Monday, October 31, 2016
The Best Way; The Perfect Way; God's Way.
Be of Good Cheer!
Why do you follow?
God tells us in His Word, that whosoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans). So, if we call upon Jesus, and receive Him, by faith, we will be saved. If that is what these people in Jerusalem did, why did He not commit Himself to them? Simple. If we read carefully, we will see that their motives were not pure. They were not sincere in their belief. They believed, not by faith, but because of what they saw Him do. Their desire to follow Jesus was selfishly motivated. Jesus knew their hearts, and therefore did not commit Himself to them. It is easy to fool others into thinking that we have a relationship with Jesus that is pure. However, He knows ours hearts, and its intentions. He knows if we are truly born again, and following Him simply because we believe He is Savior and Lord. He also knows when we are just playing "Christian". The truth of the matter is that one way or another our motives will show eventually. When things go wrong, and life seems to go bad, a superficial relationship will reveal itself because the person will walk away from God. On the flip side, there are those who will walk away once they receive whatever it was they were seeking; such as healing from a sickness, a new job or promotion, etc. So today I ask you, "Why are you following Jesus?" Are you following Him just because He is Jesus or because you are looking for Him to do something for you? Will you still follow Him, even if He doesn't give you what you are looking for? Every day we must examine ourself, and ask God to show us what is in our hearts, so that we can make sure we are following Jesus with the right intentions, and motives. He died for us, to give us eternal life. If He chooses to give us nothing else, He has given us more than we deserve. So, if that was all we gained, would we still follow Him? If He did not give us any of the earthly things we sometimes pursue, would we still seek Him? I pray that following Him, for us, would be as unconditional as His love is for us. Remember, He sees beyond what we appear to be on the outside. He sees the heart.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Give God the Eraser
Unforgotten Reward
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Loving Rebuke
The Christian Zombie
Friday, October 28, 2016
Joy Restored
We'll Never Stay Down
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
How many of us enjoy losing a fight? Not sure about you, but I like to win. However, in order to win, it means I may have to take a few hits, as the opponent may not be easy to defeat. If I expect to have victory I need to know what my enemy's weakness is. More importantly, I need to recognize my own weakness. This is why it is of utmost importance for us, as born again believers, to recognize that our enemy, which is not flesh & blood, is stronger than we are, and we are weak, because of sin, and because of the desires of our flesh. Now, our enemies do have a weakness, and that weakness is their inability to stand against God. We are told that the devils believe that God exists (because they have seen Him), but they tremble, because they know His power. The Word of God tells us that if we resist the devil, he will flee. Well, how do we resist him? We put on the spiritual armor that is described for us in this chapter (I strongly suggest you read it, and commit it to memory). This Armor describes, and is, Jesus Christ. We must put off the old us, and put on the new, which is Christ. When we do that, we draw near to God, and God draws near to us. As we live a life of obedience, drawing strength from the Holy Spirit, and doing good (which takes tremendous strength, because we are strongly drawn toward the desire to do according to the lusts of our flesh), the result will be that the devils will flee from us because they know that a Christian who is obedient to God, and His Word, becomes unpredictable. They realize that they are, in fact, fighting against God, whom they fear, and will stand down; not because they are afraid of us, but because they know they can never defeat the Lord. Christian, today, pray, put on the armor of God, and stand not in your own strength, but in the strength of the Lord, and in the power of HIS might. Remember, if God be for us, who can be against us. No one! The enemy may knock us down, but the strength we have in Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, will enable us to get back up, and into the fight, so that in Christ we may have the ultimate victory.
