Verse of the Day: 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Fear can be bad or good. It can keep us from doing what it right or can be a motivating factor in doing well, and living for the Lord. We have plenty of examples of how fear can hinder our service to God. Abraham, when faced with the possibility having Sarah taken, and being killed (all based on his assumptions and fear), lied to Pharaoh, to his shame (Gen 12). Moses, when called to lead God’s people out of Egypt, caused God’s anger to be stirred against him because he feared that the Israelites would not believe him and that he would not be able to speak before Pharaoh because of a speech issue (Ex 3 & 4). In the Gospels, the wicked servant hid his one talent because of fear (Mat 25:25), and Peter denied Jesus because of fear (John 18:15-27). The Bible tells us that the fear of man brings a snare (Prov 29:25). Fear will work against us in our witnessing for Jesus, our decision making when we are faced with doing what is right as opposed to what is acceptable, and wrong (by society and the world’s standard). Fear can lead us to damage our testimony and bring a blemish to the Name of Jesus. However, today we are reminded that fear does not have to paralyze us, and keep us from serving God with the gifts and abilities He has given us. When He opens a door for us to share the Gospel or serve Him in some way, we need to remember that the Holy Spirit indwells us and is the source of our power (or courage) to bear up and endure persecution. The Apostle Paul tells us that the spirit we are given is also one of love; love for God and a love for those that are perishing. It is the love of God that casts out fear; not only will it cast fear out of our lives, but He will use it, through us, to cast out fear in the lives of others (1 John 4:18). Just as love for our spouse, child or country, can compel us to lay down our lives for each, we must put fear aside and allow our love for God make us bold in our service to Him, regardless of where He places us to serve Him (among family, in our social circles, and at work). The spirit within us is also one of a sound mind (a calm, quiet mind). That means that we are to be people of discretion and balance. We must be able to discern when it is right to speak or act on behalf of Christ, without causing damage to our testimony or repelling those that God puts before us to draw unto Himself. We do not have to be boisterous, rude, and obnoxious to prove that we are not afraid to speak up regarding our faith, or to prove that we are not ashamed of the Gospel. We must know when to be silent and speak with our actions, and when to speak up (respectfully and calmly) and share our faith verbally. This balance can only come from prayer and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us (Luke 12:11-12). There will be those time when it will be required for us to speak boldly, even when we are threatened (depending on how God uses us to serve Him), but we must be sober minded and able to discern when that is appropriate. Peter and John were the perfect example in Acts 4 when they were arrested and threatened for preaching the Gospel. Their response was that it was better to obey God than man, and when released, they went right back to doing what they were called to do. Proverbs 9:10 tells us that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Let us boldly serve the Lord, but do it in such a way that people will marvel at our courage, love for them, and balance (which attracts, rather than repels, those God is trying to draw near to Himself). We know that not everyone will receive our message kindly and even call us narrow-minded and bigoted, but the Spirit working within us is what will keep us in our service for the Lord without fear. Although our fear of man will bring a snare, our trust in the Lord will keep us safe (Prov 29:25).
The Word of God is clear that those who die without Jesus will perish for all eternity (Rom 6:23). Let the fear of Hell, and eternal condemnation, bring you to Jesus. Call upon Him today, repenting and confessing your sins; accepting His free gift of eternal life (Rom 6:23; 10:13).
Extra beautiful post. I need to read all of these words today. Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteAmen! I am thankful to the Lord that His Word has ministered to you. I pray that these post will always be a blessing in other's lives, and that God will be glorified in that. God bless!