Saturday, October 22, 2016

There is always an opportunity...

Verse of the day: Galatians 6:10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

How often is "as we have opportunity"? "As often as we can"; not "as often as we think". There is a difference. God will quite often provide us with more opportunities to do good than we are really willing to perform. Why? Because we allow certain factors to keep us from taking advantage of those opportunities. Such as, we may not l...ike the person. The timing may be inconvenient for our agenda at the moment. Maybe that person is the type of person who won't be able or may not want to return the favor. It could be that they are ungrateful. Maybe it's the last bit of whatever it is we have, and we might need it for ourself later. Whatever the reason, we sometimes find some way to convince ourself that we should hold back. Well, God tells us that we are to do good every chance we get, especially if it involves another born again believer. Even if we don't like them or get along with them. Yes, sadly, there are Christians that do not get along or like each other. Nonetheless, Jesus did tell us that the world will know that we belong to Him by the way we love each other. We are called to do good to others regardless of whether or not they are capable or even desire to do the same for us. Jesus was selfless in how He ministered, and healed, others. He even died for those who still reject Him even today. He expects the same from us, especially when it comes to the family of God. We are called to sacrifice for the sake of others, and even told to do good to those who do evil to us. We are to love, and pray for, our enemies, and those who use us. Yes, that is correct. We are to do good, even in moments when it is contrary to what our flesh desires. Let us take up our cross today. Let us sacrifice self to do good to others. Let us purposely seek out opportunities to do good, especially if the recipient is a brother/sister in Christ.

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