Verse of the day: Proverbs 27:2 Let another man praise
you, and not your own mouth; A stranger, and not your own lips.
12:3 tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think. It
is much too easy for us, as human beings, with a sinful nature, to have a
warped sense of who we are or what we are accomplishing. Our accomplishments,
and self-importance, can be seriously distorted if our measure is the world’s
standard or if our goals are selfish. For us, the born again believer, our
goals should be selfless and aimed at glorifying God, not self. When we begin to
set goals, and accomplish those, that are self-gratifying and bring glory to us,
we become vain in our thinking. When we begin to pat ourselves on the back, we
set ourselves up to be filled with pride which will eventually end in our own downfall
(Prv 16:18). When we see ourselves as more important than we are, we set
ourselves up to be humbled, possibly in a publicly humiliating fashion (Lk
14:9-11). As God’s children, our testimony, the way we live for Christ, is what
should elevate us before others. Although we may be persecuted for what we
believe, and how we live, because the world hated Jesus and will hate us (Jn
15:18-20); there will be times when others will praise us for our honesty,
diligence, and good works. In Matthew 5:16, we are told to let our light shine
before men, that our good deeds may be seen and God be glorified in heaven. The
bottom line is that God will resist the proud and give grace to the humble. If
we submit humbly to Him, He will exalt us in due time (1 Pt 5:5-6). We must not
allow our earthly status or how much wealth we possess determine our
self-worth. It is our godly reputation and righteous character that should
speak loudly before others. If this is so, then others will even defend your
name when you are falsely accused or your name defamed before others. There is
greater value, before God, when our praise comes from the lips of others, than
when we self-praise; especially if the praise is the result of godly character.
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