Saturday, December 31, 2016

Rest for the Weary

Verse of the day: Matthew 11:28-30 Come to Me all [you] who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke on you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest to your souls. 30 For My yoke [is] easy, and My burden is light.
Life can wear us down. We have trials, tribulations, challenges, and difficulties, that can stress us, stretch us, and sometimes break us. Along with that, there are many that have an added burden. This burden is heavy, and it is not humanly possible for any of us to carry. Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, has come to relieve us of this burden. For the Jews, it was the burden of a ritualistic system, that was made heavier by hypocritical additions (many of which were given more importance than the Law they already could not faithfully keep); Mt 23:4. For the sinners, the weariness of sin, and it's consequences. For those who were penitent, the heaviness of guilt. For the believers, the ongoing battle with temptation. For each one there is rest, and relief. Jesus' invitation is for all who will come to Him. For many, this year has been one filled with pain, sorrow, and the weight of heavy burdens. The coming year does not have to be a repeat of what has passed, and is passing. Entering into God's rest is a choice. We can choose to remain in our misery, or we can choose to give it to Jesus, who in turn will give us His yoke and burden which are far easier to carry. Why? Because He is meek, not only in character, but also in His dealings with us. We can ask for no better Master than our Lord Jesus. The burden He wants us to carry is to believe, and have faith, in Him. When we do, then the heavy burdens we carry will become light, because we will no longer carry them. Jesus already paid the price to remove these burdens from our lives. No longer are the rituals, and burdens, placed on the Jews a necessity. No longer does sin have to control us or enslave us. No longer does guilt have to hold us down, and stifle our ability to grow in Christ. No longer do we have to give into temptation, for He, with every temptation, will give us a way of escape (1 Cor 10:13). The Messiah's yoke is this, that we believe on Him, and His doctrine; that we surrender, in obedience to His Word, and His Spirit. That we love God with all that we are, and is in us, and that we love our neighbor as ourselves, (Lk 10:27). The bottom line is that each of us must choose what life will be, going forward. We can choose to continue trying to carry the burdens which are impossible for us to carry, in and of ourselves, until they break us down, and destroy us; or we can call upon Jesus, take hold of His salvation, and exchange our burdens for His yoke and burden. For those of us who already know Him, we must decide if we want to continue worrying about the things that already belong to Him, or find rest in Him, and enjoy the peace and joy that can only come from having an intimate, and trusting, relationship with the one true God, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Hiding in Plain Sight

Verse of the day: Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing apart of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
One of my favorite games to play, as a child, was "hide and seek". The thrill felt when the other person was searching, and was close by, but still could not find me. The pride felt when I found a great hiding spot that was not easily discovered. That game would be pretty pointless if the other Person playing was the Lord. Yet, sometimes as Christians we are foolish enough to think that we can hide from God. We try to mask our thoughts, intentions, and who we really are, when the Lord already knows. Verse 13, of this same chapter, tells us that all things are naked and opened to the eye of God. In Ps 139, David wrote that there was no place he could go, even the depths of hell, where he could be hidden from God. As we are naked, and in plain view of God's eyes, so are we naked, when we look into the mirror of God's Word (James 1:23ff). It is fairly easy to "pull the wool" over the eyes of other people when it comes to disguising who we really are. However, the Word of God is the One thing that exposes us completely. This is the reason so many are offended by God's truth. It cuts to the quick, and the immediate response is to lash out at the one carrying the message. When friends, and others, are hesitant to confront us with the truth, God pulls no punches, and reveals to us the truth of our thoughts, and intentions. The Word of God is not dead, just as our God is not dead. We have a Living Hope, Jesus Christ. His Word is The Living Word, and transcends time. It is as applicable today, as it ever was. For this reason, we must take great care to consistently read it and study it. It is what the Holy Spirit uses, not only to show us who we are, and change us, but also uses it to guide us, and give us discernment. It helps us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves in dealing with others, and life in general. Because there is nothing that can be hidden from God, we must be completely sincere in our approach to Him. Only then will we truly enjoy the ability to boldly go before His throne of grace, in our time of need (v.16). The Word of God is the most powerful treasure we carry here on earth. It reaches depths that we could never reach, in and of ourselves. It has the power to move us, change us, and reveal our innermost thoughts, and intentions. It also has the power to penetrate the hardest of hearts, which is why it is always best to share Scripture when sharing our testimonies, and sharing the Gospel with others. It is the Word of God that will do the work, and accomplish God's desired results. To try and hide from God, in any manner, is like hiding in plain sight.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

I Am With You

Verse of the day: Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear; for I am with you; be not dismayed; for I am your God. I will make you strong; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.
Even God's chosen people have been, and are, allowed to suffer. The Jews suffered long, and painfully, during the Babylonian captivity. However, God never forsook them, or today forsakes us. We are reminded here that we are not to fear, just as Israel was not to fear. If God be for us, who can be against us (Rm 8:31)? In Heb 13:5, God promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Because of this promise, He goes on to tells us that we are not to fear what man can do to us (Heb 13:6). The Lord also told them to not be dismayed, or to not be in a state of turmoil, but to be calm. In Phil 4:6-7, we are told not to be anxious about anything, but to bring everything to God in prayer, with thanksgiving; the result will be the peace of God that will keep our hearts and minds, in Christ Jesus. For those of us who have called upon Him, by faith, and are born again believers, He is our God. Even Jesus found peace in knowing the Father was with Him, when the disciples were scattered, and forsook Him, before His crucifixion (Jn 16:32). This is the same peace we have today; though everyone else forsake us, Jesus still remains. Our God is able to sustain us through whatever trials He allows in our lives. Each one has its purpose, and in the end, all things will work for our good, and His glory (Rm 8:28-29). One result will be that we will be more like our Savior in attitude, and response, when troubling circumstances arise. Finally, Isaiah tells us that God will uphold His people with the right hand of His righteousness. This is a Hebrew saying that meant that His hand was faithful, could be relied on, and would secure them. Today, we, His children, who belong to Him, can also rely on this promise. Regardless of what we are going through, God will sustain us in His grace, so that we can, in Christ, persevere to the end. All glory to God who is above all, for there is no other like unto Him!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

His Word Never Fails

Verse of the day: Isaiah 55:10-11 “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
His ways, and His thoughts, are not our ways or our thoughts. His are much higher, and we often cannot grasp what it is that He is doing when it doesn't fit into our small way of thinking, or perspective. Those are the times we must trust that God knows exactly what He is doing, and just live by faith. God is very clear about the fact that His Word, when it goes out, always accomplishes what He wants it to accomplish. This is why it is so important that we preach, and teach, it within its context, and not twist it for our own gain or manipulative purposes (for there is one who already does that, and His name is Lucifer). God tells us that just as the falling rain, and snow, have a purpose when they come (to produce fruit, and physical nourishment), so His Word also will produce fruit, and spiritual nourishment (His fruit, in His time). As we study, apply, and share God's Word, we may not see immediate results, as we are impatient creatures; however, that is no different than when the rain falls and waters a seed. We do not see the immediate affects, and more so when rain falls in what appears to be barren lands. We may not see the affect that it is having, but God allows it to fall in those places for His purpose. How do we know? Because even in places that appear to be barren, God still sustains some type of life that we do not see in other places that are more fruitful. So is the way of the Word of God. It falls upon many hearts, as we share it, and may appear to fall on barren hearts, but ultimately, God knows what affect it is having, and it is not for us to know or judge, but to be obedient in sharing it, and applying it. There are even times when applying God's Word may bring us persecution, and adversity. However, in the end it will be fruitful in building our faith, changing a heart, or even accomplishing something that we may not even see in our lifetime. The wonderful thing about His Word is that it will continue to produce fruit for the Lord long after we have departed to be with Him. The bottom line is that we must read, study, treasure, share, and apply, His Word obediently, and trust the outcome to our Lord. Just as falling rain, over time, can wear down, and reshape a rock; so the Word of God can do with the hardest of hearts (Heb 4:12). Let us not faint in living out His Word, and applying His truths, because in the end God will accomplish what He sets out to do when His Word goes forth. Preach the Gospel to every creature; Mk 16:15 (and trust God for the resulting harvest). We must apply His truth to our lives, knowing with the utmost confidence that the results will be in our best interest, and His glory.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Forgiveness Without Excuses

