Verse of the day: Joshua 21:45 Not a word failed of any good thing which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.
The one thing that all of us can say with certainty is that nothing in this world is certain. As society becomes more and more corrupt, it becomes more and more obvious that there are very few things, or people, we can truly rely on. As Christians, as sad as it may sound, today we cannot even trust many of our brothers and sister in Christ to keep their word or be faithful friends. Nonetheless, that does not remove the responsibility we personally have to be faithful followers of Christ, who are true to their word and faithful in our relationships, especially our relationship with God. Many Christians have even forsaken the church, and their walk with the Lord, because of the unfaithfulness of other believers. I have to ask, “Who are we following, Christ or other Christians?” “Who is the One who promised that He would always be faithful?” “Who is the One whose Word can ALWAYS be trusted?” It is God. Joshua had been through more than many of us will experience in this lifetime, in our walk with God. He was one of the original men who spied the land initially, and brought back a positive report, along with Caleb (Numbers 13). They suffered the consequences of Israel’s unbelief and lack of faith in God delivering the Promise Land into their hands (Numbers 14). Although both Joshua and Caleb had to suffer the consequences of everyone else’s unbelief, neither one turned their back on God because of man’s unfaithfulness or lack of trust. They continued to be committed to God because they knew and trusted that regardless of man’s shortcomings God is always faithful and true to His word and promises. Joshua proved his trust in God by being a faithful servant to God by faithfully serving with Moses (Exodus 24; Deuteronomy 31). Joshua’s faithfulness paid off, as the Lord chose him to lead in Moses’ place after his death (Joshua 1). It would have been very easy for Joshua to complain about having to wander for 40 years because of the faithlessness of his people. He could have gotten discouraged, forsaken God and Moses, and blamed it on his fellow Israelites. Instead, he chose to keep his eyes on the One who NEVER fails us. He trusted the One whose Word never goes unfulfilled. When all was “said and done”, and all of Israel received the land that God promised to give them, we are told that not a single word failed in respect to God’s promise to all of Israel. Who, or what, are we putting our trust in today? Are we discouraged because other Christians have let us down? Have we distanced ourselves from fellowship with the local church, and chosen not to serve God because of something someone failed to follow through on, or did, that made them look hypocritical? Well, I have news for us; we all do that at some point in our walk. Whether or not we continue to faithfully follow the Lord after someone has failed us will show who we have our eyes on; man who is bound to fail at some point (including us), or God, whose Word never fails us.
Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive Him and His gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).
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