Verse of the day: Philippians 2:3-4 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
In this world of "self", "take care of #1", and "me, me, me", these verses will definitely have us swimming against the tide. If there is anything God wants to see from His people, aside from worship, and obedience, it's unity with humility. Sadly, there are way too many Christians trying to out do each other. We are not here to compete with each other to see who can buy the bigger, and better, house or car. Who can attain the higher degree or better job. Who can have the greater status in society or within the church. I can go on and on. We are here to worship together, and serve God together. We are to be united, with one purpose, and one cause in mind; spreading the Gospel, and representing God, in Christ, in a way that brings Him honor, and glory. We are to not look down on each other, but lift each other up. We are to look upon our brother/sister, regardless of status or background, and treat them as if they are more important to us than ourselves. We are to look out for the good of others, and make it a priority over our selfish wants. We are to care for each other's needs, knowing God will take care of our needs. We are to serve each other in kindness, and love. Jesus said that by this, the world will know we are His. We are not to be busybodies or gossipers, but always ready to help when needed or sought out. We are to sacrifice time, self, and resources, if necessary, in order to allow God to use us to be a blessing to one another. We could move heaven, and earth if we were as organized as our enemy. Remember, as born again believers we have the same Father, the same Savior, and the same Spirit indwelling us. Let us come together, and show the world that we are united, and we are His. Only then will God be able to do truly great, and miraculous, things in Christianity today. Only then will we see true revival. It all begins with us, and how we respond to God, and each other.
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