Verse of the day: Psalms 103:10 He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor punished us according to our iniquities.
"Amazing Grace" often we sing that hymn. However, do we realize, and truly appreciate, just how amazing God's grace really is? When we think of who we are, and what we have done; yet, God is still willing to show us grace, and mercy, when we deserve none of His goodness, and all of His wrath. We deserve no forgiveness for the sins we commit. We deserve condemnation for the way we dishonor God, and mistreat others. Even with all of that, God still does not deal with us according to our sins, nor rewards us according to our iniquities. With all that God has forgiven us for, what excuse do we have in not forgiving others? Eph 4:32 tells us to be kind to one another, forgiving as God forgave us in Christ. Therefore we are left without excuse when we refuse to forgive. Too many of us enjoy God's forgiveness for some of the most vile of sins; yet, we quickly condemn, and hold a grudge against those that offend us. In Matt 18:21-22, the Apostle Peter asked Jesus if he should forgive up to seven times. Jesus' response to Peter was "up to seventy times seven". In that chapter Jesus went on to use the parable of the unforgiving servant who was forgiven a great debt, yet refused to forgive someone who owed him a significantly lower debt than the one he was forgiven for. In the end, the master who forgave the great debt became angry, and punished the unforgiving servant. Before we hold bitterness in our hearts towards another, we must stop and consider what Ps 103 tells us about what we have received or not received for sinning against the Lord. I have heard some born again believers use the excuse that they are "only human", and that they just cannot forgive because of the nature of the offense committed against them. However, may I point our that Joseph was also "only human", and he was able to forgive his brother's for their great betrayal? Their betrayal led to his enslavement, imprisonment, but ultimately led to his position in Egypt, which was all part of God's plan for Joseph. Even when he was second in command of Egypt, and had opportunity for vengeance, he chose forgiveness. His response to them was that what they intended for evil, God meant for good (Gen 50:20). What a powerful response! What glory God received in Joseph's response! In Lk 17, Jesus tells His disciples that they are to forgive seven times in a day, when the offender repents for sinning against them (note that there was no exception for any particular sin mentioned). Our ability to forgive is connected to our faith, as Jesus goes on to explain to His disciples. The bottom line is that we, as God's children, have a duty to forgive (Lk 17:10). Forgiveness is not impossible. We have been forgiven, and the Holy Spirit in us will give us the strength we need to overcome any bitterness that may be residing in our hearts for any offenses committed against us. We must choose to let go, and trust God (have faith) for the outcome.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Just Follow Him

Verse of the day: John 21:22 Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.”
What is that to you? A question we must ask ourselves continually, as we serve God. All too often we are distracted by what others are doing, rather than focusing on what God called us to do. As a body of believers we are to take care of one another's needs, and help restore one another when we stumble, but we are not called to be busy bodies. We are not called to judge another for exercising a liberty they have in Christ, that is not sin (Rm 14:4). It is not our job to police someone else's walk with the Lord (Ps 37:23). The Lord is our guide, and He has a plan for each of our lives. Yes, we are to pray for each other, and even serve as accountability when asked, and needed. We are to, in love, confront, if necessary, one who has strayed, and found themselves in the midst of sin. We can rebuke in love, but all in the context of a desire to see that person restored to fellowship with the Lord, and His people. However, for some, it has become their unsolicited duty to be his brother's keeper, rather than setting their eyes on Jesus, and following Him. Our primary duty is to follow our Lord. He is the one who will direct our service to Him. We have all been given varying talents, abilities, and gifts. God will use us as He sees fit, based on that, and may even choose to use us outside of those parameters. When we start to compare ourselves by what God is doing with someone else, we quickly open the door to jealousy, strife, and pride. When the Apostle Peter inquired about the Apostle John, Jesus responded that Peter should focus on following Him, and not focus on how John was going to be used. This does not mean that we cannot partner with others in ministry. However, when we serve together, it is so that we complement one another in service; not try to out do one another. Whatever our lot in life, as it pertains to serving God, our goal should always be to follow Jesus. We may not always agree with how someone else may be serving, because "we may not have done it that way", but that servant will give account to the Master. There are many things that the Lord reserves to Himself. How He works in another's life, and how He will glorify Himself through them, is not for our concern; just as how He will choose to use us is of no other's concern. We must remind ourselves constantly, in our walk with, and service to, the Lord, that He is who we measure ourselves by, and He is the Guide to our steps. Let us leave the accountability of others to the Lord, cast our eyes upon Him, and follow Him wherever it may lead. Being in the center of God's will is the safest, and best place to be. In the end we will give account for ourselves, and how well WE followed.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Unto Us...

Verse of the day: Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
During the time of this prophecy, the southern kingdom was under the rule of Ahaz, and times were increasing in darkness and distress. The northern kingdom was on the verge of being taken captive by the Assyrians. How hopeless that time would have been for Israel. The longing for their Messiah would have been great, as they looked forward to being freed from their turmoil. Even so today, there are many whose lives are in turmoil. They have no hope, and cannot see a way out of the distress they are experiencing. Many may be suffering heartbreak because of some kind of loss (whether saved or unsaved). Unlike Israel in those days, our Savior has already come. The Messiah, our Wonderful Counselor, the Everlasting Father, and our Prince of Peace was already born unto us, and has given His life for this dark, and lost, world. Today, as we celebrate with family, and friends, let us not forget what Christmas is all about. It is about Jesus. Let us not forget those who are living in distress, and turmoil. Let us take time to remind each other that God's peace is available to all of us who have already believed, and called upon Him. We must take time today to share Jesus with our unsaved family, and friends, that they too would receive eternal life, and have hope (the Living Hope) in this hopeless world. Let us make Jesus the center of our celebration today, and every day. We wish all who read this a very Merry, and Blessed, Christmas! For those who do not know Jesus personally, our prayer is that today you receive the greatest gift ever given to man/woman, the gift of eternal life that can only be obtained through faith in Jesus, and His finished work on Calvary. For those who do know Him, our brothers, and sisters, in Christ, may your day be filled with praise, and thanksgiving, for our Wonderful Lord and Savior. May the Lord afford us all the opportunity to share His love with all those we encounter today, and every day. God bless!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Death Of A Seed

Verse of the day: John 12:24 Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.
Our God is truly amazing. When we stop and think of how He brings forth life, I am left in awe. A healthy seed must first die before life can be brought forth. The seed, in and of itself, cannot bring forth life, lest it is watered, and God produce life from it. So we could not bring forth eternal life, in and of ourselves. Hence, we celebrate the coming of God's Son, Jesus, who was born into this world for the express purpose of dying, so that we could have life eternal. Today, as born again believers, we are told that in order to produce fruit in our lives we must be willing to die. We are called to take up our cross, and follow Jesus (Matt 16:24, Lk 14:27). If we expect that God will use us greatly for the sake of the Gospel, we must be willing to die to our selfish desires, and wants. We must be willing to die to the world, and its pleasures. This means that we may have to rearrange our schedules, or change our plans, in order to serve God, by making ourselves available to serve others (usually during the most inconvenient time for us). I can imagine how often we have probably missed out on a great blessing, and heavenly reward, because we refused to change, or adjust our plans in order to be there for someone who really needed help. Just recently we had to make several adjustments in our plans in order for my wife to be there for an unsaved friend. As a result of a willingness to die to ourselves, and what we wanted to do, my wife was able to lead this friend to Jesus! Only after a true willingness to die will Jesus be able to produce real, lasting, fruit in our lives. Only when we are willing to die to our way of thinking, and our attitudes, will the Holy Spirit be able to produce His fruit in our lives. As we look forward to Christmas Day, let us reflect on the greatest example set for us by One who died in order to bring forth much fruit. We are the fruit of His death, and now we are called to be like Him, and like that grain of wheat, we must die, for Jesus' sake, so that other will be led to Him, and have the opportunity to truly live.

