Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.
It is very easy to find ourselves in a position where we are trying to balance doing the things that please God, and not offending people. Quite often, the end result is that we end up compromising our faith, and walk with the Lord, only to find that people will still not be satisfied with what we choose. We will learn very quickly, if we are wise, and paying attention, that we cannot please everyone, all of the time. If we choose to please this person, that person is bothered, and vice versa. So, my brothers and sisters, the only real solution for a born again believer, and follower of Jesus Christ, is to do what God wants us to do, regardless of what people think. We are to preach the Gospel without compromise, and we are to live it without compromise. The bottom line is that no matter what we do in following Jesus, someone will always have something to say. Remember, in the Gospels it is recorded for us that Jesus was persecuted for doing what was right, and speaking the truth. If our Master was persecuted (and crucified), then we, His disciples, will also suffer persecution. He was perfect, and yet some said He was a good man, while others said He had a demon. We, on the other hand, are not perfect, and will often give others valid reason to criticize us, and regardless of what we do, people will still talk. So, why over think it or be overly concerned with what others think, if we are doing what God wants. If we do what is right, those who believe that what is wrong is right, and what is right is wrong, will complain, and persecute us. If we go against what the world says is right, because God says it is wrong, then the end result is always persecution. However, God promised that if we are persecuted for His sake, we will be rewarded. In the end, we have nothing to lose by living obediently, in accordance to the truths, and principles, found in God's Word. We, the servants of the Living God, have a duty, and responsibility, toward God, that comes before pleasing men. Let us not be people pleasers. Instead, let us live in a way that pleases, and honors, the One who deserves our loyalty; the One who died for us, and gave us the life, and freedom to live for Him. Do not compromise the Message or sell out to the world. Our reward in Heaven will be much greater than anything we can gain here on earth.
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