Monday, April 24, 2017

God Honoring Behavior (Part 3)

Verse of the day: Romans 12:11 not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;

As we continue our study, we see that the Apostle also addresses the issue of diligence, fervency and service to the Lord. Let me ask this question; if someone were to ask our co-workers, employer, or business associates what they thought of us as a co-worker, employee, or someone to do business with, what would be the overall consensus? Would our co-workers complain that they always have to pick up the slack for us because we are negligent in carrying out our duties? Would our employer complain that we are always tardy and leave too early, take too much time off or have to constantly be told to complete a project? Would they miss us if we left or would they be happy to get rid of us because we are too much of a burden on our employer or company? Would those we do business with see us as someone who is a person of their word who fulfills what they say they will do, and work hard to meet deadlines? Are we the type of employee that uses company time to accomplish more of our personal tasks than actually doing work we are being paid to do? Do we value the time we have as employees or employers? Too many of us compartmentalize our lives and live as if God is only interested in certain parts of our lives and we are solely responsible, and accountable to ourselves, for other parts. However, God calls us to glorify Him even in what some call “secular” work. The truth of the matter is that whether we are at a “secular” job or serving within the church, we are serving God. Ecclesiastes 9:10 tells us that “whatever your hands find to do, do it with your might”. In other words, with a fervent spirit; as we are supposed to carry out our duties with zeal. That means that we must be willing to go the extra mile, if necessary, to get the job done. We should be known as those that are willing to do whatever is required, even if no one else will step up to do it. Too often, especially today, I hear many people complaining about tasks they are supposed to do, and are being paid to do; and sadly, some of those people loudly and proudly proclaim that they are Christians. This ought not to be so. We are to have zeal in our hearts and minds, and be known as someone who diligently labors and is not lazy and whiny. As born again believers we need to constantly remind ourselves that wherever the Lord places us in this world, we are to represent Him with honor. In this we are serving Him. Think about how much time we spend at work. It is at least forty hours of our week. In those forty or so hours we are interacting with many unsaved people; people we are called to share Jesus with. How we serve the Lord at our jobs will make or break our ability to do what God has called us to do; to carry out His will, which is to preach the Gospel to every creature (Mk 16:15). Regardless of whether or not we like being in our current employment situation, it is where God has us, and where He expects us to be faithful in serving Him. We are to glorify God in everything that we do (1 Cor 10:31). We are to serve those in authority over us as to Christ (Eph 6:5). Whatever we are doing, we are to do it in the Name of Jesus, giving thanks to God our Father (Col 3:17). We are to carry out our responsibilities in the fear of God, knowing that we are actually serving Him and not men, and confident that our faithful service is ultimately rewarded by the Lord Jesus Christ (Col 3:22-24). To further illustrate what I am saying, let me just list a few men who served God while serving in a “secular” capacity; Joseph, Moses, King David, and Daniel (just to name a few). These men served the people, but it was their relationship with God and their service to Him while they served the people that made them great men of God. The bottom line is that we cannot, and should not, separate our “secular” life from our spiritual life, as there is really no difference. We serve God whether we are serving amongst God’s people, inside the walls of the church building or whether we are at work, gathering at a social event, or any other aspect of our lives. We are to always be mindful of God’s glory and how that is reflected in our diligence, our work ethic, and the fervency in which we serve Him and others.

The Lord submitted to human authority, and still accomplished the Father’s will for His life here on earth; which was to give His life for us (John 8:29). He extends an invitation to you today to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus in repentance, confessing their sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive Him and His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

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