Verse of the day: Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
In my experience, as a Christian, this is one of the most misused verses of Scripture I have heard quoted. Sadly, I have seen many well intentioned believers end up sorely disappointed because they claimed this verse in a context that was not relevant to the situation they were in. In the end, they were discouraged, and confused, questioning why God did not work in their circumstance, as they expected. The problem we sometimes experience with God's Word is not that God fails to keep it, it is that we fail to study it, and apply it in its context. In this chapter of Philippians the Apostle Paul reveals to us how he was able to endure, and be content, regardless of what state he found himself in. The same strength he found to help him is the same strength we, as born again believers, have access to today. That Strength is Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, working in us. In verse 4 we are told to rejoice always (not just when circumstances, and conditions are "just right"). In verse 6-7, we are reminded to be anxious for nothing, but to bring everything to the Lord, in prayer, with thanksgiving. The result? The peace of God which the world neither knows nor understands. The bottom line is that in this world we will suffer many things. There will be both good & bad in our lives. There is a season for everything, and we, as followers of Christ, are not immuned to suffering. However, we, unlike the unsaved, have access to the strength that enables us to endure, and be content in all things, at all times. This verse does not give us license to do whatever we please, outside of God's will or God's plan for us. Instead, it enables us to endure whatever God allows in our lives, as we seek to live according to His will, and plan for our lives. Contentment is one of the most difficult things to experience, because of our battle with covetousness, and our desire to sometimes go after what we want, rather than what God wants for us. So today, we need to stop, and examine what we are pursuing in life. If we are doing our best to serve God, and live out His place, then we need not worry about where our supply will come from. We need not worry about how this problem or that problem will be resolved. What we need to do is keep our eyes on the Lord, thank Him for the blessings that we already have in Him, and be content with whatever state He has chosen to have us in at this moment. His plan is always better than ours, and what He chooses for us is always better than what we choose for ourselves. Ultimately, He will give us the strength to stay in the race set before us!
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