Thursday, January 14, 2021

Our God NEVER Hides

Psalms 10:1 Why do You stand afar off, O Lord ? Why do You hide in times of trouble?

Have any of us ever felt this way? I can honestly answer this question, and say, "Yes." There are certainly those times when it seems that the wicked get away with everything, with no real consequences. Well, that is what the devils want us to believe. They want us to think that God has lost control, does not care about us; and that God has decided that He will just abandon us in our time of greatest need, or time of most severe persecution. I will say this once, so pay close attention. "THAT IS A LIE!!" Our God is a faithful God, who hides from no one. He is well aware of every single thing nations and individuals do. The Psalmist cried out, as he saw how much injustice was taking place. The wicked carried on as if God could not see their actions, with no fear of God's wrath. Sound familiar? The wicked are arrogant, greedy, and oppress the poor, the helpless, and the innocent. They care nothing about the things of God, and He is not in their thoughts at all. They are their own gods. Their money and riches are their gods. However, be encouraged today. The truth is that nothing, absolutely nothing, escapes our God. The Psalmist finishes this Psalm reminding us that God always triumphs over evil. He will repay the wicked, by His hand, and He is the Helper of the fatherless (v. 14). He, the Lord, is King forever, and has heard the desire of those who are humble. The Lord will do justice to the oppressed, so that we will be oppressed no more. Let us never forget that Jesus came the first time as the Lamb of God, humble, and meek, in order to give His life, a ransom for our lives. He purchased our salvation with His Blood, and has redeemed us to Himself. However, when He returns, He will return as the Lion of Judah, Judge, King of kings, and Lord of lords! He will judge the wicked with righteousness and the fierceness of One who cannot, and will not, be stopped. He will avenge all the wrongs that have been committed against Him, and His people, both Israel and the church. Remember, our God NEVER hides!

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive Him and His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

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