Monday, April 17, 2017

What Are We Willing to Forsake?

Verse of the day: Luke 5:11 So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him.

What are we willing to forsake in order to follow Jesus? The fact of the matter is that if it is costing us nothing to follow the Lord, then I would ask myself, “Am I really following the Lord?” Jesus was very clear that in order to follow Him we must take up our cross daily, and we need to count the cost of what it means to follow Him (Luke 14:27-29). Becoming a child of God is exciting! We start out with such fervor for the Lord, especially as we begin to see Him working in our lives and the lives of others. The disciples saw a miraculous thing take place when they cast their nets, and from that point forward they forsook all and followed Jesus. We do the same, except that when the rejection and the trials come, we shrink away and fade into the woodwork. We become pew warmers and refuse to get out of our comfort zones. God forbid that God should ask us to sacrifice our time, material goods, or favorite hobby for the sake of serving Him or being a blessing in someone’s life. All of a sudden He is just asking too much from us. Can Jesus really ask too much from us? Is that something that we have that did not come from Him to begin with? Is there something He is asking us for that could ever repay what He has done for us? Even if we are called to leave job, home, country, or be martyred, is that enough to repay His goodness in giving us eternal life? The Lord may not call all of us to be a pastor or missionary. He may not even call us to be a teacher within the congregation. However, it is quite possible that He would, and in the process ask us to give up our current life to live the life He has planned for us. How can we go wrong being in the center of His will and plan for our lives? What are we willing to give to live that life? Did He not promise that He would give us life more abundantly (Jn 10:9-11)? He gave His life for us. Is it too much to ask that we give our lives back to Him? Are we not bought with a price and now belong to Him (1 Cor 6:19-20)? We just celebrated a pivotal holiday for us as born again believers. We offered up thanksgiving and praise for what Jesus did for us. Is that the extent of our worship for what He did, or are we willing to do whatever it takes to follow Him, in appreciation for what He first did for us? We must stop and evaluate our lives today. If we claim that we are truly following Jesus, what have we given up in order to take up our cross daily and follow Him? Are we holding on to something that He is telling us to let go of (whatever that might be; an idol in our lives, a relationship that is hindering our relationship with Him, a hobby, habit, or sinful behavior) and is keeping us from living the life He wants us to live? Have we been willing to forsake all and follow Him, or are we still lord of our own lives? Only we and the Lord know the truth behind the answer we give.

God gave it all to save us. He extends an invitation to you today, to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus in repentance, confessing their sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive Him and His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

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