner during times of trouble than the Creator of this universe? Who is greater than our God? No one. For our Creator is the Lord of lords, and King of kings. There is no one like Him.