Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Too Wonderful to Comprehend

Psalms 139:6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it.

How overwhelming it is for our minds to comprehend just how much God loves us and knows us! The Lord knows us far better than we know ourselves. He knew us even before we were conceived. Before we rise, He already knows the thoughts we will think; and even understands those thoughts when we do not understand them ourselves. Before we utter a word, He already knows what we will say. He knows what we will do, and knows the motivation behind what we do. He engulfs us in His embrace, and desires that we draw near to Him. In spite of knowing the darkest secrets that lurk in our hearts, and in spite of knowing how sinful we are, He loves us. In spite of knowing all our failures, long before we fail, He loved us to the point of giving His life for us. Can any of us ever truly understand such love with these carnal minds of ours? I say, "No, we cannot." How overwhelming is the thought that this same God, who knows us so well, wants to have an intimate relationship with us? How is it that this holy, righteous, and perfect God, loves us so much that He not only died for us, but was willing to adopt us into His family and give us eternal life? How can we ever truly understand the love of our Savior Jesus Christ? How is it that we do not make the effort to truly know the One who already knows us so well? Why would we want to put anything before Him? Why would we make Him second to anything or anyone? Do we not understand the honor and privilege we have in Christ to have an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father? What is in the way of that in our lives? What needs to be reprioritized in, or eliminated from, our lives so that Jesus is first? So many years wasted on things, desires, and activities, that led us down the path of sin, and did nothing but bring dishonor to the Name of Jesus. When will we wake up to the fact that we have a God who loves us, knows us, and in spite of knowing us still desires that we walk with Him every day? The thought is so wonderful, that the knowledge of it is truly too high for us to comprehend.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 7:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

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