Verse of the day: I Corinthians 2:11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.
How well do we know ourselves? My experience has been that we do not know ourselves as well as we think. We know some things about who we are, but we do not really know ourselves. If we are honest, many of us, if not most, have had moments when we surprised ourselves by something we blurted out, or something we did. This portion of Scripture is very clear, and God is telling us, that we really do not know ourselves. We know with what intentions we do certain things (which is why we need to judge ourselves); however, we do not always know just how deeply routed the wickness in us is, because it originates deep within us, in our hearts, where only God can truly see it. With that said, we must be careful that we not judge someone else's intentions or motivations for doing something, or not doing something (just as they cannot judge our motivations, or intentions). As born again believers, we can know this...we can know the things of God that He has freely revealed to us, in His Word. The only reason we can is because we have been given the Spirit of God, who also knows the mind of God. It is via the Word of God that we begin to truly see who we really are, as the Word of God is the mirror that will give us the truest reflection of ourselves. It is in His Word that we see our shortcomings, and find out how wicked are hearts can be. Nonetheless, do not lose heart or lose hope. God reveals these things in us because His desire is to change us, so that we become more, and more, like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So today, let us take a close, and honest, look at ourselves in God's Word, and ask God to show us what is in our hearts. We must allow the truth He reveals make a difference in our lives, and allow Him to change us. Rather than be preoccupied with judging someone else's heart, let us follow Jesus, and focus on what He wants to change in us. For Jesus is the only One who truly knows man's heart, and who has been given sole authority to judge us, based on what He sees there. How blessed we are that we can know the mind of God, and be changed, from who we are, into who He wants us to be. If we truly want to know who we are, we must see ourselves, not through our eyes or another man's eyes, but through God's eyes, and His Spirit working in us to reveal that truth.
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