Verse of the day: Job 37:5-6 God thunders marvelously with His voice; He does great things which we cannot comprehend. For He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth’; Likewise to the gentle rain and the heavy rain of His strength.
Job's friends may have been miserable counselors, but there are moments, such as this one, when they hit the nail on the head, when it came to speaking of God's power. Elihu was 100% right about how powerful God is, and how much He controls. Our God created simply by speaking. His voice can make the earth, and the mountains, tremble. There was a time when thunderstorms frightened me. Today, they remind me that it is just a glimpse of the power our God possesses, and instead of being afraid, it causes me to praise Him, and remember that He has the power to do anything He pleases, in my life, and get the outcome He desires, for my good, and His glory. Interestingly, Elihu speaks of the control God has over the snow, and the rain. Both of these are essential to the earth. Although, both can be burdensome to us, if they fall in great amounts (blizzards & floods), they are necessary for the earth to be fruitful. Hence we are reminded of how the Holy Spirit rains down on the born again believer, and produces His fruit in our lives. The snow, which we see as white, in actuality, in not white. It is made of vapor, and crystalizes in the air, and conatins many holes. Yet, it does not absorb sunlight, nor allows it to pass through. Instead, it reflects the light of the sun, thereby appearing white to our eyes. What a beautiful picture of how we are to reflect the light of the Son, who makes us white as snow. Just as the white of the snowflake is not its own, so the righteousness that we reflect is not our own, but our Savior's. What a wonderful reminder that we have favor with the Father, not because of us, but the Son; and what a blessing to know that the most powerful Being in existence, our God, uses His power to take care of us, provide for us, and is in control of so many things that are out of our control. How then can we not have the peace, and joy, that comes from being His child, and trusting Him completely?
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