Verse of the day: Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good
courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your
God is with you wherever you go.”
If God
has commanded something, can anyone override it? Simply put, “No.” There is no
one that is greater or more powerful than our God. Even Satan who is our greatest
foe is no match for our God (1 Jn 4:4). Yet, we often approach our service to
God, and the promises He makes to us, as if someone can thwart God’s will and
plan in our lives. We allow fear of the unknown, and fear of how we perceive
those who oppose us, to hinder our ability to move forward and accomplish that
which God has called us to. The end result is that we miss out on great
blessings that God has in store for us. The Israelites missed out on a great
blessing, and as a result wandered in the wilderness for forty years, because
they lacked faith, and trusted what they saw over who God is, and what He had
promised them (Deut 1:19-45). The Promise Land was already theirs because God
had given it to them long before they were sent in to take possession of it; a
land promised to Abraham & his descendants (Gen 12:1-3). We, like the
Israelites can miss out on great blessings when we allow fear to dictate
whether or not to follow through on God’s commands. God promised, if He is for
us, who can be against us (Rm 8:31)? A promise was made to Israel that is a
truth we can also live by, that no weapon formed against us, as His children,
will prosper (Is 54:17). Here we see
that God is giving Joshua a second chance to enter the Promise Land, both he and
Caleb were the only two who were ready, the first time around, to charge forward
and take the land God had promised. They were the only two with enough faith to
override what their eyes saw in respect to those that already occupied the land
(Num 13). The same promise that God made to Joshua here about the Lord being
with him wherever he goes, is the same promise made to us in Hebrews 13:5-6, “I
will never leave you nor forsake you.” “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear.
What can man do to me?” So, what is it that keeps us from sharing
the Gospel we have been commanded to share? What keeps us from serving Him
within our local churches? What keeps us from giving to, and helping, others,
by faith, when God commands us to, and promises to take care of our every need?
Are we allowing the “giants” in our lives to make our God seem small in our own
eyes? Our God is God of gods, and Lord of lords; there is no one greater (Deut
10:17). Serving God will not be without its challenges. When God commanded the
Israelites to take the Promise Land, they still had to work to possess it. They
still had to confront the opposition of those who already occupied it. It is no
different today in our service to the Lord. He gives us our marching orders and
as we move forward, we must not forget that we have an enemy that will oppose
us (1 Pt 5:8-9). We have a world that opposes the things of God (Jn 15:18-25),
and we have our own struggles and temptations that we must often face (Mt
26:41). However, regardless of whatever challenges we face in our service to
God in ministry or in our personal, every day, lives, we have a God is bigger,
greater, and who reminds us to be of good courage, nor be dismayed, for He is
with us wherever we go (Mt 28:19-20).
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