Monday, November 6, 2017

How Is Our Test Going So Far?

Verse of the day: Genesis 41:1 Then it came to pass, at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh had a dream; and behold, he stood by the river.

We saw yesterday that Joseph’s request to Pharaoh’s butler to remember him, once he was reinstated, was forgotten. We were reminded that no matter what we do to try and escape our circumstances, it will not come to pass until God is ready for us to move forward to what He desires to accomplish in us, and through us. God allowed Joseph to sit in prison for another couple of years before He gave Pharaoh the dreams regarding the famine that was to come. We read nowhere that Joseph received a fair trial at any point during his imprisonment, and simply had to endure being unjustifiably imprisoned without being tried. What he, Joseph, may not have known was that God was trying, or testing, him. Psalm 105:19 reads, in respect to Joseph’s sufferings, “Until the time that his word came: the Word of the Lord tried him.” The word “tried” used here is significant in that God tested Joseph as a Refiner. In other words, God was turning up the heat in order to purify Joseph, in preparation for the task ahead. I have explained, in the past, that the refiner turns up the heat while purifying precious metals, and continues to turn up the heat until the impurities come to the surface. If he turns up the heat too high, he ruins the metals. In order to avoid that, the refiner carefully monitors the level of the heat. When he is done, he pulls the metal and polishes it until he sees his reflection. This is what God was doing with Joseph in trying his faith and patience. There will be times in our lives that we, as God’s children, will be allowed to go through difficult tests where it seems like God is doing nothing. God may very well be trying our faith and patience. Like the Refiner, He is attentively monitoring our life, the circumstances, our faith, and our level of patience. He will continue to turn up the heat until our impurities surface. The result will be that He will begin to see more and more of Jesus, and less of us (and so will everyone else). Here now, Joseph is given an opportunity to use his God-given ability to finally come before Pharaoh, who would have the power, humanly speaking, to finally set him free and promote him to second in command of Egypt. The reality of the situation is that it was not by Pharaoh’s power that Joseph was freed, but it was God who finally tried and freed Joseph using the power that gave him the ability to translate the butler’s, baker’s, and Pharaoh’s dreams. What God allows us to experience in the midst of difficulties, and the good that we do in the midst of it all, will be used by God to move us toward the future tasks He will enable us to accomplish in His Name. Again, I encourage you to trust God, and patiently wait on Him to see you through whatever it is that He is allowing in your life today. It is the results of this very test that God will use for your good, and His glory, in the future, should He tarry (Romans 8:28-29).

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive Him and His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

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