Friday, December 23, 2016


Verse of the day: Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

The announcement of our Saviors birth! What an event to witness! The announcement made to the least likely recipients of that day...shepherds; yet, what a message it was! A message that still applies today. Glory to God. A message of praise for our God, the One who is greatest of all, as there is none who compares, nor is His equal. On earth peace. When we look around today, we can readily say that there is no peace. Why? Well, because the peace spoken of is peace between God and man. At the Savior's coming we were yet sinners, lost in our sin. It was while we were yet sinners, that Jesus came and proved His love toward us, by dying for us (Rm 5:8). Jesus was very clear in Matthew 10:34 that He did not come to bring peace on earth, but a sword. Many of us have experienced this sword via persecution from family, and friends, when we have turned from our old ways, and beliefs, and followed Jesus. Yes, we can have peace, but that peace is with God. We can have peace of mind. We can even have some semblance of peace with our brothers & sisters in Christ. However, true peace among men will only be realized once Jesus establishes His Kingdom on earth, and more so when He creates the new heaven & earth. Goodwill toward men. God has demonstrated His goodness toward us by giving us the greatest gift man could ever receive, eternal life through Jesus, His only begotten Son. This time of year is a wonderful time to not only be reminded of God's love for us, but also gives us a great opportunity to share with others what Jesus did in coming to us. The greatest gift we can give for Christmas is the opportunity for someone to receive the greatest Gift of all...Jesus as Savior and Lord. The duty of bringing peace, and good will toward others is now in our hands. Today, let us ask God to lead us to those He wants us to share the Message with. There are those around us whose hearts God has already prepared to receive the Message. Let us be careful, as His ambassadors, to share that Message with as many as He puts before us; not just in word, but also in attitude and deed; that Jesus be lifted up in our lives, that He may draw them to Himself.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Strength for Contentment

Verse of the day: Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

In my experience, as a Christian, this is one of the most misused verses of Scripture I have heard quoted. Sadly, I have seen many well intentioned believers end up sorely disappointed because they claimed this verse in a context that was not relevant to the situation they were in. In the end, they were discouraged, and confused, questioning why God did not work in their circumstance, as they expected. The problem we sometimes experience with God's Word is not that God fails to keep it, it is that we fail to study it, and apply it in its context. In this chapter of Philippians the Apostle Paul reveals to us how he was able to endure, and be content, regardless of what state he found himself in. The same strength he found to help him is the same strength we, as born again believers, have access to today. That Strength is Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, working in us. In verse 4 we are told to rejoice always (not just when circumstances, and conditions are "just right"). In verse 6-7, we are reminded to be anxious for nothing, but to bring everything to the Lord, in prayer, with thanksgiving. The result? The peace of God which the world neither knows nor understands. The bottom line is that in this world we will suffer many things. There will be both good & bad in our lives. There is a season for everything,  and we, as followers of Christ, are not immuned to suffering. However, we, unlike the unsaved, have access to the strength that enables us to endure, and be content in all things, at all times. This verse does not give us license to do whatever we please, outside of God's will or God's plan for us. Instead, it enables us to endure whatever God allows in our lives, as we seek to live according to His will, and plan for our lives. Contentment is one of the most difficult things to experience, because of our battle with covetousness, and our desire to sometimes go after what we want, rather than what God wants for us. So today, we need to stop, and examine what we are pursuing  in life. If we are doing our best to serve God, and live out His place, then we need not worry about where our supply will come from. We need not worry about how this problem or that problem will be resolved. What we need to do is keep our eyes on the Lord, thank Him for the blessings that we already have in Him, and be content with whatever  state He has chosen to have us in at this moment. His plan is always better than ours, and what He chooses for us is always better than what we choose for ourselves. Ultimately,  He will give us the strength to stay in the race set before us!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Suffering Endured

Verse of the day: 1 Peter 2:18-19 Servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh. 19 For this is commendable, if because of conscience toward God one endures grief, suffering wrongfully.
At some point in our life we may have someone in authority over us who is not a Christian, very ungodly, and difficult to work for or deal with. Some of us may also have opportunity to work for, or deal with, someone who may, or may not, be a Christian, and a joy to work for. As born again believers, what should be our response to either person? In 1 Peter 2 we are given instruction on how we should behave toward those in authority, regardless of which of these two categories they fall under. The Apostle Peter points out that the Lord was our example in how we should respond. He also reminds us that suffering for doing good, and doing the right thing is commendable, as opposed to suffering as a consequence of our own wrong doing. With that said, there will be moments when we will be persecuted, and mistreated, by those who are in authority over us, and those who may even be our equal. The bottom line is that when we follow the Lord, and choose what is right, and good, we are going to face opposition in a dark world. Jesus was clear in that if He was persecuted, we too would be persecuted (For the servant is not greater than the Master). Yet, when He was reviled, He did not revile in return, or threaten, but instead submitted to His Father’s will. So we too, when we are treated unjustly, are to respond in the same manner, submitting to the will of God, which is clearly stated for us in this chapter. In the end, our proper response will put to shame the person who is mistreating us (by returning good for evil), and God will be glorified, as others see how we have chosen to handle the situation. Ultimately it is not about how we feel or what the other person thinks. It is not about who gets the upper hand or who proves what to whom. It is all about what God wants from us as a response to how we are sometimes treated in this world. If God’s perfect Son can suffer for our sake (even unto the death of the Cross); all to bring us eternal life, then we, as His children, and as His representatives here on earth, can suffer for a moment, for His sake, and the sake of the Gospel. You never know…the same person that persecutes or troubles us today may be the person that God chooses for us to lead to Him tomorrow. Let us not burn those bridges by responding in a way that is common in the world (and will ruin our testimony for Jesus), causing us to go against what God has told us is right to do. Let our response, and attitude, be all for the glory of our God!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Before It's Too Late

Verse of the day: John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

What was God’s purpose in sending us His Son? It was not to judge or condemn us. Luke 19:10 tells us that He came to seek and save that which was lost. They Jews were awaiting a Messiah who would condemn the Gentile, but Jesus came with a different message. His desire, as recorded for us in 2 Peter 3:9, is that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance. With that said, let us not make the mistake of thinking that man will not be condemned. In this same chapter of John we are told that man is condemned already. Why? Because of unbelief. Although God did not send Jesus to condemn us, many have already condemned themselves because they have hardened their hearts toward God. Some have condemned themselves because today they have heard the Gospel message, but have chosen to reject it. We are not promised tomorrow, and therefore are not guaranteed that we will be alive tomorrow to accept what Jesus offers today. For those of us who already enjoy the benefits of knowing Jesus personally as Savior, we have a duty to share what we have with our family, friends, and all those that the Lord puts in our path. Each day brings us closer to the day when the Lord will return, and one day closer to someone we know departing earth into the next life. The Bible is very clear that we can know that we have salvation (1 John 5:13), and it is also very clear that God’s wrath abides on anyone who chooses unbelief (John 3:36). A day is coming when Jesus will return, and His second coming will not be as His first. The Lamb of God will return as the Lion of Judah. What are we to do, now, before it is too late? We are to shine the light of Christ in this dark world (Matt 5:14-16), that others would have the opportunity to call on the Name of the One who came to give us all eternal life. When was the last time any of us took the time to sit down and share Christ with another? When was the last time we did something as simple as hand someone a Gospel tract? Living an honest, holy life, before the Lord can open doors for us to share Christ with others (family, friends, and co-workers). Showing the love of Christ to someone who may be hurting or in need can open a door for us to share Jesus with someone who is lost. What are we actively doing to share Jesus with others, before it is too late? Beloved, there will come a time when it is too late. Today, we are alive, and have many opportunities to tell others about the wonderful gift that God has bestowed upon us (John 3:16). What are we doing with this gift? It is not one that was given to us to keep hidden, but to share with the world. Will you share the love of God with others today? Will you tell at least one person about God’s amazing grace, and about His Son, who came not to condemn, but to save?

Monday, December 19, 2016

Count It All Loss

Verse of the day: Philippians 3:7 But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.

