of the day: Genesis 24:2-3 So
Abraham said to the oldest servant of his house, who ruled over all that he
had, “Please, put your hand under my thigh, 3 and I will make you swear
by the Lord, the God of heaven
and the God of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son from the
daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell;
By this time
in Abraham’s life, Sarah has passed away, and now he is looking out for the
well-being of his son Isaac. Verse 1 tells us that Abraham was very old, and
the Lord had blessed him in all things. Abraham now charges his servant with
the duty of finding Isaac a wife. However, Abraham does not just charge him
with finding Isaac just any wife, but one of from within his own family, in
keeping with what God wanted as far as not intermingling with idolatrous
cultures. We saw the results of going down that path with Lot and his wife. We
see from Abraham’s actions that he was careful to guide his son in a way that
would be pleasing to the Lord. It is of utmost importance that we guide our
children in the ways of God; for this reason it is very important that we live
our lives as living examples for our children. This does not mean that we will
not make mistakes, and believe me, when we do, they may be one of the first
ones to point it out when we try to lead them down a godly path. However, I can
say from personal experience, “Do not give up!” I praise God that today, in spite
of some of my mistakes, and sinful choices, God has been gracious and merciful
in allowing me to still have an opportunity to be an influence on my children,
spiritually speaking. The Word of God is very clear that God expects us to
teach our children, and even hold them accountable, even as adults. Proverbs
22:6 tells us to train up our children in the way they should go, and when they
are older, they will not depart from it. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 tells us to love our
God with all our heart, soul, and strength, taking to heart the words God
speaks to us, and teaching them to our children. In Deuteronomy 4 we are
reminded to teach our children, and remind them of what God does in our lives. In
1 Samuel 2:27-36, God held Eli, the priest, accountable for not intervening in
his sons’ sinful behavior, honoring them over God. Regardless of our past
mistakes or imperfections, we, as born again believers, are still accountable
for correcting and advising our children when they are living in opposition to
God’s Word. We are responsible for leading them to Christ, teaching them,
guiding them, and being the example for them. As long as we have done that,
they will be accountable for how they receive it, and what they do with it. Using
us, and our mistakes, or choices, as an excuse to not live for the Lord will
not hold any weight when they stand before God themselves, especially if we
have done all we can to teach them the ways of God. Abraham took the steps
necessary to ensure that Isaac would not wander from God’s desire that His people
not intermingle with those that would lead him away from the Lord. Once again,
we see a clear example of the importance of Christians not being unequally
yoked to those that do not believe as we do. One of the saddest results of
being unequally yoked, that we do not think about, is what happens to the
children we bare in an environment where one parent is not a believer, and does
not want the children to be brought up in the ways of God. There is nothing
that the devil loves more than leading us into situations that keep us from
leading our families in the ways of God. Those who are still single, or who are
married but do not have children yet, may think that this does not apply to them,
but if you are born again believers; then yes, it does apply, because there is
much wisdom in thinking about these things, and praying about them, long before
we begin to bring children into a dark world. May we do all that we can to be
an example, and teach our children what they need to know so that they too can
have their own intimate relationship with the One who can lead them, protect
them, and provide for them, much better than we ever could. When we lead them
into the arms, and under the care of, God, we lead them to the best place they
can be in life.
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