Verse of the Day: Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
If we have been believers for any length of time, it is no secret that as followers of Jesus we will suffer while here on earth. Our suffering can range from personal challenges, rejections, trials, tribulations, to persecutions, and painful losses. So often our responses to our trials are shortsighted. We pray and ask God to end the trial or pull us out of it, even though the Lord is with us throughout the length of our sufferings, as He was with Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Dan 6:18; 3:24-25); and is desirous of teaching us something about who He is, and where we are in our walk of faith. We know that everything He allows, He works out for our good (Rom 8:28-29), and always for His glory. As Christians, suffering helps us to grow stronger in our faith, and helps us to respond to life on earth more Christ-like (James 1:3-4). However, what we often lose sight of is that God has eternity in view when He allows suffering. When David was being pursued, persecuted, and running from King Saul, those that were with him (David), and endured suffering with him also reigned with him, when the Lord finally put him on the throne. They were willing to stand by David because they knew that some day he would be king, and they would be rewarded by having a part in his kingdom. Ultimately, this is what our goal and focus should be in enduring whatever the Lord allows in our lives. The Word of God promises that although we suffer for the cause of Christ now, the rewards that are coming will dwarf whatever pain we endure here (Matt 5:12; 2 Tim 2:12; 2 Cor 4:17). Let us be mindful of the fact that Jesus is coming back to establish His Kingdom here on earth, and we will rule and reign with Him (Zech 14:5; Rev 19:19), after which we will be with Him forever more (Rev 21:1-5; 22:1-5). Rather than bemoan our suffering being allowed now, we should rejoice in what is to come (1 Pet 4:13). The Apostle Paul also reminds us in this chapter of Romans that although we will suffer, we have a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who helps us in those moments (among other moments) when we are praying, but know not how to pray in respect to what we are being allowed to go through (Rom 8:26). It is the Spirit that strengthens us in times of tribulations. He reminds us and consoles us with the faithful promises of God, given to us in His Word. When we really do not know what to ask for, the Spirit intercedes and asks according to the will of God for the outcome of any given situation we find ourselves in. This is why each circumstance works out for our good. God’s way, no matter how trying, is always the best way for us, even if it means that we suffer a bit longer or the situation is a bit more painful than we would like it to be. If we truly made an effort to look at life from the lenses of eternity, many of us would be surprised, and blessed beyond measure, to find out that most anything God allows, in view of Heaven, and eternity with Him, is bearable for the short time we are here (1 Pet 1:6-9).
Anyone who suffers the trials of this life without Jesus, is truly a person with no hope. When we have Jesus, we have Someone who will see us through whatever life throws at us. As a child of God, He promises never to leave us nor forsake us (Heb 13:5-6), and He will be our Helper. Call on Him today, by faith, repenting, and confessing your sins (Rom 6:23; 10:13).
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