What do we strive for in this life? What are our priorities? What is most important? Stop for a moment, and consider your goals. Where is God in that list of goals or priorities? Based on that list, what are we willing to do to accomplish those goals? What is motivating us to reach those goals? Is it how people will view who we are? Is it how much of this world’s riches we will gain? Is it how much it will feed our pride, and ego? Are we striving for more money, a new home, new car, new position at work, status in society? In all of this, is it affecting our relationship with the Lord? Are we spending less time with family, or going to church less, and less? Do we find ourselves making excuses for why we no longer spend as much time reading, and studying, God’s Word? Is it time to change our priorities, and make God number One in our lives again? If there was anyone who could boast about who he was, humanly speaking, it was the Apostle Paul. He was born of the Tribe of Benjamin (the favored Tribe of Israel, who never intermingled with Gentiles). He was a Pharisee of the Pharisee, a son of a Pharisee (Acts 23:6), taught by the leading teacher of that time Gamaliel (Acts 22:3), and lived as one of the most religious, and strict, people of that time. In his zeal, he persecuted Christ’s followers (known then as the Way; Acts 22:4), and could boast of living a blameless life, as per the Law, from a human standpoint (Acts 26:5). Yet, once he had his life changing experience with Jesus, he was never the same, and all he counted precious, he now counted as dung (Phil 3:8). The priority in his life became knowing Jesus, and the salvation that Jesus offers, and serving Him. His goal in life became his service to God, and was willing to lose all he had gained, humanly speaking, for the sake of Jesus, and the Gospel. What is holding us back, today, and keeping us from giving the Lord our all? What is standing in the way of our complete surrender to the service of our Lord? Are our goals causing us to compromise who we are in Christ? Are we willing to compromise our faith, our righteousness, our honesty, and holiness, for the sake of gaining something that is of no heavenly worth? There are many who take much pride in how “religious” they are. However, the Apostle Paul gave testimony of how religious he was, and would have put many religious people, today, to shame, in comparison. Nonetheless, like him, we must put our religious tendencies aside, and focus on what a life in Christ really means. Worldly enjoyments, and outward privileges, which impress the masses, should become as nothing in comparison to knowing Jesus, and having a greater understanding of what it means to be a child of God, a born again believer. We must learn, and enjoy, the freedom that is found in Christ, and not be bound by religious rituals, and traditions, that enslave, rather than set free; for in Christ, we are free indeed (John 8:36), not only from sin, but from all that enslaves. The bottom line is that whatever it was that had priority in our lives, before Christ, needs to take a back seat to, or maybe even be forsaken, for the sake of Christ, and the Gospel. For there is nothing that we will give up for Jesus that will compare to all He has in store for us (and all we have already gained). We have received no greater gift, privilege, or treasure, than our salvation, and relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let us count all else as worthless for the sake of gaining Jesus.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Better to Obey...

Verse of the day: Proverbs 21:3 To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.

How easily we can deceive ourselves if we are not careful about what we believe is acceptable to our God. Far too many of us forget that God prefers sincerity, righteousness, and holiness within, than empty actions that try to mask what is really in our hearts. 1 Samuel 16:7 clearly tells us that God does not see as we see. We see the outward appearance, while He sees the heart. In 1 Samuel 15:22, the Prophet Samuel tells King Saul that God is not as interested or as pleased with sacrifices, as He is with obedience, and submission, to His Word. This truth still applies today. We cannot live a life of sin, as a born again believer, and think that God is pleased. Yes, we live in an age of grace, but God’s grace is not an excuse to sin; and we certainly cannot bribe God with our sacrifices (which without faith are like filthy rags to God; Isaiah 64:6). Religious rituals, fasting, giving, and the like, are not substitutes for righteousness, and holiness. In Mark 12:33, we are told to love God with all that is in us, and our neighbor as ourselves. That verse ends by telling us that this is more important than burnt offerings, and sacrifices. Matthew 5:23 reminds us that if we bring our gifts to the altar, but remember that we are in conflict with a brother, we are to leave our gift at the altar, reconcile with our brother, and then come again to offer our gift. God is very clear in His Word, that obedience, righteous living, and holy living are what really matter to Him. Too often we, as Christians, although we serve, still dishonor God because of our attitude, and actions towards others. We use our sacrifice of service as a substitute for what God really expects from us. Let us, today, ask God to show us what is in our hearts. Let us, today, examine ourselves, and put aside useless sacrifices that mean nothing to God, if our hearts are not right with Him. Let us forsake our pet sins, and stop living as if we do not belong to a Holy and Righteous God. Let us be careful about how we represent Jesus, and concern ourselves more with what He sees in our hearts, than what people see of our façade. Let us be true to our God, and offer Him the sacrifices that really count; the sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise that comes from a heart that desires, and does its best, to live righteously, and holy, before our Lord. God sacrificed His best (Jesus) for us, let us not offer cheap, and empty, sacrifices in return; but instead, let us offer Him our best (starting with what is in our hearts). Only then can we offer Him sacrifices (by faith and in Christ) that will be pleasing to Him.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Small Giants

Verse of the Day: 1 Samuel 17:45-46 Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.

In John 16:33, Jesus told us that in this world we would have tribulation, but He also told us to be of good cheer, because He had overcome the world. We, as God’s children, as born again Christians, are in Him, and therefore have also overcome the world, in Christ. Along with this bit of revelation, He also told us that in Him we may have peace. How often is that peace given up, by us, when we face a giant in our lives? When troubling times come, and we feel fear, worry, and are overtaken by anxiety? In this world we will face many challenges. The Lord will allow certain trials, and tests, to come our way, and all are meant to make us more like Him, in the end. How we endure each trial is going to depend on how we see each circumstance. In the case of Israel’s army, they measured themselves against the Philistine giant that stood before them. In the Book of Numbers, when Israel was told to enter the Promise Land, and surveyed the land, they saw giants, and compared themselves to the giants. Herein is our problem. Too often, when we face a problem that is bigger than we are, we see it from the point of view that we are too small. In both instances when Israel faced giants, there was a small minority who saw the giants from God’s perspective. Joshua, and Caleb, saw the Promise Land as theirs because God told them it was theirs, and they trusted God to deliver it to them. The people saw how big the giants were, but Joshua and Caleb saw how big God was. David saw the Philistine as a mere man who was small compared to his God (who, by the way, is our God). Today, our giants are no different. Although they might make us feel small in comparison, there is no problem, circumstance, or trial that is bigger than our God. When we serve the Almighty God, He may send us into a situation(s) where we will find opposition. For we have an enemy that does not want us lead others to Jesus or accomplish anything that will glorify God. Therefore, he (Satan) will do all in his power to oppose us. However, our Bible tells us (1 John 4:4) that greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world. The bottom line is that we can have victory over all the giants we face in life. The deciding factor will be how we view those giants. We can measure them against ourselves, which more often than not will cause us to feel extremely small, and hopeless; or we can see them for what they are, in comparison to our God…small giants, with no real power over to take our peace from us, unless we choose to relinquish it.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Without Love...

Verse of the day: 1 Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

As human beings, in general, God has endowed us with many talents & abilities. As His children He has given us gifts to use within the church body to bless, edify, and encourage each other. However, if we read verses 1 through 3, God is very clear that even if we have all kinds of talents, abilities, or gifts, if we do not have love, we are nothing, and are of no profit to God. He then goes on to explain that love is kind, not envious, does not boast, is not arrogant, not selfish, not easily angered, patient, does not rejoice over someone else's misfortune, and endures much (just to name a few). To explain each in detail would take much more time, and space, in writing this. However, the bottom line is that love is the foundation for our service to the Lord. Love (true love) toward one another is what sets us apart from others. Jesus told us that our love for each other is what will show the world that we belong to Him. He demonstrated, for us, what that love looks like. It was not just a bunch of empty words, but action that proved His love. He gave His life to show us His love, for He is Love. To love is to do for others, when given the opportunity, and not simply saying that we will pray for someone; especially when we have the means to help. To love is to be willing to sacrifice for another, and put their needs before our own (knowing, and trusting, that God will take care of whatever our need is). For example, there are moments when God may bless us with some material thing or extra money right before someone else's need arises. At that moment we must decide if we will give that money to meet that need (realizing that this situation may have been the reason for the blessing) or we could ignore the situation, and keep the money for ourselves. By refusing to show love, in this case, would ultimately rob ourselves, and the other person, of God's true blessing. Why? Because God may have wanted to use us to answer that person's prayers, and bring Him glory. We may also have forfeited a future reward when we stand before Him some day soon. True love causes us to stop, and think, before we react toward another person, and how we treat others, in any given situation, even when we are offended. We must be careful that a lack of true love does not drive others away from drawing near to Jesus. Sadly, too many people have been pushed away from accepting Jesus because of a lack of love on the part of God's children. Let us love, as we have been love, for God's glory. Let us not limit our love only to those who love us, as we have been commanded to even love our enemies. Romans 5:8 tells us that "God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." That is true love.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Perfect Christian

Verse of the day: I John 5:18 We know that everyone begotten of God does not sin; but he that was begotten of God keeps himself, and the evil one does not touch him.

