Monday, November 23, 2020

What If, What If, What If

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Fear...the one weapon that the devils use to stop us in our tracks as we walk with God. Sadly, we often allow ourselves to be sucked into the devils' favorite game of "what if". "What if I fail?" "What if this happens, or that happens?" "What if God...?" "What if, what if, what if?!" "What if" is the hired killer the enemy uses to kill our service, kill our courage, and kill our faith, which affects our personal walk and intimacy with Jesus. May I remind all of us that in dying, Jesus defeated death, took away its sting, and took from the devil the one thing he held over our heads, fear...the fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15). The enemy, knowing he can no longer threaten us with death, because in Jesus we have life eternal, now instills fear using two simple words, "what if". What is Jesus desiring to do in our life right now that we are hesitating to trust God for, because we have allowed ourselves to be pulled into a mind game of "what if"? In Christ Jesus we have been given a spirit of power that enables us to do that which was impossible without Him, with boldness and courage. We have been given a spirit of love that reminds us that God's love is unchanging, and has enabled us to love God, and others, in a way that was impossible without Him. We have been given a spirit of a sound mind which gives us the ability to have self control, be sober minded, and enjoy the peace that comes with knowing that the Spirit of God indwells us, seals us, and is always with us. It is time to shed the fear that we are allowing to have a control over us, that Jesus took from the devil on that morning when the tomb was found empty. Rather than let "what if" paralyze us, why not let it be what motivates us? "What if I miss a blessing by not doing what I know God is calling me to do?" "What if this person actually accepts Jesus, if I open my mouth and say something to him/her right now?" "What if Jesus comes back today? What will I have to show for this wonderful gift I have been given in Him?" "What if I pass up the opportunity to hear, 'Well done good and faithful servant'"? "What if I just ignore the devils and their foolish attempts to stop me, when I know without a shadow of a doubt that my God is unstoppable?!"

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive Him and His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

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