Saturday, August 14, 2021

Our Nation Would Look Different

Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.

What can be said about a nation that rejects God and His ways? What can be said of a nation that gives preference to everything that is godless and wicked? Will their military might exalt them? Will their economic prosperity exalt them? A nation may enjoy prosperity, might, and great status among other nations, but it will all crumble when it turns its back on God; or should I say, when God turns His back on that nation. As we slowly push God out of society, so that men can do what is right in their own eyes, the consequences of forsaking God will begin to show when God forsakes the nation (whatever nation that may be). We can learn a lot from watching how God did not spare even His people Israel, whenever they turned from Him to follow and worship other gods. Today, we are seeing the results of a nation that has, over time, pushed God out of schools, politics, and is looking to push Him out of every aspect of society, making way for all that is wicked and devilish. Quite sadly, even the church is failing miserably. We have traded our "battleships" in for "cruise ships", turning our churches into "country clubs" rather than the "hospitals" they should be. We have become too busy, and intimidated, to tell people about Jesus when we are outside of the church building, and fail to even invite others to come. We pray that God will bring people in, but fail to remember that He called us to go out and bring them in. We have traded our Bibles for smartphones and tablets that keep us busy on social media. We justify it by telling ourselves that we are using it to post Scripture and cute little Christian memes. We live our lives dabbling in the things of the world, acting like the world, and chasing the things the world has convinced us will bring success, comfort, and happiness, as long as we compromise our values and our faith. We are lukewarm at best, if that. Then we cry out and mourn because the nation we live in begins to restrict us, persecute us, and vilify all that is righteous before God, it seems to fall on deaf ears. A once godly nation is failing, because the church is failing. We have allowed ourselves to stray from truth for the sake of gain, and comfort. God and His Word have taken a backseat to all else. As a result, the devils have wreaked havoc in our families, which of course has led to the deterioration of society. We may want to blame the world and the unsaved for the wicked direction in which our country is heading, and has been for some time; but if we are to stop and take an honest look at the condition we find ourselves in today, we must have to admit that we, the church, have forsaken the righteousness that would exalt a nation. If only each of us personally did more to truly live for Jesus and His Word, our nation, which we claim to love, would look a whole lot different than it does today.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 7:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

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