There is no perfect Christian. There...I said it. Now, if you are honest about this, you too would agree. I have yet to meet, self included, a born again believer that does not sin. If this is true (which it is), then why does God say, in this verse, that "everyone begotten of God does not sin"? First, let us understand that He told us in 1 John 1:8-10 that if we say that we do not sin, we deceive ourselves, and call God a liar. God forbid! So, how is it that He can now say we do not sin? Simple...we have been saved by Jesus, and washed in His Blood. The Holy Spirit indwells us. In 1 John 3:9, He tells us that anyone who is begotten by God does not practice sin, because the Spirit is in us. Simply put, the Father sees the Blood of Jesus, and His righteouness (not ours), and because we have been washed in His Blood, and the Spirit dwells us, we have been justified, or declared "not guilty". As far as the sins we commit, God did not say that we would never sin. He said that we do not practice sin. There is quite a difference. To not practice sin means that we do not sin as a lifestyle, as the unsaved, unrepented, person does. The Spirit, working in us, changes us so that our desire to live a sinful life is quenched. However, because we are still in the flesh, a battle exists between our flesh and our spirit. This is where our choices make us or break us in living a holy life. Nonetheless, we have the Spirit, who strengthens us when we choose right, and God's Word to correct us, convict us, and give us direction, through the Spirit's work. In this chapter (v.19) we are reminded that the evil one has sway over the world. He is the one who tries to convince us that we are forsaken by God when we stumble in sin. That is simply not true. The majority of this chapter assures us of our salvation, and essentially reminds us that if we are certain of our salvation, we will not be swayed by the evil one's lies (as is the rest of the world). The bottom line is that, if we have called upon Jesus, and surrendered our lives to Him, we are safe from comdemnation, and Satan's lies. We no longer live a life, or desire a life, of sin. Instead, we do our best to live holy, and righteous, lives, and when we stumble, we have an Advocate who speaks on our behalf. It is because of His righteousness that we are acceptable to our Heavenly Father, and never forsaken. So, if we battle in our minds with guilt over sins committed, simply repent, confess, and move forward. We belong to God, have been washed in the Blood of Jesus, and have the Spirit in us to help us know, and understand, the truths in God's Word that ressures us. We can have the ultimate victory over sin in our lives. However, it will be, and is, a battle. Someone said that the Christian life is a battleground, not a playground. Thank the Lord that He is the One who fights on our behalf!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

When I Am Weak...

Verse of the day: II Corinthians 12:9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

We are to be thankful in all things. Easier said than done for many of us. Like Peter (who boasted about his dedication to Jesus, then denied Him), we talk a good game, until God allows life to hit us with a 2"x4"; those moments when tragedy strikes (in our life or the life of a loved one) or illness takes hold. When we call upon Jesus to be our Savior and Lord, God begins the process of changing us, and making us who He wants us to His Son. Part of that transformation is making us humble, so that we serve Him, and others, with humility. A humble servant will view no ministry, regardless of what it is, as being beneath us. Humility will help us view others as being worthy to be served, regardless of who they are, and allow us to forgive, no matter what the offense. Many of us have been blessed with wonderful, gifts, talents, and abilities. It is very easy to become puffed up, even in our service to the Lord. The Apostle Paul recognized that he could very easily be filled with pride, because of what the Lord chose to reveal to him. To keep him humble the Lord allowed a messenger of Satan to inflict the Apostle. (Reminder: God can choose whatever method He desires to teach us humility. Why? Because He is God.). Note however, that rather than waste the rest of his life complaining about his affliction, the Apostle chose to pray for healing, but ultimately accept God's answer of "No." He then saw this affliction as an opportunity to show the world what God could do in spite of ths Apostle's weakness. Let us, like the Apostle, glory in our weaknesses, and instead of complaining, see it/them as an opportunity to put the power of God on display in our lives, as we humbly serve Him. All for the glory of God!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Through His Eyes

Verse of the day: I Corinthians 2:11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.

How well do we know ourselves? My experience has been that we do not know ourselves as well as we think. We know some things about who we are, but we do not really know ourselves. If we are honest, many of us, if not most, have had moments when we surprised ourselves by something we blurted out, or something we did. This portion of Scripture is very clear, and God is telling us, that we really do not know ourselves. We know with what intentions we do certain things (which is why we need to judge ourselves); however, we do not always know just how deeply routed the wickness in us is, because it originates deep within us, in our hearts, where only God can truly see it. With that said, we must be careful that we not judge someone else's intentions or motivations for doing something, or not doing something (just as they cannot judge our motivations, or intentions). As born again believers, we can know this...we can know the things of God that He has freely revealed to us, in His Word. The only reason we can is because we have been given the Spirit of God, who also knows the mind of God. It is via the Word of God that we begin to truly see who we really are, as the Word of God is the mirror that will give us the truest reflection of ourselves. It is in His Word that we see our shortcomings, and find out how wicked are hearts can be. Nonetheless, do not lose heart or lose hope. God reveals these things in us because His desire is to change us, so that we become more, and more, like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So today, let us take a close, and honest, look at ourselves in God's Word, and ask God to show us what is in our hearts. We must allow the truth He reveals make a difference in our lives, and allow Him to change us. Rather than be preoccupied with judging someone else's heart, let us follow Jesus, and focus on what He wants to change in us. For Jesus is the only One who truly knows man's heart, and who has been given sole authority to judge us, based on what He sees there. How blessed we are that we can know the mind of God, and be changed, from who we are, into who He wants us to be. If we truly want to know who we are, we must see ourselves, not through our eyes or another man's eyes, but through God's eyes, and His Spirit working in us to reveal that truth.

Monday, December 12, 2016

We Must Turn Back

Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.
Happy is the nation who worships, and lives by the principles of the Word of God. How far from that we have come as a nation, and as a people. Even though this verse refers to the Hebrew people, at that time; we too are now His people thru Jesus Christ. How sad to see our nation in the condition that it is in. This country was founded on Christian principles. However, today, many would deny that, and even try to erase that fact from our history. We have removed God from our schools, and any other public place, for the sake of not offending. Society wants nothing to do with being accountable to a righteous God, and even worse, many Christians live more like the world than like a follower of Christ. Evidence of how far we have gone away from the One true God can be easily found in the corruption that we see today. We were once a happy, and blessed, nation, but the truth of the matter is that this nation is heading for destruction if we do not turn back to God. I'm not talking about running around saying, "God bless America" every time we are attacked, or in some sort of trouble as a nation. Those are empty words when they are not backed up by true worship. We, as His people, as born again believers, have a responsibility to live for Him, worship Him, and speak His name, regardless of what others say, or think. We are the ones called to live honestly, and stand up for righteousness. We are His representatives here on earth, in our country, and we must represent without hypocrisy. Think for a moment, and ask yourself, "Am I truly living for God, or am I just going along to get along?" Those of us who call ourselves "Christians" have been chosen by Him, thru Jesus. Regardless of what direction our nation takes, we are called to live for Him. We must fervently pray that our country turns back to the One True God before it is too late. Compared to other places, we still enjoy many blessings. If we do not change, we will find ourselves cursed, and miserable. Let us not be the people who add to the ungodliness that exists today. Instead, let us stand apart by our attitude, words, deeds, and by our true worship of our God.

What's It Worth?

Verse of the day: Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.

