Friday, March 10, 2017

Taste and See God’s Goodness

Verse of the Day: Psalm 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

King David (before he was king) had been running for his life, with King Saul in hot pursuit. He finds himself in Philistine territory and chooses to act like he is crazy before King Abimelech. In those days it was thought to be wrong to kill people who were mentally ill. Although David chose to resort to his own plan to avoid being killed, he still recognized that that it was God’s goodness and mercy that allowed him to escape with his life intact. The reality of life is that there will be those times in our lives when we find ourselves with our backs to the wall, and will resort to our own wisdom, and ideas, about how to find resolution in a time of crisis. In those times of desperation, we seem to forget that God is able to deliver us, regardless of the circumstances. However, like David, we must never forget, even after our own lack of faith and trust, that God is faithful. Our lack of faithfulness does not make God’s null and void. He remains faithful to us, in spite of us. These are the times we experience true grace, mercy, love, patience, and God’s overall goodness toward us. There is no greater testimony that we can give than in those moments when we trust God completely, and can share with others how He miraculously guided us through difficult circumstances. Regardless, we, at the very least, can give God praise for His deliverance; for even in those times when we fail to depend on Him, it is still up to Him as to whether or not we will be delivered from whatever challenge(s) we are facing. Even though David had failed to fully trust God in this instance, he can still praise God because prior to this God had already done much to deliver him from King Saul’s grip. Interestingly, even though he resorted to his own plan, David seems to have kept God’s faithfulness in mind, as indicated by the beginning of this Psalm (v. 4). He tells us that he sought the Lord, He heard him, and delivered him. After a moment of failing to trust God, we must still remember those times in our past when God has been faithful, and brought us through difficulties (it is those recollections that will bring us back to the reality that God never fails us). The bottom line is that God remains with us, even in the moments when our faith wavers (Heb 13:5-6). We, as children of God, are truly a blessed people. Therefore, we must savor His goodness. We must meditate on it, and praise Him for it. However, we cannot truly taste and see the goodness of God outside of a personal relationship with Jesus. It is only when we accept God’s salvation, and experience His deliverance from life’s trials, that we have the opportunity to know what it is to taste and see God’s goodness. It is for this reason that we must cherish our times of trials, even though we may not see the value of each one while we are in the midst of them. How can we have an appreciation for something we have not experienced? How can we truly appreciate God’s love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness, if we do not allow Him the opportunity to show us personally? It is time to let God be God in our lives, trust Him over our own ways, and be ready to share our testimonies about His goodness.

Begin to taste and see God’s goodness by calling on Him today; repenting and confessing your sins, and accepting His free gift of eternal life (Rom 6:23; 10:13).

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