Monday, March 29, 2021

Do Not Stir His Anger

Psalms 78:21-22 Therefore the Lord heard this and was furious; so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel, because they did not believe in God, and did not trust in His salvation.

Every single moment of every single day that I take a breath amazes me. Why, you ask? Well, because God certainly should have struck me dead by now. What did I do to think this way you ask? What didn't I do? The truth is that there would be a whole lot of us that would be non-existent right now, if it were not for God's grace toward us, in Christ Jesus. When I read this Psalm, as it recounts the events of the Exodus and the Israelites' time in the wilderness, I cannot help but reflect on my own life, and what I observe of Christianity, and think, "Whoa is me!" How often God's anger was stirred up against His people, as He led them to the land He told them was already theirs. Time after time He proved to them that He could take care of them, protect them, and provide for them. What was their response to all that the Lord did, and showed them? Their response was unbelief. The Book of Hebrews tells us that Israel did not enter the Promised Land, after they were led out of Egypt, because of their unbelief (Hebrews 4). I ask us all today, "How is this any different than the lack of faith so many of us demonstrate in our walk with Jesus?" How often, even after God has proven His faithfulness to us, and how often, after God has shown us His miraculous ability to provide for us, do we worry about things we need not worry about? How often have we taken matters into our own hands, because we doubted that God could do it this one time; even though He has proven Himself over and over again? We might make all kinds of excuses in order to hide our lack of faith, but we must not forget that God sees beyond our lip service, and facades, right to our doubting hearts. The saddest statement I read in this Psalm was in verse 22, "And did not trust in His salvation." They did not trust His deliverance, or His ability to prosper them. Our God has the ability to give us whatever we need, and more. Most of all, He has proven that He has the ability to give us the one thing we need more than anything in this eternal. He has provided that for us in Christ Jesus. However, many will perish, just like the generation that perished in the wilderness, because of unbelief. If you are reading this and have not believed in Jesus for eternal life, do it now! Do it today! Do not wait, because we are not guaranteed tomorrow. If we who are reading this already know Him, let us not allow unbelief to rob us of joy, peace, and blessings. Let us not stir God's anger, with unbelief; for without faith it is impossible please Him (Hebrews 11:6).

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive Him and His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

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