Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.
Happy is the nation who worships, and lives by the principles of the Word of God. How far from that we have come as a nation, and as a people. Even though this verse refers to the Hebrew people, at that time; we too are now His people thru Jesus Christ. How sad to see our nation in the condition that it is in. This country was founded on Christian principles. However, today, many would deny that, and even try to erase that fact from our history. We have removed God from our schools, and any other public place, for the sake of not offending. Society wants nothing to do with being accountable to a righteous God, and even worse, many Christians live more like the world than like a follower of Christ. Evidence of how far we have gone away from the One true God can be easily found in the corruption that we see today. We were once a happy, and blessed, nation, but the truth of the matter is that this nation is heading for destruction if we do not turn back to God. I'm not talking about running around saying, "God bless America" every time we are attacked, or in some sort of trouble as a nation. Those are empty words when they are not backed up by true worship. We, as His people, as born again believers, have a responsibility to live for Him, worship Him, and speak His name, regardless of what others say, or think. We are the ones called to live honestly, and stand up for righteousness. We are His representatives here on earth, in our country, and we must represent without hypocrisy. Think for a moment, and ask yourself, "Am I truly living for God, or am I just going along to get along?" Those of us who call ourselves "Christians" have been chosen by Him, thru Jesus. Regardless of what direction our nation takes, we are called to live for Him. We must fervently pray that our country turns back to the One True God before it is too late. Compared to other places, we still enjoy many blessings. If we do not change, we will find ourselves cursed, and miserable. Let us not be the people who add to the ungodliness that exists today. Instead, let us stand apart by our attitude, words, deeds, and by our true worship of our God.
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