Verse of the day: Proverbs 10:17 He who keeps instruction is in the way of life, But he who refuses correction goes astray.
Today's verse serves both as an admonition, and a warning. As born again believers, we are called to be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves (Mat 10:16). Part of being a wise servant of the Lord requires that we be humble enough to receive instruction, and correction, without being offended or rebellious. If we are honest, we will admit that we do not know everything, especially when it comes to living a righteous, and holy, life. Couple that with the fact that we are sinners saved by grace, and will have occasion to stumble; we must be completely open to receiving the Lord's correction (Heb 12:5-11), and godly instruction from those who are more mature in the faith than we are. This is of great importance because we are supposed to be living examples for others, and whether we like it or not, others do observe us, and some (who are younger, and less mature, in the faith) will look to us as an example of how we are supposed to live for our Lord and Savior. Some of us have even been given the desire, and privileged, by the Lord, to teach and preach the Word of God. James 3:1 tells us that we will be held accountable for what we teach others. However, let us take note that what we teach with our actions, lifestyle, and life choices will often override anything we teach with our words. Therefore, if we refuse to receive reproof or correction, not only will we live the life of a fool, but we will also lead others down a path of disobedience and error. Our pride can lead us to reject much needed correction; so let us be careful how we live, and what steps we take to live a life of righteousness and holiness. Ultimately, our example should be one that can be followed, and that will glorify God, in all we do (1 Cor 10:31).
The greatest wisdom, and instruction, any person can receive, comes from the Word of God. However, in order to apply it effectively to our lives, it requires that we first accept Jesus Christ as Savior. If you have not called upon Him yet, do no wait! We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Confess and repent of your sins, ask His forgiveness, and receive His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23; 10:13).
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