Real Sacrifice
In His Presence
Psalm 16:8 I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
Can we say that we are always mindful of God's presence? If so, does our behavior reflect it? Whether in public, private, by day or by night, God is present. Does our life reflect that confidence, and reverence? Having someone at our right hand is having someone by us in a position of honor, and respect. It also means having someone by our side who will protect us. Do our words, attitude, actions, and deeds demonstrate to others that we honor, respect, and fear God? Does our confidence (in humility) communicate that we do not fear man or life itself, because we have, and serve, a God who is bigger than life itself? Do we stand firm in our beliefs, and do what is good, regardless of the persecution, and criticism, knowing that God will handle the consequences, and outcome, of truly following Him, and obeying Him? This is the kind of confidence, honor, and respect, King David was talking about when He wrote these words. Let us who call ourself Christian (born again believer) be purposely mindful of God's presence today. Let us not forget that His eyes are on us, and that He is always with us to not only guide us, but to also protect us. We are His ambassadors, His representatives. Let us represent Him with honor, respect, humility, and confidence, regardless of what others say about us as a result.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Short-term Prosperity
Most Valued Treasure
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
The Fool Is Always Right...
Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise.
Have you met a person, or are you a person, who has to always have the final word on just about everything? You know the type. They are never wrong. Their way is always the right way. He/she refuses to listen to other people's advise, because, well, no one else can come up with a better way or idea? The Word of God calls that person a fool. A fool will use whatever means seems right in their own eyes to resolve a situation, regardless of what that might be. Sadly, there are too many Christians who operate this way. A child of God, a born again believer, should not be known as such. The wisest path for us to take, as God's people, is to seek out wise counsel. Do we have to heed to every piece of advice? No. However, we must recognize that we are not always right, and that there are other people that God has placed in our life that may be older and wiser or younger and wiser, who seek God, and have godly insight that we can benefit from. We may have the right answer in certain occasions, but we are human, and flawed. Too often we allow our pride to guide us, and drive us, only to end up having to deal with consequences that could have been avoided. The fact of the matter is that we ought to seek God's direction (prayer and the Bible), and any advice we receive should be filtered thru God's Word to be sure the advice is godly. The world always has an answer, but it is usually the wrong answer. God's ways are always right, and we ought to be people who seek godly advice, and be known as a person who gives godly advice. Anything short of that is foolish. So whatever the situation, let us put our pride aside, and prayerfully seek our Lord's guidance; for the Holy Spirit will never let us down, if we truly stop, listen, and obey, and realize that they are others who are also intimately connected to God, and His ways.
Everlasting Word
Fear of God
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Desert of Despair
Come and See
Would you like Bread with that?
Verse of the day: John 6:35 And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.
What is a good meal without good bread to tie it together? I cannot even imagine having a good pasta dish without bread. A cup of hot coffee without a buttered roll (like I had so many times growing up). Point being that there are many meals that are not completely unless you have some good bread to go with it. This what I think of when I think of the Bread of Life. Life without Jesus (the Bread of life) is not life at all. Both in this instance, and in chapter 4 (the Samaritan woman), those who sought the bread, and water, Jesus offered, only wanted it to satisfy an earthly, and selfish desire; when what He was offering them was the true Bread, and Water, that is eternal, Jesus Himself. Jesus made this statement, calling the people out on their selfish reasons for following Him. In chapter 2 of John, many followed, but only because they saw the miracles. In chapter 4, the Samaritan woman desired the water so that she wouldn't have to return to the well (avoiding others, because of her reputation), and here in chapter 6 Jesus had just recently fed the multitude using just a few loaves & fish. Sadly, too many today follow Jesus for the wrong reasons. Selfish reasons. Just like a good piece of bread completes a meal, Jesus is the only One who can complete life. When we eat of the Bread of life, and truly commit our life to Him, we will no longer hunger or thirst for the empty things this world offers (the empty calories). When we labor, by reading, studying, and serving Jesus faithfully, we will always be satisfied with whatever He chooses for our life. The Bread of life gives us just that, life, and life more abundantly. What are you hungering, and thirsting, after? If it is anything or anyone other than Jesus, then this one thing I know for sure; you are starving yourself. Eat of the only Bread that is truly satisfying, and you'll never hunger for anything or anyone else; and just like the feeding of the multitude, there is as much Bread as we want, and for as many as come to Him. So let's not be afraid or bashful to share this Bread with as many others as we can.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Threaten me with Heavenly Reward
