Thursday, October 15, 2020

Which One Do We Serve?

Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;  but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

"What or who is more important to us, and who are we serving, God or money?" I know what the default answer would be. But, if we allowed someone to take a closer look and examine how we spend what we earn or get our hands on, what would be the real answer? Would they find that our real "god" is money and material things, or would God really be our God? Would they find that we spend more money on self, and that all we strive for is to gain more of what the world tells us will make us happy and make us feel important? Quite often our fear and greed is what drives us to chase the ever fleeting dollar. We fear not having. We fear not having food, shelter, and the things we think will make us happy. We covet the things we think will bring us comfort, status, and the praise of men. Yet, God tells us that if we seek the Kingdom first, He will provide the rest. The problem arises when we become dissatisfied with what God is providing, and decide we can do better. Sadly, even when God allows us to gain some earthly wealth, the last thing on our minds is giving back to God and others in need. This is not to say that money is evil; it is not. It is the love of money that is evil (1 Timothy 6:10). The bottom line is that we cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). We either serve our money and self, or we serve God. We must learn to be content with such things as we have (Hebrews 13:5), and honor the Lord with such things as He blesses us with (Proverbs 3:9). So, I ask again, "What or who are we serving, money and self, or God?"

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive Him and His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

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