Saturday, December 17, 2016

Small Giants

Verse of the Day: 1 Samuel 17:45-46 Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.

In John 16:33, Jesus told us that in this world we would have tribulation, but He also told us to be of good cheer, because He had overcome the world. We, as God’s children, as born again Christians, are in Him, and therefore have also overcome the world, in Christ. Along with this bit of revelation, He also told us that in Him we may have peace. How often is that peace given up, by us, when we face a giant in our lives? When troubling times come, and we feel fear, worry, and are overtaken by anxiety? In this world we will face many challenges. The Lord will allow certain trials, and tests, to come our way, and all are meant to make us more like Him, in the end. How we endure each trial is going to depend on how we see each circumstance. In the case of Israel’s army, they measured themselves against the Philistine giant that stood before them. In the Book of Numbers, when Israel was told to enter the Promise Land, and surveyed the land, they saw giants, and compared themselves to the giants. Herein is our problem. Too often, when we face a problem that is bigger than we are, we see it from the point of view that we are too small. In both instances when Israel faced giants, there was a small minority who saw the giants from God’s perspective. Joshua, and Caleb, saw the Promise Land as theirs because God told them it was theirs, and they trusted God to deliver it to them. The people saw how big the giants were, but Joshua and Caleb saw how big God was. David saw the Philistine as a mere man who was small compared to his God (who, by the way, is our God). Today, our giants are no different. Although they might make us feel small in comparison, there is no problem, circumstance, or trial that is bigger than our God. When we serve the Almighty God, He may send us into a situation(s) where we will find opposition. For we have an enemy that does not want us lead others to Jesus or accomplish anything that will glorify God. Therefore, he (Satan) will do all in his power to oppose us. However, our Bible tells us (1 John 4:4) that greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world. The bottom line is that we can have victory over all the giants we face in life. The deciding factor will be how we view those giants. We can measure them against ourselves, which more often than not will cause us to feel extremely small, and hopeless; or we can see them for what they are, in comparison to our God…small giants, with no real power over to take our peace from us, unless we choose to relinquish it.

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