Thursday, February 16, 2017

Is There Death or Life In Our Words?

Verse of the Day: Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

Have you ever said something and immediately regretted it? Maybe said something to someone, and years later found out that the person had been deeply wounded by what was said? Perhaps someone has said something to us that has wounded us so profoundly that it stayed with us for years, and even affected the way we thought of ourselves or changed us in a negative way? By the same token, maybe words were spoken that encouraged us and was life changing. What a blessing to know that words of encouragement we have shared made a great difference in someone else’s life. The Bible is very clear that the tongue can either be a blessing or a curse, and can cause death or life, depending on how we use our words. The Word of God tells us that the tongue, although small, is untamable, and can start a great fire and is a deadly poison. Out of the same mouth comes cursing and blessings (James 3). As born again believers, we must be very careful about the words we speak. Proverbs reminds us that whatever fruit we sow with our words is the fruit we will eat. When we speak words that are spoken in anger, gossip, or for the purpose of breaking others down (putting people down, speaking lies about others, being false witnesses), we stand the chance of being involved in arguments that could cause us to lose our lives, hurt others and break up long standing and cherished relationships; potentially ruining our testimony for Christ by being known as a hypocritical Christian who talks about others, cusses, and speaks in a way that dishonors what we claim to believe, and Who we claim to represent (Jesus). Too often, we do not take the time to think before we speak, and as a result our words are frivolous and hurtful. For that reason, we must especially be careful about the words we speak in anger, because once they are said, we cannot take them back. On the other hand, we can speak words that encourage others, give sound biblical advice (speak truth), and encourage others to come to us, knowing that we are people who will bring words of comfort and encouragement (speaking kindly). The bottom line is that we need to use our words to bring life. We need to use our words to praise and thank God. Our words should point others to Jesus. We are told to gather together, as children of God, to encourage one another (Heb 10:24-25). Ephesians 4:29 tells us that we are to avoid corrupt speech, and use our words to build each other up, that it may give grace to the hearer. Sadly, a person who gossips, and speaks negatively about others, easily begins to enjoy the drama that it causes. Yet, is the same person that becomes angry when they know that someone has gossiped about them. Let us put into practice daily using our words to bless others. Let us practice daily praise and thanks to the Lord, and ask Him to give us opportunities to lift up others with the way we talk to them (Prov 15:23; 25:11). Ultimately, we will all give an account for every idle word we speak (Matt 12:36); and even for the words we use to teach (James 3:1-2). Our words can solve problems or cause them. Whichever fruit we choose to produce, we will eat thereof. Let us not be known as people who are continually in conflict because of the words we speak. Let not pride be what guides our words toward others, but let humility and prayer be what guides our tongue when speaking with others. May our relationship with the Lord also help us to know when it is best to be silent, and when it is best to speak. When we learn how to control what we say, we show the kind of biblical maturity that will honor God (James 3:2).

The Bible is very clear that we have been commanded to preach the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). Sharing the Gospel message involves both living it, and speaking it. Let us always speak in a way that does not discourage others from hearing what we have to say when the Lord opens the door for us to be a witness for Him. It is with words that we call upon Jesus. Let today be the day that you speak the words that will bring you eternal life, by calling upon Jesus, by faith, repenting, and confessing your sins, and calling upon Him (Rom 6:23; Rom 10:13).

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