What is our life worth? To God, it was worth dying for (although that thought still baffles me, and at the same time causes me to praise and thank Him). To Jesus, it was worth it. In Philippians, the Word tells us He went to the Cross for the joy of what it would accomplish. Is that not astounding? Here, the Apostle Paul is saying his "farewells" to a group of brothers, and sisters, he will not see again, as he knows that his service to our Lord will end in death. How often have we wanted to know God's plan, ahead of time? How often have we wanted to know the details? Yet, I believe that for many, we would be better off not knowing. How many of us would honest go forward with God's plan for our life, if He revealed that all our years of service would involve suffering, and end in death, at the hands of man? I am afraid that many would be like Jonah, and run the other way. The Apostle was told, from the outset, that he would suffer many things, for the sake of the Gospel. Nonetheless, he valued his service, and commitment to God, more than he valued his own life. Would every born again believer have the same mindset! What then could be accomplished in the Name of Jesus! So, I ask today, "What is our life worth?" Have we sold out to the world for a cheap price? Have we sold out for things that are temporary, carnal, and of no heavenly worth? Or...have we sold out to God? Have we surrendered our lives to the One who showed us that our lives were worth dying for? Let us commit, and surrender our lives today, to God, who can make more of our lives in His hands than we ever could, or can, by deciding what to do with them. Like the Apostle, let us count our lives as dung, and service to God, even unto death, as being of great value. For all that we can gain here pales in comparison to what we will gain in Heaven for service rendered to God, and souls saved, as a result of a life lived in obedience to the Lord, and His Word.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

No Comparison

Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
As children of God, we have so much to look forward to. Seems that today, many followers of Jesus are so caught up in the "here and now" that some of us have lost sight of what is to come. Some day (maybe very soon) the Lord will return for us. If we die before He returns, we will be present with Him anyway, as promised in His Word. Our bodies will be made new. We will rule with Him. We will receive reward from Him, for our obedient service to Him (hence, why it is so important to live according to His will for us). We will be with him for all eternity with no sin, sickness, heartache, you name it. The corruption of this world, the trials of this world, the personal struggles, trials, and hurts, will be no more. This life is very short. We are not even guaranteed that we will make it thru this whole day, never mind tomorrow. So what is this life (even with many of its sufferings) in comparison to what we have gained in Christ, and a life of eternal bliss that awaits us? I'll answer that for you. There is no comparison. We have so much to look forward to, and if that is not enough, the God of this Universe has saved us, thru Christ, and is with us in all that we go thru in this lifetime. What more can we ask for, seeing that we are not getting what we do deserve, and already receiving far more than we deserve?

Forever Changed

Verse of the day: Acts 9:29 And he spoke boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus and disputed against the Hellenists, but they attempted to kill him.

It was not long before this that Saul, later the Apostle Paul, who was on the road to Damascus, was on his way to persecute Christians, in the name of God. Who even stood by, and approved of the killing of Stephen. Now we find him boldly proclaiming the One he was denying, by persecuting His children (and thereby persecuting Jesus). What changed him? What was so different now that changed His religious views? An encounter with the only One who could change his life...Jesus Christ. The change in Saul's life was so dramatic that many did not believe it at first. How could this man, who was so fervently persecuting the people of God, now be preaching Jesus so boldly? It was the drastic change that others witnessed, that proved to them that Saul had been truly changed. Can that be said about us? Can our family, and friends, look at our life today, and see a dramatic difference in the way we are living, as compared to the way we lived before we had our life changing experience, when we called upon Jesus to be our Savior and Lord? The bottom line is that, like Saul, our life should look completely different from what it used to be to those who knew us before. The response will vary, of course. Some will commend it, and we'll have opportunity to lead those to Jesus; while others will be critical, and even condemn us, and forsake us, claiming, and accusing us, that we have gone crazy. Even Saul had to run for his life once his life was changed by the Lord. Jesus is in the business of changing lives. He did not save us so that we could remain where we were or who we were. We are now the children of God. We no longer belong to the devil. We have been adopted into the family of God, and our life must now reflect that. We were made new creatures in Christ, and our view of God, and man, is being renewed, as our minds are being renewed, by the work of the Spirit, and the Word of God (as we apply it, and live it). A change in our attitude, actions, and worldview, should have others wondering, and asking, "What happened to him/her?" Saul went after Christians with much fervency. After his life altering meeting with Jesus, he used that same fervency to serve Him. We, with the same fervency we used to satisfy our sinful ways, should now use that energy to serve God, and apply the truth of God's Word to our own lives. Has there been a drastic change in our lives? What would those around us say, if asked, as to whether or not we are different, now that we are claiming Jesus as our Savior? Would we bring God glory from the answers that would be given? If not, then we really need to re-examine our relationship with Him. If so, then let us continue to march on, and be like those believers in chapter 11, who were turning the world upside down for the Lord, and were first called Christians (little christs) in Antioch (v.26); all for the glory of God!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Greatest Power

Jeremiah 32:17 ‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.
"Let there be light." There was light. He spoke, and it came into existence. This is the God we serve. If our God is this powerful, is there anything that is impossible for Him? No, there isn't. So, why do we oftentimes live that way, as if something has happened, or is happening, in our life, that Jesus cannot handle? The Word of God tells us that our Lord, and Savior, Jesus, rose from the dead, conquered both the grave, and death. So, how it is that He can't handle whatever is going on in our life right now? Even so, tell me why we worry about what might, or might not, happen tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year? The truth is that what is impossible with men is possible with God. There is no exception to that truth. There is absolutely no situation that will arise in our lives that God cannot get us through. There is no situation, or circumstance, that will ever be bigger than our God. We must continually look to Him, have faith in Him, and trust that whatever He allows is ALWAYS for our good, and His glory. He promised to always be with us, provide all our needs, and eventually make us more like Jesus. However, it will be in His way, and His time. So, today, take time to give (and I mean truly give) to God whatever it is that is causing us worry, or tormenting us physically, emotionally, or spiritually, and know that He will take care of it, and see us through. Don't forget to truly seek what it is He is trying to teach us, or change in our lives, by what He is allowing right now. He has a purpose, and has the power to accomplish whatever it is. All for His glory.

More of Him, Less of Me

Verse of the day: John 1:8 He was not that Light, but was  sent to bear witness of that Light.

Ambassadors for Jesus. Yes, that is what each, and every, born again believer is. Our duty is to represent Jesus, here on earth, in a way that glorifies Him, and our Heavenly Father. The Word of God reminds us that our good works should cause others to glorify our Father in Heaven. John the Baptist was a great example of how we are to represent Jesus. His whole aim in life was to direct others to Christ, as he does, in this chapter, with the disciples (and others). His attitude was, and it showed in his words and actions, that Jesus must increase in his life, and he, John, should decrease. Although John was a man of courage, bold in presenting Jesus, he was also humble, and lived humbly. He was faithful in his service to the Lord, but had moments of doubt. When he found himself imprisoned for speaking out against sin, he sent a message to Jesus to inquire as to whether or not He was the Messiah. Jesus answered him by reminding him of the miracles that were being performed by Jesus, the Messiah. Jesus then spoke of how great John was, because of how he served God, and how there was no other like him among men, even though he experienced a moment of doubt while serving the Lord. We can all learn from that circumstance, as serving the Lord can land us in difficult situations that may cause us to doubt for the moment. Nonetheless, do not be disheartened, for the Lord is with us, and will see us through; and even if we suffer death, we do it for the glory of God, and could ask for no better "homegoing" than to lay down our life for the One who did it first, for us. John's whole aim in life was to be careful to never take the credit or glorify himself for what belonged to Jesus. We too must take that same care. All that we accomplish, that has any heavenly worth, is only possible because of Jesus. When we lead others to Jesus, it is He who saves them. When we speak the Word of God or teach it to others, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that moves the person's heart. When others see fruit being produced in our lives, it is the fruit of the Spirit they see; and that is only possible in our lives when we call upon Jesus. The bottom line is that others should see more of Jesus, in us, than they see of us. We must give Him the credit, and the glory. We were put here, not so that people would follow us, but that we would lead them to Jesus. Let us be like John the Baptist, and be able to say as the Apostle Paul, "Be followers of me, even as I am also of Christ." (1 Cor 11:1) All glory to our God, our Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ!

Friday, December 9, 2016

A Healthy Defense

Matthew 4:4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”
When staying physically fit, an important part of our routine includes a healthy diet. I have seen many people go to extremes in their diets in order to maintain physical fitness. As Christians, we would make incredible gains, spiritually, if we took that much care to take in the Word of God. Athletes train rigorously to become the best at what they do, training their bodies, and being careful about how they nourish them. Our life, in Scripture, is called a race. Should we too not take care to exercise our faith, and include a healthy diet of God's Word. In Matthew, the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness, where He fasted for 40 days. At the end of that time, guess who shows up? Yes, you guessed it. Satan. He tried to tempt Jesus into turning a stone into bread to feed Himself. However, Jesus countered temptation with Scripture (Matthew 4:4). We too would have more success in not falling to temptation if we were disciplined enough to continually be in God's Word, reading it, studying it, and committing it to memory. There are many times in our life when we will find ourselves in a vulnerable state, be it from being physically tired, mentally drained, spiritually down, for a number of reasons. Those are the times when sin will tempt us most. Those are the times the enemy will tempt us most, because we are at our weakest. However, our strength lies in knowing the Word of God, and being obedient to it. What we forget is that the Holy Spirit is our strength during those times. How can He then wield His Sword, if we have not committed it to memory. What is there to draw from if the Word is not in our hearts? We must be diligent to keep the Word close at hand, in our hearts, and minds; for this is the best weapon we have to combat temptation, and be victorious over sin.

