Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Are We Having A Love Affair?

Psalms 119:97 Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.

Who in our life can we say that we truly love? What in our life do we truly love doing? How much time do we spend thinking about the person(s) we love? How much time do we try to invest in that relationship? How much time do we devote, or wish we could devote, to doing the things we love to do? Based on that, can we honestly say that we love God's Word? Can any of us, based on how much time we spend in God's Word, say that we have a love affair with our Bibles? The psalmist exclaims, "O how I love Your Law!" What he is saying is, "O how I love Your Law, above all else!" Do we love the Scriptures above all else? Do we love it to the extent that we give it more time than other things in our lives? I know, I know...we have to work, take care of family, and do other things to survive. Okay...I get that. Hold on...how is it that with all our busyness, and lack of time, we can still waste hours on Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, Instagram, just to name a few? Are there not Bible apps readily available too? If we truly love God's Word, how much attention does our Bible get in comparison to social media or our hobbies? How much of God's Word is on our minds throughout the day? Is it as much, or more than, our preoccupation with how many likes and shares we get on our social media posts? When we truly love someone or something, they, or it, take up a lot of our daily thinking. How much time do we think on what we read in the Bible? Do we casually read it, and treat it like, "I did my duty for the day, so I'm all set", or do we give it serious thought, consideration, and make it part of our prayer for the day? There is something amazing that happens when we meditate on God's Word. The word used for meditate (or meditation) means "prayer". When the Scriptures are our meditation, it means they become our prayers. When we meditate on God's Word throughout the day, we are praying without ceasing. When we do that, what happens is that we begin to love His Word, and as we grow to truly love His Word, our desire to meditate on it also grows. Do we see how that works? So, I will ask this question for us to consider today, "Can we honestly say that we are having a love affair with God's Word?" If we are, then I know that one thing is certain; if we love God's Word with that much passion, then we will love Jesus, the Word, with that much passion. If we love Jesus with that much passion, then we will do all we can to prove that love by obeying His commandments.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 7:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

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