Verse of the day: Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
In its context this verse reminds us that we ought to seriously stop, and consider, how we handle another brother/sister in Christ when they have stumbled in their walk with Jesus. If the Lord allows us to find out about another's sin, we are called to restore them (v.1). Did you catch that? I didn't say judge them, or condemn them. I said, restore them. There is a process by which we are to approach the sinning believer with humility, only after we have examined ourself, and realized that we too are sinners saved by grace. When we come to that realization, we are then to approach with a mindset to help, and to find a way to restore him/her, and help carry the burden of their failure; maybe through accountability or Bible study, together. We, as born again believer's would have greater success in our walk if we learned to encourage each other, rather than cut each other down, when we fall victim to sin, and our own flesh. This is not to say that we not call sin what it is. However, the Word of God is clear that the wrath of man does nothing, zero, to promote the righteousness of God. Yet, that seems to be the preferred method of believers when dealing with others that stumble in their walk. We are called to approach with a mindset of restoration, done in love (fulfilling the law of Christ), as pointed out in this verse. Verse 5 of this chapter ties this idea together nicely, as it reminds us that we too have our own burden to carry. It is supposed to serve as a reminder that we are not perfect, and just as our neighbor has their burden, we too have ours, and should be the last person to condemn or turn our back on someone else. For the day may, more than likely, come when we too will need help carrying our burden. The verses in this chapter (which would do us all well to read) are a reminder of our need for unity in the body of Christ, and how much we really need each other. Just as we are called to confess to one another, we are called to help one another, especially during our times of personal struggles. If we did this, we would have the opportunities (as stated in verse 10) to do good unto all men, especially those belonging to God's family. We would have less born again believer's who feel lonely, and abandoned, by the brethren. We would have believer's that would stand together, and not be afraid to confess their faults, their sins, knowing that instead of being received with a judgmental attitude, they'll be received in love, and with an attitude of restoration. The bottom line being that our enemy, the devils, would no longer be able to keep us in isolation, hiding our sin, and being silently, and privately, tormented, until we quietly fade away. Ever stop and wonder if that brother or sister we haven't seen or heard from in a while hasn't been seen because they are struggling with something they are too ashamed to talk about; mainly because of how it'll be received or how they will be treated? We are called to not just call sin what it is, but we are also called to love, restore, and strengthen one another, just as Christ does for each, and every single, one of us.
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