Verse of the day: John 6:35 And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.
Have you ever been so hungry, and so thirsty, that you would eat, and drink, the first thing you get your hands on? That starving feeling that makes you drop whatever you are doing, just to get something to eat? Well, that same overwheling desire for physical food that makes it priority over everthing else at that moment should be the desire we have for Jesus, and His Word. In this chapter of John, we are told how Jesus fed more than five thousand people, with plenty left over. Amazingly, and miraculously, He did this with five loaves & two fish. The people then follow Him, and desired the bread He provided, but Jesus exposes the selfishness of their hearts, because He knew that their motivation was to receive physical bread; which He later explained would not save them from death, as happened with their ancestors, in the wilderness, when God provided manna for them. Jesus, the Bread of Life (Bread from Heaven), offers us more than just physical bread. He offers us the Bread that gives us eternal life, so that we will never die, but live on in eternity, with Him. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, and Lord, we receive complete satisfaction. Our craving for the things of this world, if we truly submit to Jesus, will dissipate, and become unsatisfying. What we hunger, and thirst, for will be the things of God. We will thirst His Word, hunger for fellowship with Him; and our desire for both will be satisfied every single time. However, just like when we are hungry or thirsty, and choose what we will eat or drink, we must be willing to choose His Word over sitting in front of the television or wasting too much time surfing the internet. We must choose fellowship, in prayer with Him, over hanging out with company that corrupts our lives or entertaining sins that hinder our relationship with Him. The bottom line is that, just as the loaves amd fish were enough to feed the multitude (with plenty left over), so today, Jesus is enough for anyone who will believe, and put their faith, and trust, in Him. For those of us who are already born again believing children of God, Jesus is enough to satisfy any true, godly, desire. Fellowship with Him, in prayer, and time spent in His Word, will satisfy any hunger or thirst we may have spiritually. We have an abundance of what the world can never give us, and no man on earth can, peace, happiness, and eternity with God (all else is "frosting on the cake"). Praise God for Jesus, our Bread of Life, who satisfies our every need, both spiritually, and physically, simply because He is God, and loves us.
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