Verse of the day: 1
Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one Mediator between
God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,
This verse of Scripture
is very interesting in its context. Although it contains some basic truths
about who Jesus is, it is saying much more than that. First, let us get this
one fact out of the way; there is only ONE true God. He is Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit, but He is one God (Gen 1:26). I know that our carnal minds cannot
completely get around this heavenly truth, but there are certain things about
God that He clearly tells us about Himself that we simply have to believe by
faith. Over and over again the Bible tells us that salvation can only come from
God (Ps 68:20). With all that said, Jesus is the only way to the Father; He is the
Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). It is only the Name of Jesus that
brings salvation (Acts 4:12). He was there in the beginning of creation, and He
is Creator (John 1:1). Since only God can be Creator, then that also tell us
that Jesus is the One True God (1 John 5:20). John tells us that when we sin,
we have One who speaks on our behalf, the man Jesus Christ (1 John 2:1-2) who
became sin for us (2 Cor 5:21) and paid the price for our salvation. Nowhere in
Scripture are we told that God the Father accepts mediation from anyone other
than Jesus Christ. What that says to us is that, as born again believers, we do
not need another man to intercede for us, and there is no “saint” that has been
designated as mediator. We are to bring our prayers, supplication, and all
requests to Jesus alone. In its context, the Apostle Paul tells us that God is
the God of ALL men. The Father did not send the Son to die for just a certain
group of people. He did not die for a certain religious group. He did not die
for a group that came from a certain background. Jesus died for all men (John
3:16). Contrary to what some men say, God created all of us from one blood
(Acts 17:24-28), which obliterates man’s reasons and justifications for racism
and prejudices. This is the reason that the Apostle tells us that we are to
pray for ALL men. There is no condition set that tells us that we are to pray
for only those we love or agree with; he tells us to pray for ALL men, because
God is the God of ALL men, and desires that all men would be saved (2 Pt 3:9). Interestingly,
he specifically tells us to pray for those that would be in authority over us.
As Christians we are, first and foremost, under the authority of God and His
Word. However, just as Jesus told us to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar,
and give to God what belongs to God (Mt 22:21). The government and its
representatives get their authority (regardless of whether they acknowledge it
or not) from God (Rom 13:1). Therefore, whether or not we agree with what they
are doing, and how they are carrying out their duties, we are to pray for them.
Sadly, too many of God’s people act like the unsaved world when they disagree
with the leaders of their country, state, city or town. Our duty as Christians
is not to post demeaning, unholy, and corrupt things about the leaders we
disagree with, or engage in conversations in such a way to dishonor our God and
our testimony. Instead, it is our duty to pray for our leaders, and trust that
God is in control of all He is allowing. This does not mean that we cannot, in
love, share with others what our view point is, based on God’s Word. However,
God is not honored when we use the same foul, and hateful, language or mean-spirited
approach some Christians use to try and make their point. The bottom line is
that regardless of what our leaders do, because we have Jesus, we can still
live a life of peace, tranquility, holiness, and reverence, regardless of what
is going on around us, or what others are doing around us. Considering all that
is going on in the world today, let us consider what God expects from us as His
people. If Jesus was willing to submit to the authority of the government under
which He lived while He was here, how do we justify a rebellious attitude under
the authority we live under today? If we want change, we need to do the one
thing that will bring the greatest change…pray. As long as we are praying, and
living for God, we simply have to trust that He will allow what He will allow,
and change what He wants to change, in accordance to His will and plan. As God’s
children, let us not be divided by what only God can change, and let us focus
on what we have been called to; sharing the Gospel with ALL men, and praying
that all men (including our leaders) would come to know Jesus as Savior and
Lord, because God is the God of ALL men.
died for everyone regardless of skin color, heritage, social status, or
anything else that sets us apart in this world (John 3:16). All who call on
Him, by faith, repenting, and confessing their sins, will be saved. Do not put
off calling on Him, and receive Him and His free gift of salvation today (Rom
6:23; 10:13).
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