Verse of the day: Joshua 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
How do we define success? Sadly, too many born again believers still determine what success is, using the world's measuring stick. For this reason many have ruined their testimony, and have shipwrecked their faith (Prov 11:28;1 Tim6:9). Please do not misunderstand me. The Lord does allow some of His children to be rich in the material things of this world, but there are many who chase after it, resulting in material things and money become their gods; and we know that it is impossible to serve both God and money (Matt 6:24). There are those who go to the extreme, and say that money is the root of all evil (I have even heard Christians quote this as being scriptural). However, money is not evil, it is a necessity. It is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. 1 Tim 6:10 tells us that the love of money has been the source of many sorrows for those who love and covet it. What I am saying is that success before God has nothing to do with "who dies with the most toys". Success before God has more to do with who we become in Christ, how well we obeyed Him and His Word, and how faithfully we serve Him, by faith (Ps 37:16). There are many who have gone on into eternity with little or no earthly riches, but have gone to receive great riches that will last into eternity, where thief cannot steal or moth and rust cannot corrupt (Matt 6:20). It would do us well, as God's children, to be mindful of what the LORD said to Joshua in this verse (and chapter) when he was chosen to step in, and lead the Israelites, after the death of Moses. In this verse He tells Joshua that he will be prosperous if His Word is constantly on his lips, and he meditates on it day and night. Why? So that he will be careful to obey it. This is what the LORD says will lead to prosperity and wisdom. Now, let us not get all worked up or derailed about the word prosperity. There are too many today teaching falsely in respect to riches and prosperity. Being successful by the world's standard is not the same as being successful by God's standard. Just because a person gains the things of this world, it does not mean that they are spiritually mature or that they have a close intimate relationship with God. All too often it is the pursuit of the world's riches that draws people, even God's people, away from the Lord (Prov 10:2; Prov 11:4). Success before God has more to do with pursuing holiness, and righteousness; 1 Tim 6:10-11 (which can be obtained in Christ), rather than chasing after worldly treasures which are fleeting. What is greater than this world's riches? A good name (our reputation), humility, and the fear of the LORD (Prov 22:1 & 4). People, including Christians, will do whatever it takes to gain this world's treasures. They will cheat, lie, and destroy others, just to gain fleeting riches that cannot be taken with us when we die (1 Tim 6:7). Yet when it come to serving God, and being bold for the sake of the Gospel, too many shy away, and become silent, and just go along with the crowd. In verse 7 and 9 of this chapter God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous. Why? Because when we strive to be successful in the eyes of God, by His standard, being obedient to His Word, and ways, we will face all kinds of opposition, even from those who identify themselves as our brothers and sisters in Christ. We must not fear being kind, loving others, and doing what is right, when everyone else says we should give someone a piece of our mind, ignore another's needs (look out for #1), or cut a corner here or there. It takes courage, and the fear of God, for us to stand up for what we believe in, and live in a way that will be rewarded when we finally give account to our Lord and Savior. The bottom line is that our focus should be on the things of God, and He will take care of whatever our needs are, and may even allow us to gain more than we expect or deserve (Matt 6:25-34).
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