United in Love

Verse of the day: Romans 12:9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.

Many talents, many abilities, and differing gifts. God has blessed us with such for the purpose of serving Him, being a blessing to, and encouraging, one another. However, some times those very things cause jealousy, and conflict, within the body because of pride, and worldly thinking, in how we exercise the gifts given to us by God. In this chapter of Romans we are reminded to dedicate our lives to God as living sacrifices (dead to the world, and sin, and alive to God, and His service). We are also reminded not to think more of ourselves than we should. After all, all we possess comes from God. We are to use our differing gifts to serve the Lord together, as one body. In this verse we are are commanded to do this one thing that will motivate us to be united in our service to God, with our differing abilities. Love. We are to love without hypocrisy. We are to be devoted to one another, and respect one another. Our love should cause us to be on fire with the Spirit, in our service to the Lord, which will spill over into our service to others. To love without hypocrisy means to be honest, pure, and kind to those we have fellowship with. In business, we are to be diligent, honest, and serve as if we are working for Jesus; for as born again believers, we are serving the Lord. In temperment, we are to be cheerful, patient, and always prayerful. In our general comportment, we are to be humble, giving, peaceable, hating sin (of all types), and not hating the sinner (for God loves the sinner, as we too are sinners saved by grace; the same grace available to all who will come to Him). We are to cling to that which is good, godly, and righteous. The Word of God tell us that we are even to abstain from appearance of evil. The bottom line is that our love for God, and one another, should cause us to use our differing gifts to unite us in serving God, and bringing Him honor, and glory, as others see us serving Him with such love, and fervency. Let us love God, and one another, without hypocrisy; that we might encourage our brothers and sisters, and lead the unsaved to desire a relationship with, and call upon, Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Abiding In His Love

John 15:9 “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.
How do we abide in Jesus' love? Jesus was our greatest example of how to abide in God's love. He always did what the Father wanted Him to do, and His peace was that the Father was with Him. In turn, He tells us now to abide in His love, by living obedient lives (our peace being that He is with us). When we live according to God's Word, we abide in His love. That type of close fellowship with His Father was Jesus' joy. Our Joy is full when we too abide in Jesus' love, by obeying what He commands. The command He gives in this chapter soon after making this statement in verse 9, is to love one another (v. 12). We are to love one another as He has loved us, and has given His life for us. He goes on to say that there is no greater love than when someone lays down their life for a friend (v. 13). We are called to lay down our lives for each other. Keep in mind that it doesn't always mean being physically killed for someone, although in some cases that may be true; but it also means that we are to put others, and their needs, before ourself, and our needs (as the Lord will take care of us). It means sacrificing our time, resources, and whatever else God asks of us, in order to bless another. This is not always easy, as sometimes God asks us to do this for even those who have tried, or have, harmed us or offended us in some way. This is how He loved us (even while we were yet His enemies). The Word of God tells us that love is the greatest of all. So let us strive to abide in His love, by obeying His Word, and His will, and by loving one another unconditionally (regardless of who it is, or what they've done).

Only One Way...Period.

Verse of the day: John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

So many ways, so many truths...that is the mindset of the world. Many gods, and "what is true for me is not always what is true for you". We, the children of God, the born again followers of Jesus, know the True Way. In this chapter, Jesus has just told the disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them, in Heaven, with the Father. The disciples then question Him about the way there, and ask Him to show them the Father. Jesus' answer was straightforward, and to the point, yet they still misunderstood, proving that all our earthly knowledge can still leave us ignorant in respect to heavenly matters. Jesus communicated to them that He was the only Way to the Father, and that a true knowledge of Him was the only way to truly know the Father. Jesus is the only access we have to the Father, and having access to the Father is having access to Heaven. Jesus is the way to the Truth, for there is only one Truth. Jesus words, and way of living (His example), is truth. The Word of God is truth. Someone said, "There are two answers to every question, God's, and everyone else's. When they disagree, everyone else is wrong." Why? Because there is only one Truth...Jesus. He told them that He was the Life. Jesus is not only the Way to the Father, and to the Truth, He is the only Way to eternal life; for there is no other Name by which man can be saved. He, Jesus, is the only source to life more abundant. We can try to substitute Jesus with many things that the world tells us will allow us to live life more abundantly, but all that this world offers leaves us empty, wanting, and often enslaves us. Today, if you do not know Jesus, call on Him, for He is the only Way to our Heavenly Father, and to Heaven. If you already know Him, then seek Him as the only Truth. Search the Word of God, which contains the only truth that exists, and live it. Finally, let us put aside the vain, and empty, substitutes, and surrender our lives to the One who is Life, and gives it more abundantly. He truly is the Way, the Truth, the Life. There is absolutely no other way to our Heavenly Father, except Jesus, our Savior and Lord.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

His Will...

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
What is God's will for me? How many times have we heard this question or asked it ourselves? Finding the will of God is fairly simple. It is in His Word, like in these verses, for example. Any time God gives direction, a command, or even specifically says, "this is the will of God" is His will. Often when people ask the question, what they are looking for is God's plan for their life. However, if we just live out God's will, He will reveal, in time, His plan for each of us. In this case, His will is that in all instances we rejoice, yes, in all instances. That may not always be easy, but if we have eternal life, and a relationship with the One True Living God, He expects that we would find something to rejoice about. We need to be mindful of our God's presence, and talk to Him, always, praying continually. We are never alone, ever. God is always with us, and always ready to hear us, and fellowship with us. Finally, He wants us to be thankful. A person who finds something to be thankful for everyday is a person who will not allow anyone or anything rob them of the joy that comes from having a true relationship with Jesus. The bottom line is that when we fail to rejoice, pray, and be thankful, at all times, we quench (or hinder) the work of the Holy Spirit in our life. Verse 19 of this chapter tells us not to quench the Spirit. So, today, let's do this on purpose, continually reminding ourselves that God is with us. Rejoice about whatever He allows today, knowing He is present, and helping us grow in our faith; and finally, let us find many things in our life to be thankful for. If we take an honest look, we have much, so much, to be grateful for. For those of us who have called on Him for salvation, we have eternal life to be thankful for. Now you add to the list from there.

What's All the Complaining About?

Verse of the day: Philippians 2:14-15 Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,

Today, I may have to step on some toes. The issue of complaining, and murmuring. This is an issue I find, among God's people, as common, and frequent, as gossip, and overlooked just as often. However, it is the one sin that does great damage to our testimony in a world where we are supposed to shine the light of Jesus. Now don't get me wrong, I am willing to bet that we are ALL guilty of this; especially at work, and often when gathering as a church. We accept, and are hired to do a job, knowing the job description, and what our responsibilities will be, but then we complain, and murmur, when asked to carry out those duties. Yet, it is typically the unsaved among us that show us up by doing the job without complaining, and even going the extra mile. Gathering as a church we some times complain because we are asked to minister in an area that is beneath us (in our own minds). Yet, Jesus, who is God, humbled Himself, under the authority of God, and man, even unto death. We must be careful to always be diligent in whatever we are called to do, whether at work, play, or gathered as a body of believers. We must be willing to clean a toilet with as much joy, and enthusiasm, as being asked to teach a class. We must do our best to get to work on time, and not complain about the hours we work. We must carry out our duties, and responsibilities without murmuring or disputing. Why? Because the unsaved are watching, and we are in danger of wrecking our testimony, and bringing shame to the Name above all names; the Name of Jesus. When others look upon us, they should see someone, not who is perfect, but someone who always puts their best effort forward into whatever they do or are asked to do. The bottom line is that if we are not careful, we will look like hypocrites when we try to share Jesus with others, after we have just wasted fifteen minutes voicing our misery for being asked to do what we were supposed to do any way. Remember, regardless of who we do it for, ultimately, we do it for the One who did not complain when He went to the Cross for us; but instead counted it all joy.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

How Can We Not Praise Him?

