1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Sadly, oftentimes, this is the cause of too many people having issues with self-esteem. We are too busy, even as Christians, trying to look better on the outside, and comparing our bodies, and looks, to others, that we neglect what is most important to God; what He sees in our heart. We complain about one physical characteristic or another, or we complain about our inability to do this or that, and we envy another's talents or abilities. We even let the world convince us that our importance lies in what career we have or status we hold in society, and what people think about us. For starters, God created each of us, individually, with whatever physique, talents, and abilities, we have. The way we look physically is what God chose for us to look like, and our personality is what it is. Bottom line is that God says that we are fearfully, and wonderfully, made. With that said, there is nothing wrong with exercise, and keeping what God has given us, healthy. However, what is most important to God is whether or not we have a real relationship with Him, thru Christ. If we do, what then is most important to Him is that we become more like Jesus each day; that we spend time with Him in prayer, and read (and study) His Word. He is more concerned with us applying His Word to our life, and trusting Him with our life, even as He guides us thru life's difficulties, and challenges. What God is interested in is not our outward appearance, which, by the way, will grow old, and deteriorate. Instead, He is interested in our heart, our character, who we are, beginning on the inside. The world wants us to think that what is important is whether you are short or tall, good looking (by the world's standard) or not, whether you are thin, or muscular, popular or not. Well, all that is vanity, and of no consequence to God, if your heart is not right with Him, and if you are not reflecting His light in your life before this world that needs a Savior. Remember, God created us, and as His children we have a mission. We are here tell others about Him, and to represent Him in a way that honors Him. We may not measure up to the world's standard of outward beauty, but that does not matter one bit, if we are trying to live up to our true Measure, Jesus Christ.
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