Verse of the day: Philippians 3:17 Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern.
What kind of example are we setting for others, whether in the church or without? We are going to be one of two types of Christians; the first is the one who does his/her best to live life for the Lord, and the other is the vain, and worldly, professing Christian who lives for the world and what it has to offer (Phil 3:18). Brothers and sisters, as true born again believers, we need to be the type of Christian that seeks after God, lives for the Lord, and sets an example that can be followed. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, the Apostle Paul tells the church to imitate him, as he is an imitator of Jesus. He was not seeking a following for himself, but was desiring that others would imitate Jesus, as he was a living example of what that looked like. We know that we fall short of God’s glory (Rm 3:23), and Jesus is the Glory of the Father (John 1:14). That being said, our primary Example for how we should live for God, and treat others, is Jesus. However, each of us, as we live for the Lord, can be a living example of what that looks like. That means that we need to take extra care in respect to our attitude, our words, our actions, and our deeds. We are ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor 5:20). We are called to be salt and light in this dark world (Matt 5:13-16). In this chapter of Philippians, we are reminded that we are citizens of Heaven (v. 20), and that the end of those that choose to follow the ways of the world is destruction. There are many Christians who have gone after the riches, and offerings, of this world, who have ultimately destroyed their own lives, and their families in the process (1 Tim 6:10). In some cases the Lord has allowed their downfall in order to get them refocused on Him. Let us today not wait until we get to that place; instead, let us cherish an intimate, and obedient, life with Christ, and be the living example that He wants us to be, so that others will be drawn to Him, as we lift Him up in our lives.
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