Psalm 119:7 I will praise You with uprightness of heart, When I learn Your righteous judgments.
There can only be one real reason a Christian does not praise God continually. That reason is that he/she does not really know God as well as they should. To know Him is to praise Him! The more we learn, and get to know God, and His ways, the more we won't be able to help, or hold back from, praising Him. Too often we see God's commands as restrictive. That is usually because of some experience with a legalistic church or individuals. However, following God's commands is what gives us the greatest freedom. It keeps us from being enslaved by sin. It keeps us from living with consequences resulting from our wrong choices. To experience true joy, and the greatest peace, we must learn more about God's righteous, and fair, judgments. We must strive to live an obedient life following His commands. Ultimately, we will find that this will bring the greatest satisfaction, and greatest peace. How can we not then praise God continually? Even if we have already made some choices that have not been in line with God's righteous ways, it is not too late to change our path. Thanks to Jesus, and His sacrifice, those of us who have called upon Him have an opportunity to get right with our God, and still enjoy the peace that comes from having a satisfying relationship with God; for as long as we have breath, it is never too late to start living an obedient life that honors God. Again I ask, how can we not praise such a God who gives us mercy, and grace, when we deserve just the opposite? Praise be to God Almighty, our God, our Lord, our Savior!

Do You Know His Voice?

Verse of the day: John 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

Is it not amazing how we, as human beings, have the ability to recognize the voices of certain people in our lives? Each person, for the most part, has a distinct sound to their voice, and way of speaking. Some may sound similar, but something always sets us apart. A child recognizes the voice of his/her parents, and vice versa. Husbands amd wives recognize each other's voices. Friends recognize friends. Regardless of how crowded a place may be, if someone calls out to us, that we know well, we turn and respond, already knowing who called us. Can any of us say that we are that familiar, and that intimate, with our Lord that we immediately recognize His voice, especially as His children? Getting to know, and recognize, God's voice is a life long endeavor. It is imperative that we learn to hear, and recognize, the voice of our Shepherd, as sheep recognize the voice of their shepherd, and will follow no other. You see, we have enemies that speak to us as well. The devils know the Scriptures, and will twist them just enough to deceive us. Satan loves to imitate God, and will do whatever it takes to derail us in our relationship with the Lord. For this reason, it is of utmost importance that we diligently read, and study, the Word of God. We must learn, and commit to memory, the truths found in God's Word; so that when those occasions arise when we are trying to determine whose voice we are hearing, we are able to discern who is speaking to us. With that said, we need to keep in proper perspective that our emotions should never override God's voice. Too often we mistake our emotional choices for God's voice (because we want to base our decision on how we feel, and then justify it by saying that God led us in that direction). Brothers and sisters, please be careful what you give God credit for. Our Shepherd desires to provide good pasture for us. He wants to protect us from our enemies, and ourselves. He desires the very best for us, even in those times when He allows conflict. This is why it is so important that we learn to recognize His voice, and commit to following no other voice, even our own. The enemy, the hireling, wants us to believe that he has our best interest at heart, but he only wants to destroy us. Jesus, our True Good Shepherd, has laid down His life for us, His sheep, and desires that we recognize Him, and His voice. Can you recognize it as well as you do your dearest loved one's voice? If not, today is a good day to start spending more time with Him so that you will not miss out on the next opportunity to hear, and respond to His voice; a voice like no other.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Why Fear?

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Fear not... How often do we look around us, at the world, our circumstances, and fear about what will happen next? How often do we find ourselves worrying about "this, that, or the other thing", only to ultimately find out we worried for nothing? Christian, why do we worry, if we have been saved by, and serve, the One True God? Still today our God says, "Fear not." We have not been given a spirit of fear. We are to remain calm. Why? Because the God of the universe is with us. Let me stop, and ask, "Who, or what, is greater than our God?" Go ahead, I'll give you a minute... My answer is (and yours should be too), "No one, and nothing." Correct! No one, and nothing, is greater than our God! No circumstance will ever overtake Him. No enemy will ever defeat Him. Nothing can stop Him. So remind me again what there is to fear, when this God I speak of is with us every moment of the day, and night. No matter what He allows, we are not to fear, but instead we are to live for Him, serve Him, obey Him, and fully trust Him. Then rather than fear, we will find peace, joy, and true fellowship with the One who controls, and calms, the storm (even if that storm happens to be the one brewing inside of our heart). Never forget that He who is in us is greater than he that is in the world.

Endless Possibilities

Verse of the day: Ecclesiastes 11:5 As you do not know what is the way of the wind, Or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, So you do not know the works of God who makes everything.

Can we know what the future holds? To an extent...yes. God has revealed, in His Word, what is in store for us, as His children. However, He has also chosen not to give is every single detail of how He is going to choose to carry those things out. He also has chosen not to reveal to us an exact time, and date. That is all in His hands. What that means for us is that we must live by faith, and trust Him. On a personal level, in this chapter of Ecclesiastes, we are reminded that we need to plan for the future, because we do not know what God will do, from day to day, in our lives, personally. Even though we are not guaranteed another day of life, if we have called upon Jesus, as Savior and Lord, we know, with certainty, that we have eternal life. Nonetheless, we must still plan for the future, should we reach old age. The journey, however, can be as boring or exciting as we choose to make it. We can sit, and worry, about every little thing we cannot control, or we can live for the Lord, and trust Him for every step He leads us in, and every outcome He allows alongs the way. Remember Joseph? Remember everything God allowed into his life? Betrayal, slavery, false accusation leading to imprisonment? In the end, God used all of that to put Joseph right where He wanted him, to be second in command, in Egypt, to save His people. Just like we do not know if a seed planted will bear a plant, and fruit, and just as we do not know how bones grows in the womb, so we also do not know how God will make things possible in our lives. We must live life, trusting God for the unseen, making our plans, with wisdom, and giving God the eraser so that He can change those plans, and guide our steps, according to His will, and His plan, for each of us. Brothers, and sisters, this is why it is of utmost importance that we maintain a close, intimate, relationship with the Lord, and read and study His Word. We must also be careful to be doers of the Word, and not just hearers. Trust God, plan for the future, and trust God to change them as He sees fit, trusting Him for the outcome, especially when it seems impossible for us, for we know all things are possible with God.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Undercover Charity

Matthew 6:1 “Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven.
As Christians, we are called to do good to others, even when they are evil toward us. We are to love our enemies, and pray for them. Giving to others, regardless of whether or not it is our time, money or other resources, should be done in a way that is not hypocritical. In other words, not looking for anything in return, or looking for people's praises. Too often, people do only for people who can do for them, or they give in such a way that as many others as possible will know, or find out about it, in order to get praise, and a pat on the back. God tells us that when this is our motivation in giving to others, the praise or pat on the back is our reward; for we will receive no reward from Him. Our God knows all things, even those done in secret. Therefore, His desire is that we give in secret, so that He is the only One who sees it. God is not interested in our "outward" good deeds, but more so in what is in our hearts when we give, or do for others. Today, let us look for an opportunity to bless someone else with a good deed toward them. However, let us do it in such way that we receive no pat on the back for it. That will require that we put our pride, and desire for attention, aside, and trust that God is the true Rewarder of those who do good.

Bragging Rights

Verse of the day: Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it  is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

Grace...getting what we do not deserve. Amazing grace...being completely overwhelmed when we realize how much we have been given, in Christ, that we do not deserve. Salvation, the greatest act of grace that God can bestow on us has been provided to us through faith in Jesus Christ, and His finished work on Calvary. There is not a single thing that we have done or could have done, outside of trusting Jesus, by faith, that would have convinced God that we deserve eternal life. God, in His great love for us, and knowing that we were marred by sin, provided for us what we could not provide for ourselves. There is not a man or woman alive who can go before God, and boast of his/her accomplishments, as even our works of righteousness, outside of Jesus, are as filthy rags to God (as recorded for us in the Book of Isaiah). The bottom line is that none of us, who have called upon Jesus as Savior and Lord, have bragging right, other than boasting about Jesus, and who HE is. Let us be grateful today for God's grace. Praise and thanksgiving to our God, who, even if He gave us nothing else in this life time, by providing a Way of salvation alone, has already given us more than we deserve.