1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
In this chapter, the Apostle Peter compares the unbeliever, the person who rejects Christ (the world), to the believer. We, as God's people, as born again believers, have been set apart. We were chosen to be saved, in Christ, before the beginning of time (a chosen generation). We have been called to bring our sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving, as a royal priesthood, at all times, regardless of the circumstances; because circumstances do not determine God's goodness. He is always good. We have been set apart, as the church of Jesus, for God's purposes, to represent Him, in righteous, and holy living. We are to be seen as different than the unsaved (the world). We are to be seen as "a peculiar people", because our attitude toward God, people, and life, should deeply contrast how the world sees, and approaches God, people, and life in general. It cannot be said enough; when we compromise our godly standards in order to fit in, we take away from our testimony, and rob ourself of the power available to us, thru the realtionship we have in Jesus. When the world sees us, and interacts with us, they should sense, and see, that we are different. They should see someone who does not compromise their moral convictions, and who will stand for what is right, even if doing so results in being persecuted or losing something that only has earthly value, and not eternal. This is why it is also of utmost importance that the world also sees Christianity, and Christians, as one people, serving God, in unity. We should be encouraging, and edifying one another, because when we have that kind of support from one another, we will have greater strength to stand up, in Christ, for what is right before God, and not man. We are His, in His service, for His purpose. We, who are called by His Name, serve the same God, and have the same Spirit. Let us live as if it is so, because it is so.
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