Verse of the day: Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?
As born again believers, and children of God, what have we to be afraid of? Why do we worry about what others scheme against us? Why do we preoccupy ourselves and stress over what is taking place in the world? Do we not have God’s Word? Does it not tell us that as the time for our Lord’s return draws near that people will be cold toward the things of God, and even those who claim to be true believers will be drawn away (Matt 24:10-12; 2 Tim 3:1-5; 1 Tim 4:1)? Does the Word not already tell us how all these events that we see unfolding in the Middle East will end (Is 45:17; Rom 11:26; Jer 33:16)? Do we not know that in the end, our Lord has the victory, and along with Him, all of God’s people are also victorious (Rev 19:11-16)? If we are heading toward a victory of such magnitude, then why do we stress about the skirmishes we face in our lives here and now? Did not the Lord promise that He would never leave us nor forsake us, and that He is our Helper and we need not fear what man can do to us (Heb 13:5-6)? Men are limited as to what they can do to us, especially if it against God’s will and plan for our lives? Can God choose to allow us to be martyrs for the sake of the Gospel? Absolutely! However, He will also give us the grace to be able to endure whatever He chooses for our lives. There are a few opinions as to when King David wrote this particular Psalm, ranging from just before he become king to when he was rescued during battle (when he was old) by Abishai (2 Sam 21:16-17). Regardless of when it was written, King David is praising God for His protection during a time his enemies came against him (whether it was King Saul, his own son Absalom or the Philistines. The bottom line is that God was His Light and Salvation. Just like then, today, we have Jesus, our Lord and Savior who is our Light and Salvation. He is our Helper and Strength. Regardless of what men plan to do against us, if it is not part of God’s plan for our lives, in His process of growing us in our faith, they will not be able to touch us. He is not only the Light that guides us, but He is the Light that shines through us; especially during difficult times when we choose to shine His light brightly in demonstrating that peace that passes all understanding (Phil 4:6-7). King David was confident that regardless of who the enemy or whether it was father and mother that forsook him, God would always see him through, and hide him under His pavilion (v.5; 10). There are going to be moments in our lives when it may seem like God is silent while the wicked come against us, but the fact is that God is always watching, and allowing only certain things into our lives that will ultimately serve our good and His glory (Rom 8:28-29). In 1 Kings 22, King Ahab tried to disguise himself, going into battle (to avoid his death as prophesied by Micaiah the Prophet of God) and had King Jehoshaphat of Judah pretend to be King Ahab. However, while in battle, it was known that he was not King Ahab, and a certain man drew his bow and shot a random arrow, striking King Ahab (while still disguised) between the joint of his armor (1 King 22:34). Verse 37 tells us that the king died of his wound. Ultimately, there is nothing that man can do to avoid or circumvent what God has in store for each of us. We must stop reacting like the world reacts when we hear the things that are happening around us, and especially when those troubling events affect us or our family directly. If God is in control of all that is happening now, and in the time to come, how is He not also in control of what happens in our own personal lives? Let us trust God, live by faith, not fear man, and know that in the end, regardless of what God allows, we are the victors (even when we do not see the immediate results of that victory). Remember, He promised that in this world we would have tribulation, but He also told us to be at peace, and of good cheer, because He has overcome the world; and in Him, we too are over-comers (John 16:33)!
The very first victory we need in our lives it that over sin and death. That can only be accomplished through Jesus Christ, and His finished work on Calvary. He promised that if we believe that He died to pay for our sins, and call upon Him, in faith, we will be saved. Call upon Him today (Rom 6:23; 10:9; 13).
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