Proverbs 29:1 A man who hardens his neck after much reproof will suddenly be broken beyond remedy.
Why do we insist on acting as if God is the enemy? When God chastens us, when He corrects and reproves us, why do we insist on continuing to do things our way, as if we know best? Sadly, what God does for our good, and in love, most people view as oppressive. We believe the devils when they whisper in our ears and tell us that God is nothing more than a "wet blanket" who just does not want us to enjoy life. However, that is the opposite of who God is, or why He does what He does when he chastens us. God knows the harm and destruction that results from living a sinful life. He knows what dabbling in a little of this or that will lead to. As a matter of fact, when God reproves and chastens us, it is evidence that we are His children (Hebrews 12), and true evidence of His love for us. However, there will come a time, for those who insist on hardening their hearts and being stiff-necked, that God says, "Enough is enough!" That is when painful consequences emerge and can potentially destroy our life and testimony for Christ. Even worse is the tragedy of one who refuses to acknowledge, and rejects, the offer being made by God, in Christ, life eternal. Romans 1 clearly tells us what the tragic results are of hardening our hearts, to the point where God finally gives man over to their own corrupt thinking and way of life. The ultimate tragedy is that of one whose end is death, with no possibility of ever having eternal life; and instead perishing for all of eternity. My brothers and sisters, we may not be in danger of eternal punishment, because we already have Jesus, but we are not exempt from painful and regrettable consequences, when we refuse to repent and confess those sins we hold on to as "pet sins". A time will come when God will correct His children, even if it means that the consequences of such rebellion, and refusal to listen to God's chastening, lead to a lifetime of pain, while we are still here on earth. So, if God is dealing with us at this moment, and trying to get us to see that He loves us, by chastening us, we must not harden our hearts. The enemy is silently waiting for the opportunity to bring destruction into our lives; and although it is not God who is the enemy, He will allow consequences to come if we become stiff-necked. Turn before it is too late!
Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 7:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).