Verse of the day: II Peter 3:10-11 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,
Can any one of us predict when a thief is going to break into our home? Not usually. Generally, people are caught by surprise, and pretty shaken at the thought that someone has violated their safe space called home. The same way we cannot predict the coming of an earthly thief (although we can put things in placed to be warned if one shows up), is the same way we cannot predict our Lord's return (even Jesus Himself said it). However, we know with all certainty that He is coming back, and we know that it will be sudden. Knowing this, are we ready to receive Him? What will we be caught doing at His reappearing. The Scriptures warn us that in these last days we will be mocked for our faith. Many will turn to teachers who will tickle their ears with messages lacking warnings in respect to the real consequences of sin, and hell will be rarely mentioned, even dismissed. People will laugh at our belief that Jesus is coming back, but remember, the people in Noah's day did not believe Him, even though he preached to them for 100 years, and all perished, except Noah's family. God's desire is that none would perish, and for that reason He delays His return. However, His return is certain, as His timing is not our, a single days is like a thousand years, and vice versa. His return will bring destruction, and judgement, for the unsaved; hence, why it is of utmost importance that we share the Gospel with everyone we meet. The Apostle Peter warns us that we should be vigilant, and people of holy conduct, living in godliness, at peace, avoiding the lawless behavior, and sinful pleasures, of this world, knowing that Jesus can show up at any moment. What would we like to be caught doing when He comes back? Would you prefer to be caught in the midst of living in sin, practicing whatever your pet sin is, or would you rather be found serving Him, ministering to others, and doing good for His glory? As a child of God, I'd prefer the latter.
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