Carry One Another's Burden
Verse of the day: Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
In its context this verse reminds us that we ought to seriously stop, and consider, how we handle another brother/sister in Christ when they have stumbled in their walk with Jesus. If the Lord allows us to find out about another's sin, we are called to restore them (v.1). Did you catch that? I didn't say judge them, or condemn them. I said, restore them. There is a process by which we are to approach the sinning believer with humility, only after we have examined ourself, and realized that we too are sinners saved by grace. When we come to that realization, we are then to approach with a mindset to help, and to find a way to restore him/her, and help carry the burden of their failure; maybe through accountability or Bible study, together. We, as born again believer's would have greater success in our walk if we learned to encourage each other, rather than cut each other down, when we fall victim to sin, and our own flesh. This is not to say that we not call sin what it is. However, the Word of God is clear that the wrath of man does nothing, zero, to promote the righteousness of God. Yet, that seems to be the preferred method of believers when dealing with others that stumble in their walk. We are called to approach with a mindset of restoration, done in love (fulfilling the law of Christ), as pointed out in this verse. Verse 5 of this chapter ties this idea together nicely, as it reminds us that we too have our own burden to carry. It is supposed to serve as a reminder that we are not perfect, and just as our neighbor has their burden, we too have ours, and should be the last person to condemn or turn our back on someone else. For the day may, more than likely, come when we too will need help carrying our burden. The verses in this chapter (which would do us all well to read) are a reminder of our need for unity in the body of Christ, and how much we really need each other. Just as we are called to confess to one another, we are called to help one another, especially during our times of personal struggles. If we did this, we would have the opportunities (as stated in verse 10) to do good unto all men, especially those belonging to God's family. We would have less born again believer's who feel lonely, and abandoned, by the brethren. We would have believer's that would stand together, and not be afraid to confess their faults, their sins, knowing that instead of being received with a judgmental attitude, they'll be received in love, and with an attitude of restoration. The bottom line being that our enemy, the devils, would no longer be able to keep us in isolation, hiding our sin, and being silently, and privately, tormented, until we quietly fade away. Ever stop and wonder if that brother or sister we haven't seen or heard from in a while hasn't been seen because they are struggling with something they are too ashamed to talk about; mainly because of how it'll be received or how they will be treated? We are called to not just call sin what it is, but we are also called to love, restore, and strengthen one another, just as Christ does for each, and every single, one of us.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Live Free!
Saturday, October 22, 2016
There is always an opportunity...
How often is "as we have opportunity"? "As often as we can"; not "as often as we think". There is a difference. God will quite often provide us with more opportunities to do good than we are really willing to perform. Why? Because we allow certain factors to keep us from taking advantage of those opportunities. Such as, we may not l...ike the person. The timing may be inconvenient for our agenda at the moment. Maybe that person is the type of person who won't be able or may not want to return the favor. It could be that they are ungrateful. Maybe it's the last bit of whatever it is we have, and we might need it for ourself later. Whatever the reason, we sometimes find some way to convince ourself that we should hold back. Well, God tells us that we are to do good every chance we get, especially if it involves another born again believer. Even if we don't like them or get along with them. Yes, sadly, there are Christians that do not get along or like each other. Nonetheless, Jesus did tell us that the world will know that we belong to Him by the way we love each other. We are called to do good to others regardless of whether or not they are capable or even desire to do the same for us. Jesus was selfless in how He ministered, and healed, others. He even died for those who still reject Him even today. He expects the same from us, especially when it comes to the family of God. We are called to sacrifice for the sake of others, and even told to do good to those who do evil to us. We are to love, and pray for, our enemies, and those who use us. Yes, that is correct. We are to do good, even in moments when it is contrary to what our flesh desires. Let us take up our cross today. Let us sacrifice self to do good to others. Let us purposely seek out opportunities to do good, especially if the recipient is a brother/sister in Christ.