Saturday, April 1, 2017

God Will Not Forget

Verse of the day: Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

It is all too easy to read a verse, such as this one, that encourages us to serve God faithfully, and completely overlook the fact that this verse is more about God than it is about us. There is no doubt that God wants us, as His children, to be people who love others, especially those who are also brothers and sisters in Christ. He was very specific about the fact that people will know we belong to Him by the way we love each other (Jn 13:34-35). The Scriptures are clear that we are to minister to the poor, and those that are in need, and when we do, God is faithful to deliver us from trouble (Ps 41:1). Jesus promised that when we minister to someone in need, we minister to Him, and especially when we minister to those of the Christian faith (Mat 10:42; 25:40). There are too many Christians today that will argue that we are not obligated to give to the church. However, in giving to the church for its work of reaching others, and when we give to missions to support those that are out serving the Lord in other countries, where we personally cannot serve, we are giving to the Lord for the furtherance of the Gospel; and we too will reap the reward of the work being done in the Name of Jesus (Jn 4:34-38). Regardless of what we have to offer, whether from our material riches, time, talent, or abilities, there is always something that we can give in service to God and our brethren; and God fully expects us to. However, this is not really about what we can and should do. This is more about who God is, and what He has promised. First and foremost, God is faithful and just. Whatever it is that we do, in His Name, He sees it. So often we rob ourselves of true blessings because we do what we do, more for the accolades of people than the glory of God. Jesus promised that if this is our motivation in doing what we do, then the pat on the back is our reward and we get nothing else for it (Mt 6:1-3). Our motivation for giving, and for helping those in need, especially those of the house of faith, should be that we want to do it for the Lord, in His service. That means that it should not make a difference whether or not others see it, as long as God knows and sees it. This verse reminds us that God sees all that we do, and will reward us, in due time, in accordance to our service, and sacrifice, for Him. The writer of Hebrews describes these acts of service as a labor of love, meaning that these acts of love and service were not easy to do, and were truly sacrificial. Sadly, too many Christians have hesitated in giving or serving because it was going to cost them too much by their own estimation. In essence, they robbed themselves of the true blessing, which is heavenly reward. We, as God’s people, need to be heavenly-minded, knowing that our reward, for all that we do, may not be earthly blessings that come immediately, but heavenly blessing reserved for when we stand before the Lord. Let us also be reminded that it is God who supports us, and carries us through the difficulties associated with sacrificial service to Him and to those He put before us to serve and help. The bottom line is that our service to others should be motivated by God’s faithfulness and just reward, not by what others see or think, or for what we think we are losing, materially, in carrying out our duties. Our motivation should be that we know that God will take care of us, as He sends us out to take care of others. How amazing is it that it is really God who is doing all the work through us; yet, He seeks to reward us for the work that is done? Knowing that He is continually watching, and is just in His evaluation and reward for what we do, we need to be much more willing to give and serve with a cheerful heart, being fully assured that our reward is certain in Christ. It is time that we stop thinking about what we can potentially lose, and start thinking about God’s glory and all He promised we will gain; not because of who we are or what we have done or can do, but because of whom God is and what He promise He will do.
One of God’s promises is that if we believe and call upon His Son, Jesus, for eternal life, He will save us and we will spend eternity with Him (Rom 6:23; 10:13). All who call on Him, by faith, repenting, and confessing their sins, will be saved. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive Him and His free gift of salvation today.

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