Verse of the day: Luke
16:31 But he said to him, ‘If they do not
hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise
from the dead.’”
Today, as we celebrate
the Resurrection of Jesus, I would like us to consider, and ask ourselves, “What
exactly did Jesus save us from?” Those of us who know Him as Savior know that
because of His sacrifice we were forgiven of our sins, adopted into God’s
family, and given eternal life. However, as much as we proclaim that, too often
we fail to proclaim what it was that He saved us from. In Luke 16 Jesus tells
the story of two men who lived two very different lives and whose lives ended
quite differently. Lazarus, a poor, homeless, sick beggar, sat at the gate of a
rich man who fared sumptuously every day. Lazarus desired to have even the
crumbs that fell from that man’s table (v. 19-21). When both these men met the
day of their deaths, their journey differed like night and day. Lazarus was
carried away to Paradise to be in Abraham’s bosom, while the rich man opened
his eyes, being tormented in Hell. I have often heard this rich man referred to
as the evangelist from Hell because he desperately wanted Lazarus, the one whom
he ignored in life, to go back and tell his brothers about Hell so that they
would not end up as he did. The reality of life on earth is that some day it
will come to an end, and not one of us knows when that day will come; it could
be today or tomorrow; for none of us are guaranteed tomorrow (Jm 4:14). What
did it profit this rich man to have all those earthly riches? What was his
wealth able to do for him on the day of his death? What will we give in
exchange for our soul (Mt 16:26)? What does the world have to offer that can
add one more day to our lives? What earthly thing or relationship have we given
a place of importance over Jesus? Lazarus, although he lived a life of
suffering, went on to a life of glory. We are told that our suffering here on
earth is only for a little while until we are taken home to receive our
inheritance in Christ (1 Pt 1:3-9). Sadly, the rich man learned a lesson that he
should have heeded while still alive; that Hell is real and that without faith
in God, nothing could prevent his condemnation, not even all his earthly
riches. Today, as we celebrate what Jesus did for us in laying down His life
and taking it back up, in order to give us life eternal; let us also remember
to praise Him because He has saved us from eternity in Hell and the Lake of
Fire. Roman 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death; not just physical
death, but spiritual death. However, the wonderful gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ. The bottom line is that there is no such thing as soul
sleep. When we die we will either open our eyes in Hell or, as the Apostle Paul
said, we will be absent from this body and present with the Lord (2 Cor 5:8).
The choice must be made here and now before our appointed day comes. Today, as
we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and life eternal, the truth that Abraham
related to the rich man still stands; although one rise from the dead, still
many will not be persuaded. Nonetheless, let us not end our celebration and
appreciation for being saved from eternity in Hell once we leave church or this
day passes. Instead, let us continue our celebration by submitting in obedience
to God and His Word, and taking every opportunity to tell others what Jesus did
for us, and them.
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