Verse of the day: Colossians 4:5-6 Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. 6 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer each one.
Some of us have heard the saying that "we are the only Bible some will ever read." In many instances, that is true. However, I find that often, as Christians, we are more careful about our behavior, and language, when we are in church with other believers, than when we are in public, or at work, with unbelievers. These versus are a good reminder for us that we need to use godly wisdom in dealing with the unsaved. "Them that are without" are those that have not professed Jesus as Savior. We are Christ's ambassadors (2 Cor 5:20). We are called to be light and salt on the earth (Matt 5:13-14). This means that our attitude, and behavior, should mirror that of our Lord and Savior. That means that our level of morality, and integrity, should be higher that what the world says is acceptable. It means that we measure our life by the truth of God's Word, and not by what the world says is "okay". We can be all thing to all men without compromising who we are in Jesus (1 Cor 9:19-23). In the world, the unsaved person cares nothing for how many verses we have committed to memory or how much doctrine we know. These things are great for our own personal growth in Jesus, but if we are not living godly lives, and treating others with the same love, kindness, compassion, and patience, as Jesus, being separate from the world's ways, we will be as hypocrites before those we are supposed to be winning to Christ. We cannot be known for being dishonest, mean-spirited, and speaking with foul language constantly, and expect the unsaved people around us to want to hear about our faith, and about our Lord Jesus. We cannot dismiss those who need our help or be a person of poor work ethic, and then expect the people who needed us or the unsaved that work with us to want to readily hear about our Righteous and Holy God. We cannot offer others something we claim is life changing when our lives looks no different than theirs. We must be a people who are known for getting things done, and done with honesty, and integrity. We must be known for our kindness, and language that is laced with grace, being polite, and well-mannered; not rude or discourteous. As salt improves the flavor of the food it is added to, so our presence should add flavor to the situation or conversation we are involved in. When a Christian behaves as he/she ought to, there will be no need to announce that we are different, for those around us will take notice of the difference (some will welcome it, while others will oppose it because it will expose their own dishonesty, immorality, and corruption). Nonetheless, we are called to live holy before God. When we take extra measure to do this, the Lord will certainly open doors of opportunities for us to share the Gospel message without hypocrisy. For this reason we must also always be ready to give and answer for what we believe and why we live as we do, as followers of Jesus Christ. Aside from speaking the Gospel, our life may be the only gospel others have ever seen, or ever will. Make it count for Jesus!
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