Verse of the day: Hebrews 13:1-2 Let brotherly love continue. 2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.
Being children of God, we should know by now that there is no such thing as a coincidence when it comes to God working in, and directing, our lives. This applies to those moments when we seem to have those random encounters with people we do not know, and have opportunity to be kind to. In these two verses we are reminded first that we must be careful to take care to not allow persecution and tough times (as we face today individually and as the church of Jesus) to destroy our unity. For in times of persecution it is brotherly love and unity that will often enable us to stand against the attacks upon our beliefs. Secondly, we are reminded that our encounters with strangers, especially strangers in need, are opportunities to share the love of Jesus. As born again believers, we should always be ready to show hospitality toward others. Why? Well, because we may have opportunity to entertain angels without even realizing it; as was the case with Abraham (Gen 18:1-32) and Lot (Gen 19:1-12). More importantly, when we minister to others, especially those in need, Jesus tells us that whatever we do for them, we do for Him (Matt 25:35-40). Too often we see the need in someone else’s life, and we justify not doing anything by simply telling them that we will pray for them. However, the Word of God tells us that when we do that, when in fact we have the ability to meet that need physically, our faith is dead (James 2:14-17). I have often seen Christians who have refused to help someone in need because they felt that the person was going to use whatever they were given for “booze” or something other than food. I agree that we should be wise in how we approach such situations, maybe by offering them a meal or a place to rest their heads instead; but the bottom line is that if we give to another, regardless, and we truly give it based on our relationship with the Lord, then we have given it to the Lord, and the person receiving it will then be accountable for what they do with it. Our reward is certain with the Lord for giving it unselfishly and with the proper motive. Too often I have heard, and seen Christians give to the church or donate something, only to want it given back because they got upset over something that was said or done, that they did not agree with. If the person has truly given whatever they gave to the Lord, then there is no need to ask for its return, and it will be those who received it within the church that will give an account for it. When all is said and done, we too are strangers in this world (Heb 11:13), and know that unkind words hurled at us and unkind actions toward us. For that reason, let us be careful to do to others as we would have them do unto us (Matt 7:12); especially strangers that God allows us to cross paths with. When we love others whether our brethren, enemies or strangers, we will gain great reward when we stand before our Lord and Savior. Let us then not view others through selfish, earthly eyes, but through heavenly lenses; you never know who it is that is standing before you.
Even though we were once strangers and enemies of God, He showed us great love by dying for us (Rom 5:8). The same love and kindness He has shown us, is the same love and kindness He wants us to now share with others. He promised that if we believe that He died to pay for our sins, repent, confess, and call upon Him, in faith, we will be saved (Rom 6:23; 10:9; 13).
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